
fù xīn
  • fail to be loyal to one's love;break friendship or love with sb.especially refer to transfer one's love to somebody else;fail one's beloved
负心 [fù xīn]
  • [break friendship or love with sb.especially refer to transfer ones love to somebody else;fail one's beloved] 违背良心;背弃情义

负心[fù xīn]
  1. 她决心向那个负心男人报仇。

    She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had betrayed her .

  2. 例如宝马的全球广告语终极座驾(ultimatedrivingmachine)就融入了带有中国式抱负心的元素。

    BMW , for example , has successfully fused its global slogan of the ultimate driving machine with a Chinese-style declaration of ambition .

  3. 略论中国戏曲文学中的负心男子形象

    Discussion on the Figures of Ungrateful Men in Chinese Opera Literature

  4. 他抱负心太强了,以致于抓住了每次机会。

    He is too ambitious not to seize the opportunity .

  5. 亲爱的波塞摩斯,你是个负心的人呀!

    My dear posthumus , thou art a false one !

  6. 他是个负心人。

    He failed to be loyal to his love .

  7. 唐天豪,你这个负心人,当年我杀不了你。

    Tong Tin Ho , you heartless guy , I couldn 't kill you .

  8. 这个负心汉必须付出代价!

    The dirty bum is going to pay !

  9. 她决心向那个负心男人报仇。

    She was determined to avenge herself on the man who had bertrayed her .

  10. 在天界,是否负心被称作美德?

    Do they call virtue there ungratefulness ?

  11. 负心人抛弃情人的人。

    One who discards a lover .

  12. 专家们称一代人的更替也给没多少抱负心和事业心的人带来挑战。

    Experts say this generational shift also will challenge graduates who are not so ambitious and career-driven .

  13. 女人用一种美丽的狡猾来对付容易负心的男人。

    Women make the men who is easy to be inconstant in love faithful by lovely cunning .

  14. 让她也知道知道有个负心的孩子要比挨毒蛇的牙齿咬还要痛苦。

    She might feel how sharper than a serpent 's tooth it was to have a thankless child .

  15. 负心人的故事岁多,但引不起女孩子们的真正注意。

    There have been many stories of those Jasons , but they can draw no serious attention from girls .

  16. 中国古代戏曲小说中痴心女子负心汉模式考察

    A Study of the Model of " An Innocent Girl Infatuated with a Heartless Man " in Ancient Chinese Drama Novels

  17. 这是不是一种迹象,表明她的诗人对她负心,像我们现在所说的,把她抛弃给了后代呢?

    Was this a sign that her singer had betrayed her , had given her away , as we say nowadays , to posterity ?

  18. 在王安忆小说的负心情变母题里,痴情女性以受虐来认同男权文化,导致了自我身份认同的严重危机。

    In Wang An-yi 's motif , the infatuated women identify themselves with patriarchal culture by being mistreated , resulting in the severe crisis of identity .

  19. 杂剧中对负心人的批判展示了对爱情中男女平等地位的要求,是社会进步的表现。

    Criticism of the heartbreaker in the drama reveals the request of equality between men and women in love , which is a sign of social progress .

  20. 如果联系痴情女子负心汉的古话,就会更加发现这一形象的难能可贵。

    Relating the Chinese old saying of " a woman is infatuated with a faithless man " to the story , we will find his image estimable further .

  21. 你是在说你愚蠢而且错了吗?我精心打扮了自己,准备了晚饭,可是有个负心汉不懂得珍惜。

    Jessica : So you are saying you were stupid and wrong . I wore the whole make-up and prepared the food for such an idiot who could not appreciate it .

  22. 一向胆小而贤淑的母亲因此一病不起,而欧也妮这个痴情的姑娘最终等到的却是发了小财归来的负心汉。

    The shy and virtuous mother fell down from heartache , while Eugenie , this spoony girl , got a rich man who was not loyal to her love any more .

  23. 妈妈用她的善良、诚实告诉了我:我嫁给他(我爸爸)是因为他有抱负心、强硬,这样我就可以不那样。

    My mother was good enough , and honest enough , to tell me : I married him because he was tough and ambitious , so I wouldn 't have to be .

  24. 从王魁负心故事的发展流变中,可以看出这样一个特点:宋元时期的这类作品,全都是负心鬼报的悲剧;

    From the development of the story of " Wang Kui is faithless " , we can find out such a characteristic : the literatures of Song and Yuan dynasty were all faithless tragedies ;

  25. 有负心汉就有薄情女。头号前妻【名】坚忍的已婚女性,心甘情愿地全力支持丈夫度过消沉岁月——比方说资助他完成医学院的课程,或者在他出演龙套角色的电影试映会上握着他的手。

    starter wife \\ stahr-ter wahyf \\ n : long-suffering woman who marries and emotionally supports a man through his lean years - maybe paying his way through medical school , or holding his hand while he auditions for non-speaking roles .

  26. 难怪世界各地的人们都遭受着痛苦,难怪我们中这么多人被负心的情人伤害当你被爱抛弃时,你不仅被对爱情的渴望吞没,而且感到对他深深的依恋。

    No wonder people suffer around the world and we have so many crimes of passion . When you 've been rejected in love , not only are you engulfed with feelings of romantic love , but you 're feeling deep attachment to this individual .