
  1. 体育函授本科课程改革的思考

    The Thought on Reformation in Physical Education Correspondence Undergraduate Courses

  2. 函授本科毕业论文教学管理探析

    Analyzing the management in teaching of the undergraduate correspondence course 's graduation thesis

  3. 体育函授本科既是体育教育专业的组成部分,又有别于全日制本科,如何改革课程设置,本文对此进行了探讨。

    Physical education correspondence courses are one part of physical education speciality but it is different form full-time undergraduate courses what this essay probes into is just how to reform the emplacement of courses .

  4. 摘要文章阐述了在中学生物新课程改革的背景下,生物函授本科在培养目标、课程设置、教学内容、评价方式等方面进行的改革及其收到的成效。

    The paper illustrates the teaching reforms and their effects on the curriculum aims and set-up , teaching content and evaluation approach in biology correspondence undergraduate courses under the background of the secondary school biology curriculum reform .