
  1. 因此,知识是确定性与不确定性的统一。

    So , knowledge is a union of certainty and uncertainty .

  2. 确定性与不确定性共存;

    The coexistence of certainty and uncertainty ;

  3. 班轮运输是一种兼确定性与不确定性两种双重性质于一身的海上运输方式。

    Liner shipping is a kind of maritime transport way with two different kinds of nature , that are certainty and uncertainty .

  4. 而不具有确切和具体概念的音乐,它的具体性与不具体性,确定性与不确定性特点的音响,正好是人的初级本质进行审美感受的最好载体。

    The music without exact and specific concept is just the best medium of man 's primary nature to go on aesthetic experience .

  5. 水质评价理论模式可以分为确定性与不确定性两大类,其中,以不确定性评价模式最为引人关注。

    The theoretical methodology of water quality assessment can be generally divided into certain models and uncertain models , and the uncertain models are more attractive .

  6. 美国对中国出口管制具有高度的政治关联性,确定性与不确定性、2不合理性和工具性、内部不协调等特点。

    The US control over high-tech export to China bears characteristics of high political relationship , certainty and uncertainty , irrationality and instrumentality , and internal disharmony .

  7. 利用确定性与不确定性分析方法,从侧裂结构面发育的背景、地质特征和其它工程性状特征几个方面对侧裂结构面的总体发育特征进行了分析。

    Applying the definite method and indefinite method , the universal development characteristics of side fractural structure plane are analyzed according to development background , geological characteristics and other engineering characteristics .

  8. 二者在确定性与不确定性的结合、重视虚与空白的生发作用以及强调读者参与的多元化阐释方式上,存在相通之处。

    The two concepts have some similarities in that they both lay emphasis on the combination of certainty and uncertainty , the generating function of " xu " and blankness and multiple interpretations by readers .

  9. 表现主义小说的故事特征则是努力撮合确定性与不确定性之间的关联,表现出多个必然生成一个偶然,而不是相反。

    Features of expressionistic fictions on the other hand , lie in an attempt to bring together " certainty " and " uncertainty ," create a fortuity out of more than one necessity , and not the other way round .

  10. 然后,本文采用矛盾分析方法,对计算机模拟方法中的物理实在与虚拟实在、确定性与不确定性、人的大脑思维与人工智能之间的关系进行了具体分析,进一步揭示了计算机模拟方法的哲学本质。

    Then , this paper analyzes the relationships between physical reality and virtual reality , certainty and uncertainty of computer simulation , human brain and artificial intelligence in details by the adoption of contradiction analysis method , reveals the philosophical nature of computer simulation method as well .

  11. 第四次全国课程学术研讨会指出的,构建课程评价体系时,要以混沌理论和复杂性科学的思维方式为指导,注重体系的开放性和多元特征,辩证地走确定性与不确定性相结合的道路。

    The fourth national curriculum academic seminar points out that when the curriculum evaluation system is constructed . It will be lead to the chaos theory and the complex science thinking mode , the students ' system openness and many Yuan characteristics , unity of the certainty and the uncertainty .

  12. 位置不确定性与属性不确定性的场模型

    Field based Models for Positional and Attribute Uncertainty

  13. 教学水平评估的指标可以分为确定性指标与不确定性指标两大类。

    There are two categories for the indexes of teaching level assessment : the definite and the indefinite .

  14. 在分析中,将结构有限元模型修正问题转换为非线性优化问题,以模态参数的残差作为目标函数,分别对模态参数为确定性量与不确定性量两种情况进行分析。

    In this paper , structural finite element model updating is converted into a nonlinear optimization problem and solved by the HSA . Structural modal parameters were considered as the certainty and uncertainty respectively .

  15. 文中提出基于模糊语言场和模糊语言值结构的知识表示新型框架,并提出能够综合处理模糊不确定性与随机不确定性的广义细胞自动机和广义归纳逻辑因果模型。

    New framework of knowledge representation of fuzzy language field and fuzzy language value structure is shown in this paper . Then the generalized cell automation that can synthetically process fuzzy indeterminacy and random indeterminacy and the generalized inductive logic causal model are brought forward .

  16. 不确定性量化法与不确定性决策

    The Method of Unascertained Quantification and Unascertained Decision

  17. 动量的不确定性与位置的不确定性是并协的。

    The uncertainty of the momentum and the uncertainty of the position are complementary .

  18. 一类专家意见的不确定性量化法与不确定性决策

    The Uncertain Quantized Method of the Advice of Experts in Same Field and Uncertain Decision

  19. 通过对广义项目风险进行系统的分析和研究,探索风险元的不确定性与总目标不确定性之间的传递关系。

    Use generalized project risk analysis and research , to explore risk relationship between the uncertainty of the overall goal of the pass .

  20. 分别估计系统周期不确定性与非周期不确定性的未知上界,并且保证了闭环系统的稳定性。

    By using robust control into iterative learning control , the periodic uncertainties unknown bounds of system uncertainties are learned , and the overall closed-loop stability is ensured .

  21. 按照信息是否已知,本文重新划分了确定性、风险与不确定性的范围,已知信息包括确定性和风险性的情况,未知信息才是真正的不确定性。

    According to information is known or not , this research newly distinguishes the concept of certainty , risk and uncertainty . Known information includes certainty and risk and unknown information includes uncertainty .

  22. 从人力资本管理的角度看,人力资本管理实践中面临许多不确定性与风险,这些不确定性在传统的价值评估方法中不仅难以度量,而且会显著降低评估价值。

    There are lots of uncertainties in the practice of the human capital management which is hard to be measured by the conventional evaluation methods and would be undervalued by the conventional evaluation methods .