
  • 网络Local frequency;MHZ;L.O. FREQUENCY;L.O FYEQ
  1. 新算法可以自适应地调节本振频率跟踪载波频率的阶距,从而很好地缩短了AFC的跟踪时间和改进了频率校正的精度。

    It adopts auto adaptive step to track the frequency offset , so that it can shorten the AFC ( Automatic frequency correction ) tracking period and improve frequency precision .

  2. 对基于此时钟方案制作出来的PCB板仔细调试之后,ADF4157输出的本振频率达到设计要求。

    After the PCB board of the clock scheme be made , we debugged carefully to all parts of the PCB , output local oscillator frequency of ADF4157 can meet design requirements .

  3. 卫星电视接收天线LNB的本振频率对于一定的接收系统在理论上是一个固定值,但实际上其值受到工作环境变化的影响会出现漂移;

    Satellite TV receiving antenna LNB regarding the certain receiving system in theoretically is a fixture , but in fact its value is drift because of receiving the working conditions change .

  4. 一种单站精确测量通信卫星本振频率的方法

    A Method for Accurately Measuring Satellite Oscillator Frequency at Single Station

  5. 数字电视发射机本振频率源的设计

    The Design of a Local Oscillator for Digital Television Transmitter

  6. 文中着重讨论了本振频率冷跟踪误差问题。

    There are two kinds of errors , cold tracking error and post-hot-tracking error .

  7. 提出了一种只需要一个地面站而不需要定轨系统就可以精密测量卫星本振频率的方法。

    An accurate method for measuring the satellite oscillator frequency at a single ground station without satellite orbit determining system is presented .

  8. 同时也提出了热跟踪后本振频率跟踪误差项。分析前者,可以决定热跟踪电路应予修正的频率范围,而后者则是跟踪本振最终的误差。

    The former determines the frequency range which should be revised by the hot tracking circuit , while the later is the final frequency error of the local oscillator .

  9. 本文从旋转变频磁控管式频率捷变雷达的本振频率跟踪原理出发,分析了产生本振频率跟踪误差的主要因素。

    The ' main factors resulting in local frequency tracking error are analyzed based on the principles of the tracking local oscillator for frequency agile radars of rotary tuning magnetron type .

  10. 作者的主要工作就是设计数字电视发射机中的本振频率源,这是上海明珠公司数字电视发射机开发项目的一个重要部分。

    The author 's main work is the development of the LO ( local oscillator ) in DTV transmitter , it is one of the important research projects planned by Shanghai Mingzhu Company .

  11. 此镜频抑制混频器采用谐波混频器作为单元混频器,将本振频率降低为基频的1/4。

    The sub-harmonic mixer is used as unit mixer to reduce LO to its 1 / 4 . The image rejection mixer is composed of two unit mixers , RF is halved as two parts in quadrature ;

  12. 该方法可以有效的消除因本振信号频率漂移及闸门信号与被测信号的非同步引起的测相误差,同时提高了测量速度。

    The phase detecting error caused by local oscillator frequency drift and non-synchronization of measurement signal and gate signal is eliminated and the measurement speed is improved at the same time .

  13. 以本文提到的混频器为例,上边带和下边带本身就是对称的,边带选择必须要和本振的频率范围相符。

    The mixer mentioned in this paper is a good example . Up side band and low side band are symmetrical technically . Once a side band is changed in RF designs , the LO frequencies must be recalculated correspond .

  14. 该监控系统能够检测8个通道的增益、本振信号的频率以及校准信号的输出状态等多个系统参数,并通过RS232接口实现与计算机终端的通信。

    The monitoring system can help user to monitor several system parameters , including the gain of each channel , frequency of local oscillation and the output of calibrating signal , and can communicate with PC via RS232 interface .

  15. 其次,论文介绍了用于本振电路的频率综合器的常见结构,性能指标,以及作为其理论基础的锁相环模型和相位噪声模型。

    Second , the frequency synthesizer 's architectures and specifications are described . The model of PLL and phase noise are also presented briefly .

  16. 频率合成器为无线射频收发机提供本振信号和频率调制,是决定系统性能的关键电路。

    Frequency synthesizers supply local oscillation signals for radio frequency transceiver , and realize frequency modulation , which influence performance of the whole wireless system significantly .

  17. 结果表明,由闪烁噪声引起的直接开关噪声增益随本振幅度递减,由寄生电容引起的间接开关噪声增益随寄生电容值和本振频率递增。

    Results indicate that the direct switching noise induced by flicker noise decreases as LO amplitude increases , and the direct switching noise caused by parasitic capacitor increases with the value of parasitic capacitor and LO frequency .