
  1. 从增长到发展&罗马俱乐部可持续发展思想述评

    From growth to developmet : a review on thoughts of sustainable development of the club of Rome

  2. 从经济增长到经济发展的转变,进而到全面的社会发展,这是人类社会的不断进步。

    The transform from economic growth to economic development , and then to all-round social development is the continuous progress of human society .

  3. 60年来,发展理论经历了从经济增长到经济发展再到经济、社会、人、自然全面协调可持续发展的变迁。

    In the past 60 years , Development theory has evolved through economy growth to economy development and to comprehensive , harmonious and sustainable development .

  4. 对中文期刊网上1994~2005年间发表的关于社会性别研究的346篇文献的量化分析表明;研究文献的数量从高速增长到平稳发展,研究日趋理性;

    According to the quantitative analysis of 346 articles about gender published on " Chinese periodical net " from 1994 to 2005 , it shows that the quantity of research literature is from the high speed growth to steady development , and the research becomes rational day by day ;

  5. 把对经济工作考察的视野从经济增长扩大到经济发展,这符合世界经济发展的一般规律。

    Expanding the field of economic work study from economic growth to economic development accords with the general law of global economic development .

  6. 世界教育改革和发展的趋势显示,从经济增长到人的发展是新世纪的教育必然趋向;

    The tendency of world education reform and development shows that the inevitable educational trend in new century ranges from economic increase to the development of talents ;

  7. 发展观的演变让人们认识到,人类的经济发展观经历了从单纯经济增长到可持续发展,再到以人为本的演变过程。

    The evolution of developing view lets people realize that , the economic development of mankind has experienced a process from a purely economic growth to sustainable development , then to the people-centered development .