
  • 网络Function Problem
  1. 求解多峰函数问题的模拟退火算法

    The Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Multi - modal Function Problem

  2. 极小化最大函数问题的一个算法及其收敛性

    An Algorithm and Convergence of minimize maximun function problem

  3. 本文讨论离散系统部分变元稳定时如何寻找系统的V函数问题。

    This paper discusses how to look for the V function of the system when partial variables of the discrete system are stable .

  4. 本文对离散多输入多输出线性系统跟踪给定值问题及跟踪给定函数问题给出一个正确的提法,并用PI调节器实现最优设计。

    A proper formulation for tracking the given value problem of discrete linear multiple input-output systems is presented in this paper . The optimal design is realized using PI regulator .

  5. 特殊媒质中电磁波场并矢格林函数问题的研究

    Study on the Dyadic Green 's Functions for the Electromagnetic Wave Field in Particular Media

  6. 优化有约束函数问题在众多科学和工程领域中都有重要应用。

    To optimize functions with restraints is widely applied to many science and engineering fields .

  7. 大气潮汐全日振荡模本征值本征函数问题的数值计算

    Numerical calculations of the eigenvalue - eigenfunction problem for the diurnal mode of the atmospheric tide

  8. 代数式问题、函数问题、三角问题、数列问题、不等式问题等都可利用解方程的方法、方程根存在条件、方程根分布情况等来解决。

    Equation methods can be used to solve the problems of algebraic expression , function , trigonometry , inequality , etc.

  9. 采用分离变量法把问题归结为空间坐标和时间的两个函数问题。

    Using the method of separation of variables , the problem is divided into two sorts of equations , which are expressed by two functions of spatial coordinate and time respectively .

  10. 遗传算法“优胜劣汰”的原则在解决非线性不连续多峰函数问题时,优于其它传统优化方法。

    Genetic Algorithms ( GA ) is better than traditional methods in solving the nonlinear and discontinuous functions because it has the principle of " excellent one wins , inferior one discards " .

  11. 式(2)用于反弧段廓线计算,可将原超越函数问题变成可迭代求解问题,这大大方便了工程设计。

    2 , which is found to be more convenient for the engineering design , as it can convert the primal question of transcendental function into that of iterative solution , when the profile of ogee section of a spillway dam is designed .

  12. 求解P0函数互补问题的一种微分方程方法

    A Differential Equation Approach to Solving P_0 Complementarity Problems

  13. 在网络训练过程中采用改进的BP算法,通过对学习算子的优化搜索,大大提高了网络的收敛速度,解决了BP算法迭代过程中目标函数振荡问题。

    The modified BP algorithm is presented by optimization of leaning step-size .

  14. 器件与电路的模型是进行CAD的基础,建模在数学上实质是函数逼近问题。

    Circuit and device modeling play the fundamental role in the CAD of electronic circuits .

  15. 回顾了近几年来混沌优化方法及其在PID控制器的参数调整方面应用的研究进展,对混沌优化方法的特点及其在解决函数优化问题和组合问题上进行了说明。

    The progress of chaos optimization algorithm and its application in tuning PID controllers ' parameters are surveyed .

  16. 向量值函数Minimax问题

    The vector-valued function of minimax problem

  17. 仿真实例表明:这种模型对动态范围较大的多峰函数逼近问题较经典的BP模型优越得多,为解决复杂函数逼近问题提供了一条有效的途径。

    The simulation example showed that the model outperformed to solve the multi-peak function approximation problem over the convention BP model and supplied an efficient tool for the complicated functions approximation problems .

  18. 本文分析了免疫算法和Hopfield神经网络的优缺点,提出了一种解决多峰值函数优化问题的混合算法。

    This paper analyzes immune theory and Hopfield Neural Network ( HNN ), and then proposes a new algorithm for multimodal function .

  19. 典型的模式识别和函数逼近问题验证了算法的有效性和优越性。(6)将本文提出的SOA应用于IIR数字滤波器优化设计。

    The benchmark problems from pattern classification and function approximation were used to evaluate the new algorithm . ( 6 ) A SOA-based evolutionary method is proposed for digital IIR filter design .

  20. 对均匀块交叉算子进行了理论的有效性分析,并通过实际的函数优化问题和TSP问题验证了其在解决实际问题中的有效性;

    The valid analysis of the uniform block crossover operators was carried on in theory . We demonstrated that their solutions are valid through real function optimization and TSP problem ;

  21. 提出了一种改进的蚁群算法,并将其用于求解连续空间函数优化问题和工程控制过程中PID控制器参数优化中的应用,实验证明了此改进算法的可行性。

    In this paper , a kind of ACO algorithm have been proposed for solving the continuous space optimization and PID controller parameters optimization in industrial process control . Finally the results obtained via computer simulation show its validity .

  22. 介绍了一种利用量子行为粒子群算法(QPSO)求解多峰函数优化问题的方法。

    An improved Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization ( QPSO ) for multi-peaks functions optimization was proposed .

  23. 请注意在SPE上编写深度递归函数有些问题,原因是在SPE上没有任何堆栈溢出保护,而且本地存储也很小。

    Just note that writing deeply recursive functions on the SPE is problematic because there is no stack overflow protection on the SPE , and the local store is small to begin with .

  24. 将PSO与序贯二次规划(SQP)算法进行对比仿真实验,求解两个标准函数优化问题,结果表明PSO能够快速有效地求得全局最小点,而SQP则很容易陷入局部极小点。

    PSO is applied to benchmark functions comparing with sequential quadratic programming SQP . And PSO can get the global minimum quickly while SQP is going to be trapped in local minimum point .

  25. Quasi-Regression主要用于解决高维空间的函数逼近问题。

    Quasi-Regression is introduced for approximation of a function in high dimensional space in recent literature .

  26. 本文提出一类改进的BFGS算法,并采用Goldstein线搜索来研究一般非凸目标函数极小化问题,并证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

    In this paper , we propose a new BFGS algorithm for the no convex unconstrained optimization problems . And it prove that the method with Goldstein type line search converges globally .

  27. 实验中选取标准的测试函数ZDT问题和DTLZ问题,采用特定的评价方法对两种算法的运行结果进行比较。

    The experiment chooses standard test functions ZDT and DTLZ , and use specific evaluation methods to compare two algorithms .

  28. 针对实值连续函数优化问题,提出了一种混合的EP-ES进化算法,典型数值实验表明,所提出的算法是可行的、有效的。

    A mixed EP-ES evolutionary algorithm for real-valued function optimization is proposed . Numerical results illustrate that the proposed algorithm is efficient .

  29. 为提高人工免疫算法(AIA)对复杂多模态函数优化问题的全局最优解搜索能力,本文在免疫原理和遗传算法机制的基础上引入Stretching技术设计了拉伸免疫遗传算法(SIGA)。

    In order to enhance the global optimal search ability of AIA in solving multi-modal function optimization problem , based on mechanism of immune theory and genetic algorithm , a function " stretching " technique is introduced to obtain stretching immune genetic algorithm ( SIGA ) .

  30. 解可分函数极小化问题的一种松弛方法

    A Relaxation Method for Solving The Minimization Problems of Separable Function