
  1. 该文提出了一种用神经网络学习非线性函数时的自适应控制BP训练算法,该算法根据当前收敛误差及收敛误差变化率自适应确定学习控制值。

    This paper describes a BP training algorithm with adaptive control .

  2. 确定学习内容的能力;

    Ability to decide the learning content ;

  3. 我们可以将目录大声地读出来以确定学习者不会错过每一件事。

    And let 's read everything aloud to make sure the learners don 't miss a thing .

  4. 本文表明确定学习可以为时态数据挖掘的研究提供新的途径,并为基于数据的建模与控制等问题提供新的研究思路。

    The deterministic learning theory will provide a new approach to data-based modeling , recognition , control of complex processes and systems .

  5. 调查发现,66%的学生缺乏自觉确定学习目标、监控和评估学习的经历,学习过程中也缺乏策略意识和对自己认知能力的了解。他们普遍认为对学习过程负责的应该是老师。

    Many of them expected that the instructor would make learning happen and assume responsibility for clarifying learning goals and monitoring learning process .

  6. 探究式教学实施的条件:确定学习目标,创设学习情境,教师角色的转换,学生角色的转换,教学方式的转变。

    The conditions for this model are : setting study goals , creating study environment , changing the roles of teachers and students and teaching models .

  7. 具体在学习活动前,学习者能够自己确定学习目标、制定学习计划、选择学习方法、做好学习准备。

    Before the Self-learning , the learners can establish their learning goals , make their learning plan , choose their learning method and do some preparations for learning .

  8. 可根据自身情况自主确定学习方式、学习进度,根据需要进行自主测试了解学习情况。

    It can be identified according to their own learning style , learning pace and it can also know the situation of learning according to the need for independent testing .

  9. 学习者利用各种学习资源,或独立或在教师指导下确定学习目标,选择学习方法与内容,监控学习过程,评价学习结果。

    Independently or guided by the teacher , the learners use various learning resources , set learning goals , choose learning methods and content , control learning process , and assess learning results .

  10. 实验主要从宏观和微观两方面进行,宏观上按照确定学习目标学生阅读教材目标检查组织讨论重点讲解学生练习课堂小结的教学模式组织教学;

    In micro view , apply the teaching mode of fixing learning aim-students reading texts - checking aim - organizing discussion - explaining main points - students practicing and summary to organize teaching .

  11. 自主学习一般指个体根据自身需要,自觉确定学习目标、制定学习计划、恰当运用学习策略、监控学习过程、评价学习结果的过程或能力。

    Commonly Self-regulated learning is a process or ability that a person according his or her needs , confirms the study targets , works out the study plans , using study strategies fitly , supervises learning processes , and evaluates study results .

  12. 学习者具备自主学习能力意味着他能够确定学习目标、内容、材料和方法,确定学习时间、地点和进度,以及对学习进行评估。

    A learner is considered autonomous when he or she is able to set learning aims , select learning contents and materials as well as methods , decide the learning time , place and progressions and evaluate what he or she has acquired .

  13. 通过对该模式的理论基础和基本要素的分析,提出了基于项目的探究性学习的教学设计模式,它包括确定学习目标分析学习者特征教师讲授设计项目创设学习环境探究学习总结评价等环节。

    It introduced the theory base , analyzed main factors , put forward the designing model of project-based inquiry learning , it included : determinating learning aim 、 analysing students'characters 、 teacher 's teaching 、 designing item 、 establishing learning-environment 、 inquiring learning and evaluation .

  14. 与此同时,给不确定学习或从事哪个行业的学生的最佳建议,是在选择大学时应该有成本意识,在开始攻读学位和确信如何运用学位之前,不要害怕等待。

    In the meantime , students who are unsure of what they want to study or do are probably best advised to be very cost-conscious when choosing a college , and to be unafraid to wait until they are sure how they will use their degree before they start to pursue one .

  15. 针对模型的整数非线性规划的特点提出了改进粒子群(PSO)算法,通过在不同维度上确定不同学习对象,加强了粒子的空间搜索能力。

    A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm was proposed for the integer nonlinear programming , the spatial search abilities of the particles were improved by determining different learning objects for different dimensions of the particles .

  16. 本研究旨为确定英语学习策略量表(ELSI)在非英语专业大学生中的信、效度及调查分析结果。

    This study gives a report and evaluation of the reliability and validity of ELSI among Non-English-major college students .

  17. 非参数决策理论模式函数的确定与学习

    The Determining and Learning of Pattern Functions of Nonparametric Decision Theory

  18. 通过自编问卷,对国营与非国营两种性质不同群体员工的调研,初步确定持续学习组织文化的结构维度。

    Using a self-designed questionnaire , the authors studied the organizational culture for continuous learning in state-owned and joint-venture corporations .

  19. 提出体育课程学习方法实施的主要环节,包括:学习目标定位、学习方法的选择与确定、学习方法的应用与实施、学习方法的评价。

    Its key links are learning purpose orientation , learning methods selection , learning methods application and learning methods evaluation .

  20. 通过对所选取学校的背景与教师需求进行分析确定校本学习的方式、内容。

    Based on analyzing the background of the selected school and the needs of teachers identify the style and content of school-based learning .

  21. 比较准确地确定网络学习者的学习准备状态,有助于合理地安排学习内容,可在一定程度上提高学习效率。

    It is of benefit to arranging learning materials and even enhance the learning effects when determine online learner 's entry abilities accurately .

  22. 其次,本文对样本的选取、网络层数的确定以及学习步长等参数的最佳取值,都是采用边训练边修改的方式。

    Then , the method selecting sample , network layer , the optimum values of study step and other parameters is to train the network and to modify it .

  23. 自我效能感对护理技术教学具有多方面的影响,影响护生学习目标的确定、学习结果的归因,以及护生学习中的精神状态。

    Self-efficacy has multiple effects on students ' learning of nursing skills , including their objectives establishment , performance attribution , and their spiritual status in the process of learning .

  24. 指出影响系统输出的关键因素是舵机的转速。然后根据这个特点,应用迭代学习控制的经验,设计了一种简单的算法来确定迭代学习控制的初始输入量,再利用神经网络学习算法修正偏差。

    A simple algorithm is used to obtain the initial value of the iterative learning control based on the control experience , then the error is corrected with the neural network .

  25. 再介绍各学者确定的学习风格要素,结合数学学科和数学学习的特点,探讨分析了数学学习风格的内涵和其测定要素。

    To introduce the scholars identify the elements of learning styles , combining the disciplines of mathematics and mathematics learning characteristics , analyzes the mathematical learning style and its determination of elements .

  26. 教练员应对动作技术进行分析,结合运动员的实际水平,确定动作学习的过程与方法,确定练习阶段的重点。

    The instructors should analyse the movements and techniques , determine the training procedures and methods and point out the key points in the training period according to the acrobats ′ practical level .

  27. 国内外学者对学习策略与语言能力提高的相关性研究已表明,学生掌握和有效运用学习策略是十分重要和必要的,并确定了学习策略训练的有效性。

    Relevant researches both at home and abroad on learning strategies and the improvement of linguistic ability have proved that students ' mastery and effective use of learning strategies are of great importance and necessity .

  28. 其次,鉴于问卷调查法和实验法有其局限性,本研究利用学习者语料库来确定中国学习者的例证需求。

    Then , example research from the user perspective is studied . In light of the limitation of questionnaires and experiments , this thesis adopts the learner corpus method to identify Chinese learners ' needs for examples .

  29. 本研究选用40名大学生进行调查,旨在确定成功学习者与不成功学习者在语言学习过程中所使用的各类策略的频率和质量的差异。

    Using a sample of 40 university students , this research is intended to determine and examine how successful and unsuccessful learners might differ in the frequency and quality of various strategies they used in language learning .

  30. 比如,从比较研究的思路出发,可将一般学生的社会认知特点作为参照系,以此确定造成学习困难学生与一般学生在社会性心理方面的差异的心理过程机制。

    We can compare the social cognition characteristics of the learning disabilities students with that of the average students , which can find the mental process mechanism of the difference in social mental aspects between the LD students and the average students .