
  • 网络Reason and Freedom;Rationality and Freedom
  1. 马克思的理性与自由都是一个社会历史性的概念。

    Both Marx 's ' reason ' and ' freedom ' are historical concepts .

  2. 主体性原则的确立肇始于笛卡尔对理性与自由意志的论述。

    The establishment of subjectivity principle was originated from Descartes , who discussed the reason and free will .

  3. 伦理、理性与自由&论自然人的民事能力在商业经营中的基础地位

    Ethic , Reason and Liberty : Civil Capacity of Natural Person and Its Basic Status in Commercial Activity

  4. 回答马克思意识形态批判何以可能?的问题,必须注意此规范基础内含的关于理性与自由之伦理规定的先天价值预设。

    How Marx 's ideological critique is possible is related to the value hypothesis of ' reason ' and ' freedom ' in its normative foundation .

  5. 充分重视理性与自由的作用,文学批评才能在批评理论上兼收并蓄,开创出一片崭新的天地。

    Only with close attention to the function of reason and freedom can literary criticism incorporate theories of diverse nature and open up a new world .

  6. 具体而言,这些两难主要表现为理想与现实、理性与自由、国家与个人、伦理与政治关系上的矛盾和冲突。

    To be exact , these dilemmas are mainly the conflicts between ideality and reality , logos and liberty , state and individual , ethics and politics .

  7. 在这种呈现中,这些差别将揭示基督教思想中的三个主要问题:罪与救赎、理性与信仰、自由意志以及必然性。

    These differences will reveal three major issues of the Christian thoughts : sin and salvation , reason and faith , and free will and necessity .

  8. 理性与本体:康德自由观研究

    Sense and Noumenon : The Research on the Kantian View of Freedom