
  • 网络Confirmation of rights;Authentic Right;Do the right
  1. 基于IAHP-Entropy集成确权的煤炭企业可持续发展综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Coal Enterprise 's Sustainable Development Based on IAHP-Entropy Integrated Method

  2. 第一部分探讨结建人防工程确权之必要性。

    The first part focuses on the necessity of right confirmation .

  3. 它是在全面总结确权立法经验教训的基础上形成的。

    It is based on sum up experience of lawmaking .

  4. 第二节阐述了登记确权原则。

    Section II describes the principle of the right is indeed registered .

  5. 填海造地海域使用确权及竣工验收若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Reclamation of the Rights of Using the Sea and Final Acceptance

  6. 商标确权制度研究

    Research on the Formulation System of Trademark Right

  7. 它们就像法律为该项法权确定的三条界线,共同构成了确权立法中的三线式结构。

    The three parts form three linear framework of establishing aright or power on legislation .

  8. 有关土地确权几个问题的思考

    Issues Regarding Confirmation of Land Right

  9. 附带民事诉讼范围是发生在行政确权、行政处罚和行政处理引发的民事争议;

    Subsidiary civil action refers to those disputes arising from administrative jurisdiction , administrative penalty & .

  10. 基于此,笔者提出了我国城市土地空间权利的确权思路。

    On this basis , author put forward a method about confirm urban land space rights .

  11. 确权诉讼程序法律问题研究

    Research on the legal issues of the procedure of an action to have the claim confirmed

  12. 研究结果:对当前土地确权的相关规定提出了几点修改建议。

    The article puts forward several suggestions on modification to current regulations regarding confirmation of land right .

  13. 土地确权登记应定位于确认证据事实等民事法律行为的具体行政行为。

    The registration of land is specific administrative act in order to identify the civil legal act .

  14. 一般认为的确权案件仅指相邻疆界争议或者权属历史不清的案件,而非现实交易中的物权确定案件。

    Generally , the case of confirmation the real right does not include the property the process of transaction .

  15. 以添附制度为视角建立知识产权权利冲突的确权机制。

    Establishing the affirming-right system of conflicts of rights in intellectual property on the basis of the replenish system .

  16. 在专利纠纷中,专利确权与侵权纠纷占大多数且两者联系非常紧密。

    In patent disputes , patent formulation and infringement dispute are the majority and the two are linked very closely .

  17. 然后,对我国船舶优先权被告的确定、船舶扣押和确权诉讼等内容进行比较分析;

    Second , the identification of defendants , arrest of vessels and the nature of action for determining rights is analyzed .

  18. 今后北京郊区改革的重点工作是推进土地确权、完善土地征用制度以及社区集体经济组织产权制度改革。

    The emphases of Bei-jing 's suburb reform should be collective land institution , land confiscation and communal collective economy organization institution .

  19. 通过对这起特殊确权诉讼案件的分析,详尽论述了这一问题的处理方式,指出了立法上的缺陷并对如何完善立法提出了见解。

    The author pointed out flaws in legislation and put forward advice of legislation after analyzing this special action confirming a claim .

  20. 实践中由于空间利用方式多样,空间利用现象繁杂,土地空间确权至今在我国理论界和实务界都未形成系统的思路。

    Due to the complicated phenomenon of land space use , we have not formed a systematic thinking in theory and practice .

  21. 修改现行商标确权体制,并且在商标确权问题上为利害关系方提供寻求司法审查的机会;

    To modify the existing trademark right confirmation system and offer interested parties the opportunity for judicial review concerning the confirmation of trademark rights ;

  22. 但它留给后人的血泪教训与痛苦经验,还需要继续认真总结。它是在全面总结确权立法经验教训的基础上形成的。

    But the lesson of blood and tears and the painful experience it left for later generations still needs to continue and earnestly conclude .

  23. 第三,提出确权确股这种把土地承包权股份化的制度创新方式应该成为今后农地制度创新的发展思路。

    Thirdly , giving a farmer land rights at the form of shares should be a trend for institutional innovation of farmland in the future .

  24. 建立知识产权高级法院以统一专利确权与侵权案件的上诉审理,完善两者的衔接机制。

    The establishment of the Intellectual Property High Court can uniform the patent formulation and infringement cases and improve the convergence mechanism of the two .

  25. 空间投资开发主体要求通过确权登记发证来保障自身合法权益的愿望越来越强烈。

    The desire that the subject who invest and develop space asks to protect their legitimate rights through confirming the rights becomes stronger and stronger .

  26. 其次重点归纳了有关专利无效宣告程序性质的几种学说,并逐一进行分析,得出专利无效宣告程序实则为民事确权。

    Then the thesis summarizes relevant patent invalidation of several theories , and one for the invalidation of the patent fact procedure of civil counterpoising truly .

  27. 而要了解我国商标确权制度,则首先要知道我国商标确权制度的历史发展。

    To understand the formulation system of trademark in China , We must know the followings : First , the history of the formulation system of trademark ;

  28. 宽限期作为现有技术例外情形,涉及专利实质条件中新颖性的满足问题,从而影响专利确权,成为专利法中的一个基本问题。

    As an exception of prior art , grace period is referring to the fulfillment of the patentability requirements of novelty , so it affects authorization of patent .

  29. 具体分析了贯彻登记确权原则的原因以及以何标准贯彻登记确权原则。

    A detailed analysis of the implementation of the principle of registration is indeed the reason , as well as the criteria by implementing the principle of registration is indeed .

  30. 第二,对集体土地进行产权确权登记,明确集体土地所有权归村农民集体所有.村民小组行使集体土地所有权。

    Second , make property right confirmation registration for the collective land property rights , make clear collective land ownership belongs to farmers collective , farmers group exercise collective land ownership .