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  • negative current
负电流[fù diàn liú]
  1. 以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。

    Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current .

  2. 结果在外沟细胞附近记录到负电流,并且该电流在浴液中加入ATP时增加。

    Results The negative current was recorded from outer sulcus epithelium cells .

  3. 基于MATLAB语言的负序电流通用计算法

    General Calculating Method of Negative Sequence Current Based on MATLAB

  4. 负脉冲电流诱导短路过渡CO2气体保护焊

    Guided Short Circuit Transfer Type CO_2 Shielded Arc Welding with Negtive Pulse Current

  5. 负脉冲电流诱导过渡CO2焊接用晶体管电源的研究

    A study of the transistor power source used for the guided short circuiting transfer tyre co_2 shielded arc welding with negative pulse current

  6. Matlab仿真结果表明,结合对称分量法和ip-iq法优点的不平衡检测算法精度高、可靠性强。满足对矿热炉短网谐波、无功和负序电流检测的要求。

    The Matlab simulation results show that the advantage-method combination of symmetrical component method and ip-iq law has high precision and reliability in unbalanced current detection .

  7. 0和负序电流(?)(2A)构成的稳态量选相元件能正确选相;

    The steady-state phase selection elements formed by the zero - sequence current I_0 and negative-sequence current I_ ( 2A ) can be used to select phase exactly ;

  8. 仿真结果表明,其一采用抑制网侧交流负序电流的不平衡控制策略,改善了三相电压型PWM整流器交流侧电流波形,使其三相电流基本对称。

    The results firstly show that the control strategy of inhibiting the negative sequence imbalance current of network could improves the current waveform of three phase voltage source PWM rectifier that makes the three phase current Symmetry .

  9. 对于接地故障,先利用零、负序电流相位关系判断故障发生在A,B还是C区,每个区域对应一种单相接地故障和一种两相短路接地故障;

    When a grounding fault occurs , A , B or C region is judged by the phase angle between the zero sequence and negative sequence components of the current . Each region contains a kind of single phase to ground fault and phase to phase with ground fault ;

  10. 最终仿真结果表明本文设计的SVG具有良好的动态性能,不仅可达到精确的无功补偿效果,并能实现负序电流的抑制,各项参数均符合设计要求。

    Simulation results show that the design of SVG has a good dynamic performance , it can achieve precise effects of reactive power compensation and the parameters are in line with the design requirements .

  11. 为了提高不平衡三相三线制供电系统的电能质量,先将基于FBD法的补偿电流检测方法进行推广,使其能够检测出三相电路中的谐波、无功及负序电流;

    The power quality of three-phase , three-wire power systems is improved using a detection method based on the FBD method to measure the reactive power , harmonics and negative-sequence currents .

  12. 为了检测电气化铁路供电系统中的谐波、无功和负序电流,提出了两种基于FBD法的实时检测方法:直接法与间接法。

    In order to detect the harmonic currents , reactive power and negative-sequence currents in traction power system , two detecting methods based on FBD-method , direct - and indirect-method , are proposed in this paper .

  13. 在分析非全相运行状态特点的基础上,提出了一种基于Powerformer机端零序电压和定子绕组负序电流的非全相运行保护方案。

    Based on the analysis of the characteristics of open phase operational state , a novel open phase protection scheme utilizing the zero sequence voltage of the terminal and the negative sequence current of the stator windings is proposed .

  14. 提出了一种基于瞬时功率分解算法(IPDT)的感应电机定子线圈故障诊断方法,导出了故障负序电流的近似表达式;

    A method to diagnose the stator fault of induction motors based on Instantaneous Power Decomposition Technique ( IPDT ) was presented , and the approximate expression of the fault negative sequence current was derived .

  15. 本文介绍了应用等效损耗法确定QFQ-50-2型汽轮发电机负序电流能力的试验方法和结果。

    This paper describes the test methods and the various test results for the deter - mination of the negative sequence current capability of type QFQ-50-2 turbo-generator by equivalent loss method .

  16. 牵引负荷产生负序电流的比较及计算

    Comparison and Calculation of Negative Sequence Current Caused by Traction Load

  17. 负序电流及其对汽轮发电机的危害

    The Negative Sequence Current and its Damage to Turbin - generator

  18. 微机反时限负序电流保护和事故追忆装置

    Microcomputer based inverse time negative sequence current protection and fault recorder

  19. 不同类型牵引变压器负序电流特性的分析比较

    Analysis and Comparison of Negative Sequence Current Characteristics of Traction Transformers

  20. 以负序电流为原则的电动机断相保护装置

    A Motor Open-phase Protector Based on the Principle of Nagative-sequence Current

  21. 负序电流烧坏发电机转子的分析及检修

    Analysis and Repair of Generator Rotor Burned by Negative Sequence Current

  22. 考虑负序电流效应的异步电动机过负荷保护

    Induction motor overload protection accounted for the negative sequence current effect

  23. 不平衡谐波对三相式负序电流滤过器的影响分析

    Influence Analysis of Unbalanced Harmonic on Three-Phase Negative Sequence Current

  24. 考虑频率偏差的谐波负序电流检测方法

    A detecting method of harmonic negative current instructions based on frequency excursion

  25. 浅谈负序电流滤过器的分析方法

    Discussion on the Method to Analyze the Negative - Sequence Current Filter

  26. 系统谐波与负序电流对水轮发电机的影响

    The effect of the harmonics and negative sequence on hydro - generator

  27. 配电网单相断线故障负序电流分析及选线

    Negative sequence current distributing and single-phase open-line fault protection in distribution network

  28. 水轮发电机由负序电流引起的振动

    The Vibration of Hydro-electric Generator Caused by Negative-Phase-Sequence Current

  29. 由于电力机车属于大功率的非线性负荷,且三相不对称,在其运行过程中必然会产生较大的高次谐波和负序电流。

    Because traction load is high-power nonlinear and asymmetry .

  30. 一种负序电流测量装置的设计

    The Design of a Negative Sequence Current Measurement Device