
  • 网络Function object;method object;functor
  1. 函数对象及其在STL中的应用

    The Function Object and its Application in STL

  2. 然后请注意,在循环体中,我使用callback来调用传递的参数函数对象。

    Notice that then , in the body of the loop , I use callback to invoke the passed parameter function object .

  3. Scala是一种函数对象混合的语言,具有一些强大的优点

    Scala is a functional-object hybrid language with several powerful factors working in its favor

  4. 因为使用Python传递函数对象是如此简单,与其它语言中的相似类比较,这个类所需使用行数非常少。

    Because passing function objects in Python is so easy , this class uses far fewer lines than any similar class in another language would require .

  5. 母线保护的物理对象是一个输入输出关系确定的函数对象,可用一个ANN模型去替代,或用一个ANN数学模型去逼近母线保护物理对象的输入输出之间的函数关系。

    The protected object of bus protection is a function with certain input and output , which can be represented by ANN model , or approximated by ANN mathematical model .

  6. 正像iterators是指针的一般化,函数对象是函数的一般化:一个函数对象是你可以使用普通函数调用语法。

    Just as iterators are a generalization of pointers , function objects are a generalization of functions : a function object is anything that you can call using the ordinary function call syntax .

  7. 头文件定义了函数对象和函数适配器。

    The header file defines function objects and function adapters .

  8. 函数对象以常量引用的方式传递;函数指针则以值的方式传递。

    Function objects are passed by reference to const ; function pointers are passed by value .

  9. 类属性中的任何函数对象在类实例中都定义为方法。

    Any function object that is a class attribute defines a method for instances of that class .

  10. 函数对象是一个重要的普通程序的一部分,因为他们允许抽象比类型对象还要多,而且比它正在执行的操作还要多。

    Function objects are an important part of generic programming because they allow abstraction not only over the types of objects , but also over the operations that are being performed .

  11. 为了让替换生效,工具在正在运行的内核映像中添加新的函数对象代码,然后在每个现有函数的开头注入一个跳转,从而调用函数的新实现。

    To effect the substitution , the tool amends a running kernel image with the new functions ' object code and injects a jump at the head of each existing function to call its new counterpart .

  12. 模板是JavaScript函数和对象在一个context中的蓝图。

    A template is a blueprint for JavaScript functions and objects in a context .

  13. 在JavaScript中,函数和对象有很强的二元性。

    In JavaScript there is a strong duality between functions and objects .

  14. C~(++)与Delphi的函数与对象的共享

    C ~ ( + + ) and Delphi 's Function and Object Co-shared

  15. C++与Delphi的函数与对象共享

    Function and Object of C + + and Delphi

  16. bind()将为绑定函数到对象提供语言级别的内建支持。

    Function . prototype . bind () will provide built in language support for binding functions with objects .

  17. 从Backbone0.5.2开始,bind()方法就开始接受使用第三个参数来定义回调函数的对象。

    Starting with Backbone 0.5.2 , the bind () method accepts a third parameter to define the object of the callback function .

  18. 本文分析了NT/2000安全控制的基本策略,着重论述与对象安全相关的数据结构以及它们之间的关系,并在此基础上,描述了通过NT/2000内置的API函数设置对象安全属性的基本步骤。

    Based on above-mentioned , the article also describes the basic procedure of setting safe property of object with the use of the built-in API function .

  19. 要用R编写通用的函数、对象和类,需要重新思考已经习惯的传统过程式编程和面向对象编程。

    Programming general purpose functions , objects , and classes in R requires taking a step back from the ways of thinking that traditional procedural and object-oriented programmers are used to .

  20. 您可以在ServerExplorer树中使用节点中的CloneDefinition上下文菜单克隆表、视图、存储过程、函数等对象。

    You can clone objects such as tables , views , stored procedures , and functions using the Clone Definition context menu that is available on these nodes in the Server Explorer tree .

  21. 例如,Scala中的每个值都是一个对象,包括基本数据类型(即布尔值、数字等)在内,连函数也是对象。

    For example , every value in Scala is an object , this includes basic data types ( i.e.booleans , numbers ) as well as functions .

  22. 本文旨在较系统地介绍JavaScript:JavaScript的特点、基本数据类型、语句、函数、对象(Object),库对象模型,事件以及用JavaScript和HTML制作HomePage的方法。

    The paper attempts to systematically introduce JavaScript : characteristic , date , statement , function , object , buit-in object , and event , Also , the end of paper presents an example using JavaScript and HTML to make up HomePage .

  23. “多元法(multimethods)”通常是多分派的同义词;但是多元法这个名称暗示着处理较抽象的概念时应采用具体的函数/对象。

    " Multimethods " is generally a synonym for multiple dispatch ; but the name multimethod suggests the concrete function / object handling the more abstract concept multiple dispatch .

  24. 因此,最顶层的函数和对象稍微有些不同。

    The top-level functions and objects available are therefore slightly different .

  25. VC++中函数返回对象值的优化实现方式

    Compiling optimization in VC + + function returning an object value

  26. 插入单元格、工作表、分页符、名称、函数或对象

    Insert cells , sheets , page breaks , names , functions , or objects

  27. 标准库中的模板,类,函数和对象具有外部连接(3.5)。

    The templates , classes , functions , and objects in the library have external linkage ( 3.5 ) .

  28. 计算的关键在于性能函数及对象模型的离散化。

    The key problem for the computation lies in the discretization of the process model and the performance index .

  29. 当分析完成后,函数,对象,还有构造器应当分别注销,清理分析数据。

    When finished profiling , functions , objects , and constructors can be unregistered individually , clearing the profile data .

  30. 它使所需的代码量最小化,因为它有许多内置功能,这样您就不再需要为这些功能编写客户端函数或对象了。

    It minimizes the code you need to write , because it has many built-in features that you would otherwise need to write custom functions or objects for .