
  • 网络function template
  1. 例如,如果您想创建一个DB2z/OSSQL用户定义函数模板,您可以选择db2zosudfsql。

    For example , if you want to create a DB2 z / OS SQL user-defined function template , you would select db2zos_udf_sql .

  2. 函数模板是一个独立函数的蓝图。

    A function template is the blueprint for a single function .

  3. 函数模板就像是用户定义函数的一个扩展。

    A function template is like an extension to a user-defined function .

  4. 每个函数模板都有一个关联的对象模板。

    Each function template has an associated object template .

  5. 它以前被解释为函数模板的显式专用化

    Previously it was interpreted to be an explicit specialization of a function template

  6. 函数模板和类模板很相像,但是是定义了一族函数。

    Function templates are similar to class templates , but define a family of functions .

  7. 类模板和函数模板。

    Class Template and Function Template .

  8. 文中介绍了参数多态性及其演变,通过实例给出了在C++中函数模板和类模板的定义及其使用方法。

    The article describes parameter multistate and its evolution , presents definition of function template and class template in C + + language .

  9. 例如,请考虑使用独立于类型的函数模板,或用于使用特殊行为扩展其他类型的适配器类模板。

    For example , consider using a function template that is type independent or an adapter class template to extend another type with special behavior .

  10. 新的教学体系和教材反映了C++的新发展,突出了函数模板和类模板的应用。

    The new teaching system and teaching meterials reflect the latest developments in C + + and give prominence to the applications of function templates and class templates .

  11. 当一个查询引用一个函数模板时,查询优化器尝试生成一个灵活的计划,允许在远程数据源上计算这个函数引用。

    When a query references a function template , the query optimizer tries to generate a feasible plan that allows this function reference to be evaluated on the remote data source .

  12. 模板后过滤器(预过滤器)是一些PHP函数,模板就是在那些函数编译后才运行。

    Template prefilters are PHP functions that your templates are ran through before they are compiled .

  13. 通过自学习生成库函数识别模板库

    Generating pattern base for library functions recognition by self-learning

  14. 间距对图像传感器调制传递函数矩形模板接触测量的影响

    Effect of Distance on Modulation Transfer Function of Imaging Sensor Using Rectangle Template Contact Method

  15. 从图像相关跟踪原理出发,通过对原始图像滤波、特征提取、相关函数及模板更新方法的改进,给出了实现特征相关跟踪的具体方法以及实验结果。

    The method to realize the character correlation tracking is introduced in detail . Also the results of experiments to prove the validity of the correlation tracking are shown .

  16. 这个函数会从模板中获取一个名为params的数组属性,同时被传递到jsonencode(),这个函数会返回JSON表示的PHP数组。

    The function gets the attributes from the template as an array named params that is passed to json_encode (), which returns a JSON representation of the PHP associative array .

  17. 迭代函数系统在模板匹配应用中的方法与定理

    The method and theorem of iterated function system application in template match

  18. 图像传感器调制传递函数的矩形模板接触测量

    Contact measurement using rectangle template for modulation transfer function of image sensor

  19. 然后采用新的能量函数指导变形模板法提取出唇线。

    Then lip contour is extracted using improved deformable template .

  20. 为此本文提出一种基于互相关函数差值的模板匹配算法。

    A new template matching algorithm , which based on the difference of cross correlation function , is proposed .

  21. 跳过导入与函数,查看模板末端,看看需要修改什么地方来适应您的项目。

    Skipping the imports and functions , look at the bottom of the template and what you need to change to suit your project .

  22. 以均值滤波、边缘增强为例介绍了图像处理中模板运算的频域分析方法,说明如何运用模板的传递函数来分析模板的滤波特性。

    Introduces the frequency-domain analytical means of template operation on image process , for example average value filter and edge enhancement . It illustrates the means of applying optical transfer function to analyse the filter characteristic of template .

  23. 第二部分对两类提取闭合轮廓的途径进行了探索,分别用基于边缘检测与轮廓编组的方法和基于能量函数的形变模板方法得到目标闭合轮廓,实现了视觉中级阶段的信息加工。

    The second part explores two ways of closed contour extraction . One is an edge detection and linking method and the other one is a deformable model method based on energy function . This part realizes the simulation of middle-level information processing of vision .

  24. 而且与PHP函数类似,许多模板标签接受实参或者形参。

    And like PHP functions , many template tags accept arguments , or parameters .

  25. 基于Beta样条函数的图像滤波模板

    Template of image filter based on beta-spline function

  26. 这些函数对应于主干模板中使用的$title和$body变量。

    These correspond to the $ title and $ body variables used in the skeleton template .

  27. 通过构建前后相邻两帧间的相似度函数,对跟踪模板进行自适应更新。

    By establishing a similarity function of two frames before and after , tracing templates are updated adaptively .

  28. 对于字符串,我使用名为js:escape()的定制函数,它在模板之前定义。

    In the case of the strings , I use a custom function called js : escape (), which is defined just before the template .

  29. 模板匹配的方法要先建立几个模板,每个模板描述部分特征,匹配时用相关性函数判断是否符合模板,这种方法对图像约束规定较严格。

    Template matching method needs several standard templates , every template contains one or more features of human face , and a function is established to judge the relativity , but this method have a hard constraint for the pictures .

  30. 你也可以将一个C++回调函数同一个函数模板关联起来,当JavaScript函数实例被调用的时候它将被调用。

    You can also associate a C + + callback with a function template which is called when the JavaScript function instance is invoked .