
  • 网络The Idea of Justice
  1. 我们认为环境法的伦理理念是可持续发展理念、尊重生态规律的理念和正义的理念。

    In our opinion , the ethical ideas of environmental law are the idea of sustainable development , the idea of valuing the ecological rules and the idea of justice .

  2. 公平正义的理念与政府公共职能的配置

    Idea of Fairness and Justice and Functional Allocation of Government Public Relations

  3. 首先要确立税收正义的理念与精神。

    Firstly , establish the concept and spirit of the tax justice .

  4. 警务公开将公平与正义的理念引入到了警察价值和警察意识之中,这是一项历史的进步。

    Publicity of policing introduces the equality and justice to police value and consciousness .

  5. 解决农村环境问题有以下建议:一是确立生态正义的理念。

    Some advice is as follows : First , set up the idea of ecological justice .

  6. 在环境保护的实践中和深层次的思考过程中,逐渐形成了环境正义的理念,这是对社会强势群体和弱势群体不公平的环境权利和环境义务的实质反映。

    During the practice of environmental protection and the deep thought of the problem , environmental Justice Theory is formed .

  7. 司法正义的理念溯源于权力制衡理论、自然正义观念与正当程序实践。

    The concept of judicial justice can trace to theory of power limitation , perception of natural justice and practice of due process .

  8. 过失相抵制度旨在平衡受害人和加害人之间的利益,在公平正义的理念下,体现出对特殊群体利益的关注。

    Negligence offset system aims to balance the interests of the victim and injures , between in the sense of justice , reflects the concern for special interest group .

  9. 刑事诉讼公平与正义的理念不仅体现在审判程序中,而且体现在审判前的侦查与起诉的过程之中。

    The ideal of fairness and justice of criminal procedure is not only embodied in the judicial procedure , but also embodied in the pre-trial process of investigation and prosecution .

  10. 立法主体本着公平正义的理念积极介入以保证法律的公正和弱势群体利益的保护。

    Legislative subject is it so as to ensure fairness and protection , disadvantaged groups of interests of law to get involved actively in line with fair idea of justice .

  11. 在处理个人和社会两者之间关系时,正义的理念应该是:公民权利和个人自由的价值是第一位的;

    When dealing with the relationship between individuals and the society , we should bear in mind the concept of justice : the value of civil rights and individual freedom should be in the first place ;

  12. 确立程序正义的理念并以此作为审判方式和司法制度改革的基本理念,才能最终实现法治国的理想。

    Only establish the thought of procedural justice , and as it as the basic logos of the reform to the judge style and the judiciary , we can finally achieve the ideal of legal state .

  13. 这种观点虽然有一定的道理,有助于我国树立程序正义的理念,但是由于脱离了我国的本土环境,在司法实践中难以操作,缺乏可行性。

    This view has some truth to help China to establish the concept of procedural justice . But due to out of our local environment , this view is difficult to operate and lack of feasibility in judicial practice .

  14. 最后,在分析我国进一步修改与完善侦查讯问程序的必要性的基础上,对我国如何按照程序正义的理念推进侦查讯问程序改革的问题进行了初步探讨。

    Finally , our country further revision and perfection of the procedure of investigation and interrogation of the necessary foundation , to our country how to follow the principle of procedural justice to advance the interrogation procedure reform is discussed .

  15. 无论合同纠纷如何复杂与纠结,只要我们秉承公平正义的理念,从以下几个方面入手,一定可合理地予以解决。

    No matter of how is complex and tangled of the contract disputes , as long as we uphold the concept of fairness and justice , and pay attention to the following aspects , it is sure to get a reasonable finding .

  16. 现代法律意识应该要体现法律至上的原则与公平正义的价值理念。

    Modern legal consciousness should embody the " supremacy of law " principle and " justice " values .

  17. 因此,我们有必要在程序正义的价值理念指导下,重构我国的法院调查证据制度。

    So under the guidance of the value of procedural justice , we need reconstruct the system of evidence investigation .

  18. 同时其损害赔偿社会化的功能以及分配正义的价值理念恰好契合了风险社会的价值诉求。

    While its damage values of the function and distribution of social justice happens to fit the value pursuit of risk society .

  19. 侦辩交易符合公平正义的价值理念,它以较小的代价换取对职务犯罪的惩处确保了相对公正的实现。

    Investigation and defense trade fair values of justice , it cost less for the punishment of such crimes to ensure a relatively Justice .

  20. 一是坚持公平、正义的法律理念,对于受害人的利益,在其遭受损害时给予充分的保护。

    First , insist on fairness , justice , legal philosophy , for the interests of the victim suffered damage in its full protection .

  21. 保障城镇弱势群体的基本权利,不仅体现了社会的公平性,更体现了和谐社会的公平正义的价值理念。

    Ensuring the basic rights of urban disadvantaged groups can not only reflecting the social fairness , but also can reflect the value concept of justice of harmonious society .

  22. 不合理分配合同风险等不公于的内容,应对其加以立法规制和行政规制,使其在发挥经济效率的同时符合社会公平、正义的价值理念。

    Therefore , the government should put legislative regulation and administrative regulation to let it play its economic efficiency as well as accord with fair and justice value concept in society .

  23. 财政通过再分配职能来缩小多方面原因造成的城乡、区域、群体、个人之间在基本公共服务上的差距,体现公平正义的发展理念。

    Financial through redistribution functions to narrow the various causes of urban and rural and regional , groups , individuals in basic public services between the gaps , representing the concept of development and justice .

  24. 因此,我们必须树立公平正义的价值理念,以体制创新为保障,以政策调整为关键,以法律规范为基石,依法治国保障公平正义,使之成为社会主义和谐社会的重要支柱。

    So we must establish the idea of fairness and justice guaranteed by system innovation , take policy adjustment as the key and legal regulation as the base , and make it an important role in socialist harmonious society .

  25. 程序正义的基本理念认为,法律程序及法律实施过程是为保障独立于判决结果的程序价值而设计的,其核心和基点在于尊重当事人的尊严、自由和权利。

    According to the basic concept of procedural justice , the proceedings and the law enforcement process is designed for security independent of the procedural value . The core point is to respect the dignity , freedom and rights of the parties .

  26. 在化解社会矛盾、减少社会对抗等方面无疑发挥着重要作用,它体现了以人为本,追求公平正义的法治理念,因此刑事和解在我国是有着良好的发展前景的。

    In resolving social conflicts and reduce social confrontation undoubtedly play an important role , it reflects the people-oriented , the pursuit of the rule of law concept of fairness and justice , it is a criminal settlement in our country has good development prospects .

  27. 城乡公共服均等化在一定程度上体现效率原则,但其阐述城乡居民在享受公共服务上的利益关系,主要体现一种公平正义的发展理念,体现公共服务分配的公平原则。

    To a certain extent , balanced supplying of public services reflects the principle of efficiency , but as it is of the interest the urban and the rural inhabitants enjoying public services , it mainly reflects equity development concept and equity principle of public services distribution .

  28. 从强化区别责任到弱化区别责任的趋势和根源,笔者认为,这种趋势是违背共同但有区别的责任原则的立法目的,违反公平正义的价值理念。

    From the origin and the tendency of the strengthening of the " differential responsibilities " to the weakening of it , I believe that such a tendency goes against the legislative purposes of the doctrine of " common but differentiated responsibilities " and the value proposition of justice .

  29. 正义是首要的理念,处在优先位置,当其他价值与其冲突时,要维护正义。

    Justice is the primary concept , while other values conflict with it , we must maintain justice .

  30. 法理念是法治进化的基础,法治要求正义信仰的法理念。

    Principle of law is the base of law_government evolution , and law_government requires the principle of law justice that just belief .