
  • 网络Never thought about it;Never could imagine there were only
  1. 雅典人从来没有想过,如果一个人能做他想做的事,他就是自由的。

    The Athenians never thought that a man was free if he could do what he wanted .

  2. 我从来没有想过,幼崽会在地上游荡,在父母的保护下成长壮大。

    I never thought that the young would be hanging out on the ground , growing and gaining strength as its parents guarded it from above .

  3. 老实说,我从来没有想过要把我的犯罪作家身份保密,我的朋友们一直都知道。

    To be honest , I never meant to keep my being a crime writer a secret or anything , and my friends have always known .

  4. 我从来没有想过Fide的家人居然有亲手制造东西的才能。

    It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something .

  5. 我们每天都能看到成千上万的logo,却从来没有想过它们背后又有什么深刻的含义。但是这些看似简单的logo却是人们投入了大量的金钱和心血所创作的,并且有些logo还蕴含着令人难以置信的意义。

    Logos - we see hundreds of them every day . We see them so much that we often don 't even think about them . But years of work and millions of dollars go into even the simplest logos , and sometimes the layers of hidden meanings can be hard to believe .

  6. 我从来没有想过对国家带来任何损害。

    I never wanted any harm to come to this country .

  7. 我从来没有想过会有问题。

    It never crossed my mindthat there would be something wrong .

  8. 在我长大的日子里,我的祖父母就从来没有想过要离婚。

    When I grew up my grandparents never thought of divorce .

  9. 其实,我从来没有想过要做璀璨的花朵。

    In fact , I never thought to do bright flowers .

  10. 有一些事情你们之前可能从来没有想过。

    And here 's something you probably haven 't thought of .

  11. 我甚至从来没有想过以这种公开的形式。

    I didn 't intend for it to be an announcement even .

  12. 我不知道我只是从来没有想过我不能

    I don 't know , I just never thought I couldn 't

  13. 我从来没有想过会再次见到你。

    I never dreamed that I should see you again .

  14. 你就从来没有想过结婚吗?

    Have you ever even been close to getting married ?

  15. 在我认识你之前我从来没有想过这。

    I never thought about it that way until I met you .

  16. 从来没有想过自己会以这种方式死去。

    Never would have guessed this is how I was gonna die .

  17. 我之前从来没有想过新泽西篮网。

    I never thought of before the New Jersey Nets .

  18. 但是我从来没有想过要牺牲无辜的人。

    But I never thought I would sacrifice innocent life .

  19. 我从来没有想过我可以爱任何人,但我自己。

    I never thought I could love anyone but myself .

  20. 还不晚,我们从来没有想过成功。

    It 's too late . we 're never gonna make it .

  21. 我从来没有想过有什么事会发生在我身上。

    I never thought anything would get in my way .

  22. 我从来没有想过自己得一个人撑起一个家。

    I never thought I 'd have to raise a family alone .

  23. 难道你从来没有想过他可能根本不是你的孩子吗

    Have you ever wondered was he really your child at all ?

  24. 我们真的从来没有想过要小狗,但是我们又能做些什么呢?

    We never really wanted her , but what could we have done ?

  25. 爱他们,因为他们给你的感受你从来没有想过,你需要。

    Love them because they give you feelings you never thought you needed .

  26. 我从来没有想过那些被我伤害过的人。

    I never thought about who I was hurting .

  27. 将会有一些您从来没有想过的事情。

    There will be something you never thought about .

  28. 我从来没有想过要换工作。

    I don 't think I 've ever thought about doing another job .

  29. 我们事先从来没有想过后面发生的事情。

    We didn 't plan for anything to happen .

  30. 尽管如此,我真的从来没有想过在音乐行业谋职。

    Despite this I never really considered a career in the music industry .