- The Story of Love;【电影】Povestea dragostei

With the help of a close knit group of publishers and editors , Rowling changed the face of modern literature and created a unifying story that both children and adults across the globe identify with and love deeply .
As the high priestess of family cooking , Jenny Rosenstrach , author of " Dinner : A Love Story " and " Dinner : The Playbook , " aims to bring about conversions in her readers and not just chronicle her own . In the opening to " Dinner : A Love Story ,
And among the most beloved narratives is a good horserace .
The story is about love , after all , Lin explains .
" With the story of love playing softly on her lips . "
He entitled the book " Love Story " .
It was a story of Helen and I , of our faded love .
It is a story of love .
It 's actually a sweet story .
In fact such kinds of love stories also present in the cities we are living in .
We-an international team-helped the children to put together a musical , with a story about hope and love .
Every time the tale of Jane Eyre is told it seems we are hoping to tell it from a place of greater enlightenment
If words could breathe , then this book told of a story of love which is genuine and warm , loving and tender .
Even though there may be loving stories produced upon television or in human movies , the underlying thought-form does not fill the human heart .
Every night , I like reading a love story before I go to bed to melt myself in love and sing its melody to the night .
And if you read the person right , as the boy and girl in the crowded room later discovered , it just might turn into a love story .
This is a story about love . About inscrutable complexity and remarkable simplicity , about the promise of forever . It is about obsession and devotion , and grand gestures .
Had the processing of the newly released spirit proceeded , it is not all a love story , however , as those with issues are also there to greet the soul 's passage .
Though he spoke no words , he might as well have shouted out loud ," Thank you for this child ," or maybe something even more seductive , for these moments revealed an absolute and reverent love story .
I truly believe it is the novelist 's job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories --- stories of life and death , stories of love , stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter .
That 's why it 's possible , as the saying goes , to " read someone like a book . " And if you read the person right , as the boy and girl in the crowded room later discovered , it just might turn into a love story .
My mother didn 't tell you ? It 's her favorite story
" Brokeback Mountain " describes a story of " deeply love " .
I love your stories , okay ?
Set in 1915 Australia , this remarkable saga chronicles the forbidden love between a beautiful , headstrong young girl and a priest .
The film is a gripping story of love and hate .
Alex always tends to embroider his stories a little .
My subconscious mind was weaving a tale of love and loss .
It is a story of love and death !
But a story with love and soul can always touch the heart .