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  • function call
  1. 7570计算机系统GPSS的函数调用及收集统计功能

    The function call and the gathering statistics function of GPSS in 7570c computer system

  2. 一旦拥有了一个可以操作行范围的函数调用后,一个特别有用的技巧就是通过Visual模式(参见:helpVisual-mode获得更多细节)调用该函数。

    Once you have a function call that can operate on a range of lines , a particularly useful technique is to call that function via Visual mode ( see : help Visual-mode for details ) .

  3. 使用send和receive函数调用让一个进程与另一个进程通信。

    Have one process communicate with another process using the send and receive function calls .

  4. 最后,用i5programcall()函数调用程序。

    Finally , call the program with the i5_program_call () function .

  5. LINUX的系统调用与函数调用

    System Call and Function Call in LINUX

  6. 在本例中,这个函数调用必须通过POST请求(而非GET请求)完成。

    In this case , the function invocation must be accomplished using a POST request ( as opposed to a GET request ) .

  7. 而在WINDOWSnt中,经济的方法是找出操作系统进行系统控制的函数调用。

    Within the Windows NT , the simple method is invoking the function of kernel .

  8. 不幸的是,substitute()要求使用固定的字符串作为它的替代值,而不是一个函数调用。

    Unfortunately , substitute () expects a fixed string as its replacement value , not a function call .

  9. 这个函数调用不需要释放SSLBIO。

    This function call also takes away the need to free the SSL BIO .

  10. 注意,该函数调用PHP中的exec()函数。

    Note that this function calls the exec () function in PHP .

  11. 在对内存中的XML文档完成了相应的修改之后,只需使用一个函数调用就可以将其写回到对应的配置文件中。

    Once you have made the changes to the XML document in memory , a single function call writes it back out to the configuration file .

  12. 本文提出一种求解QoS路由问题的新启发式算法,该算法求解基于带宽、时延、丢失率的多约束优化路问题,通过构造评价函数调用最短路算法迭代求解,具有较小的时间复杂度。

    This paper presents a new heuristic algorithm to find an optimal solution based on considering bandwidth , delay and loss requirements .

  13. 在本文中,您学习了触发低级别调用以完成某些任务的最重要的TCP函数调用。

    In this article , you learned about the most important TCP function calls that trigger low-level calls to accomplish certain things .

  14. DB2跟踪捕获所有可跟踪的内部DB2函数调用,可以用来诊断涉及DB2的应用程序问题。

    A DB2 trace captures all traceable internal DB2 function calls and are an invaluable tool to investigate application problems involving DB2 .

  15. 如果Ajax的使用能简单到一个常规的函数调用,那为什么不使用它呢?

    If it 's as simple as a normal function call , why wouldn 't you want to use it ?

  16. 根据发出hello()函数调用的范围,决定对哪个hello()函数执行调用。

    Depending upon the scope in which the hello () function call is made determines which hello () function is called .

  17. 比如说,为Windows和Mac开发可移植的程序,用户界面部分就需要用到与系统相关的函数调用。

    Making a program that 's portable between Windows and the Mac , for instance , requires that the user-interface portions be using system-specific function calls .

  18. 深入分析了Linux2.4内核源码,系统调用,函数调用和MPI并行计算环境。

    Has analyzed Linux 2.4 kernel , system call , function call and MPI parallel computation environment .

  19. 其他受欢迎的协议(如XML-RPC和SOAP)能够为这个功能提供函数调用(如语义)。

    Other popular protocols such as XML-RPC and SOAP can provide this capability with function call-like semantics .

  20. 编写XSLT考虑的重点是模式匹配,而不是函数调用。

    The key to coding XSLT is to think in terms of pattern matching rather than calling functions .

  21. 包括函数调用,消息通知,WinSock通信三种方式。

    It composes that direct using functions ' interface , messages notification , WinSock communication .

  22. ENLINK:函数调用会导致文件具有超过LINKMAX个的链接。

    ENLINK & The function call would cause a file to have more than LINK_MAX links .

  23. 开发过程中使用严格的控制流图和函数调用图生成算法,使得CTCheck具有低误报率和低漏报率的特点。

    In the process of its development , we use strict generation algorithm of control flow graph and the function call graph to make CT_Check with low false alarm and low omission rate .

  24. SCI层提供了某些机制执行从用户空间到内核的函数调用。

    The SCI is a thin layer that provides the means to perform function calls from user space into the kernel .

  25. 我们将讨论服务提供的函数调用以及这些服务如何适应IMS。

    We 'll look at the function calls that the services provide and how those serivces fit in the IMS world .

  26. 如果二者不同,就修改代码以切换函数调用和函数返回上的TOC引用。

    If they are different , it actually modifies your code to swap TOC references on function call and return .

  27. 在GNUC中,为了帮助你完善函数调用和更仔细地检查你的代码,你会为程序中的函数声明一些确定的东西。

    In GNU C , you declare certain things about functions called in your program which help the compiler optimize function calls and check your code more carefully .

  28. XQuerywhere子句可以包含任意复杂的嵌套表达式,甚至可以包含函数调用。

    The XQuery where clause can consist of nested expressions of arbitrary complexity that can even include function calls .

  29. OnPageLoad函数调用makeDerbyRequest函数,调用时带一个参数show。

    The OnPageLoad function calls the makeDerbyRequest function with a parameter of show .

  30. 预处理模块根据ESQL语言的语法规则分析和识别ESQL语句,并且转换为实现相同功能的C语言函数调用;

    The former parses ESQL statements with the syntactic rules of ESQL language , and translates them into corresponding C function calls .