
  • 网络functional idea
  1. GA及惩罚函数思想在渡槽优化中的应用

    Applications of GA and the Idea of Penalty Function in Optimization of Flume

  2. 4使用人工智能中的启发函数思想对Dijkstra算法进行了改进研究;

    A kind of heuristic function in artificial intelligence is applied to make improvement on Dijkstra 's algorithm .

  3. Amari的修正核函数思想提出了两种新的保角变换,用其对核函数进行数据依赖性改进,进一步提高支持向量机分类器泛化能力。

    And the kernel function was modified by the transformation in a data-dependent way .

  4. 利用支持向量机的核函数思想,将原始人脸图像向量映射到高维特征空间,然后在高维特征空间中进行独立成分分析(ICA),提取非线性独立成分作为特征向量进行分类识别。

    Adopted the kernel function used in support vector machine , the origin face image vector is mapped into high dimensional feature space , then do the independent component analysis in high dimensional feature space to extract nonlinear independent features .

  5. 本文利用分区、契合以及辅助函数思想,通过复变函数与多极坐标的方法分别研究了SH波入射情况下的四类问题:浅埋圆形结构附近的半圆形沉积层的地震动;

    In this paper the four kinds of problems with incident SH waves are studied based on the methods of Conjunction 、 assistant function and multi-polar coordinates : Firstly , the ground motion of a semi-cylindrical alluvial valley above a subsurface circular structure is studied ;

  6. 在这些理论分析之后,依据C-D生产函数思想,构建出高新技术产业对装备制造业的知识溢出效应的数学模型,并运用模型对装备制造业七大行业的知识溢出效应进行了测定。

    After the theoretical analysis , this dissertation conducted the mathematical model of knowledge spillover between the high-tech industry and equipment manufacturing industry depends on the C-D production function thought , and measured seven sub-industry of equipment manufacturing industry by the way of the above model .

  7. 函数思想与其它数学思想的关系研究

    Research of the Relationship between Function Idea and those of Mathematics

  8. 函数思想在高等数学中的重要作用

    A Brief Comment on the Significant Action of Function Idea in the Higher Mathematics

  9. 浅谈函数思想在解题中的应用中药调剂常见差错分析及对策

    Function in Solutions Analysis and solutions for common mistakes in mixing traditional Chinese medicine

  10. 探讨了魏尔斯特拉斯复变函数思想影响的张力与限度。

    Discussion on the tension and limit of impact of Weierstrass ' thought on complex function .

  11. 以上演示了为什么闭包体现了函数思想:让运行时管理状态。

    This illustrates why the use of closures exemplifies functional thinking : allow the runtime to manage state .

  12. 然后根据权函数思想,推导出了高速旋转叶片裂纹尖端处的应力强度因子公式;

    Secondly , the stress intensity factor at the tip of crack of rotating blade was calculated using weight function method .

  13. 初中数学中的重要数学思想与方法包括化归思想与方法,符号化、方程与函数思想,数形结合思想,分类讨论思想。

    Important mathematics method of thinking of junior high school include with transform , symbolism , equation and function , numeral-form combination , classification discussion .

  14. 同时,根据智能化空间的网络结构特点,借助于机器人路径规划的势函数思想,设计了一种用于推理的特别算法。

    In virtue of the characteristics of the intellectualized space and the thought of potential function in robot path planning , a special method for reasoning is devised .

  15. 用数学思想方法指导学生的学习,数学会变得更容易理解和掌握,中学数学中常见的思想方法有符号和图形思想、函数思想、转化与化归思想、分类讨论思想等等。

    There are such kinds of mathematics idea and method as sign and graph , function , inversion ; discussion and so on in the mathematics teaching in the middle school .

  16. 本文结合教材中各章节教学及数学建模教学,论述了函数思想是函数基础理论的升华,是揭示函数意识方法的实质和规律的思维发展结晶。

    The text connects each chapter and mold teaching , which points out that the function concept enhances the basic theory of function and becomes the substance of function consciousness and thought development .

  17. 又由于采用了核函数思想,使它能把非线性问题转化为线性问题来解决并降低了算法的复杂度。

    Moreover , SVM can treat a nonlinear learning problem as a linear learning problem since it maps the original data to the kernel space in which we only solve the linear problems .

  18. 在插值方法研究方面详细介绍了逆距离插值方法,并引入有限单元法中的型函数思想实现双线性/三线性插值,这种基于型函数的线性插值方法具有严格二阶精度、计算简单的优点。

    First , use the grid-based kd-tree to increase the intersection efficiency , and in interpolation methods , offer the inverse distance interpolation method and implement bilinear / trilinear interpolation based on form function of finite element method , which is second-order accurate and computationally inexpensive .

  19. 本设计采用分段线性插值拟合正弦函数的思想实现相位码/幅度码的转换功能,避免了ROM的使用;

    A piecewise linear interpolation scheme to approximate a sinusoid function for phase-to-sine amplitude converter block is used to eliminate ROM.

  20. 对于用户信息管理的安全性设计,本系统采取散列处理的hashing函数设计思想。

    For the user information management , security design , the system handled hashing function to hash design .

  21. 本文采用辅助函数的思想,利用复变函数和多级坐标的方法给出了SH波入射条件下多个半圆形沉积谷地附近浅埋圆形孔洞动力分析问题的解答。

    Dynamic response of a shallow-embedded cylindrical lining cavity below semi-cylindrical alluvial valleys to incident SH waves is studied by using complex function .

  22. 利用参数依赖Lyapunov函数的思想,不再要求使用共同的Lyapunov矩阵来满足所有的线性矩阵不等式组,在模糊规则集数量比较大时,能显著的减少问题的保守性。

    Based on the proposed parameter dependent Lyapunov stability theory , no common Lyapunov function is forced for all matrix inequalities , which can reduce conservatism extremely in the case where the number of rules is large .

  23. 另外,由于LaplacianSVM算法中用到图和核函数的思想,将其应用到图像分割问题时,会出现存储量和计算量大的问题。

    Additionally , because the graph and kernel function idea are used in the Laplacian SVM algorithm , there will be large amount of storage capacity and computing problems when its application to image segmentation problems .

  24. 采用msat函数的思想方法,设计了固定边界层滑模控制器,确保系统鲁棒性。

    A fixed-boundary-layer sliding mode controller using the msat function is designed to guarantee the robustness .

  25. 为了确保每一个子种群搜索不同的山峰,提出了一种新的排斥方案,它结合了原来基于距离的排斥方案和hill-valley函数的思想。

    An exclusion scheme is proposed that integrates the distance based exclusion scheme with the hill-valley function to keep each subpopulation on a different peak . In this exclusion scheme , the distance of two subpopulations is measured by the distance of their best individuals .

  26. 函数建模思想是一种重要的数学思想。

    Function modeling is an important concept in mathematics .

  27. 首先,我们针对标量守恒律方程构造了基于径向基函数插值思想的有限体积格式;

    Firstly , we construct the new finite volume method based on radial basis function for scalar conservation laws .

  28. 为此,本文构造了一类基于径向基函数插值思想的有限体积格式。

    So this thesis presents a kind of finite volume methods based on radial basis function ( RBF ) .

  29. 本文在分析现有的基于网格和密度的聚类方法的基础上,借鉴密度函数的思想,提出了一种新的网格单元密度的计算方法。

    The purpose of the paper is to present a new method for computing the density of the grid .

  30. 基于灵敏度的物理意义以及罚函数的思想,提出了一种结构有限元模型修正的新方法。

    A new method of FE model updating is presented based on the physical meaning of sensitivity and the penalty function concept .