
  • 网络Confirmed case;Confirmed
  1. 柬埔寨王国卫生部宣布了发生了一起人感染甲型H5N1禽流感病毒确诊病例。

    The Ministry of Health ( MoH ) of the Kingdom of Cambodia has announced a confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) virus .

  2. 埃及卫生部宣布了两起甲型H5N1禽流感病毒人间感染确诊病例,以及一名先前宣布病例的死亡情况。

    The Ministry of Health of Egypt has announced two new confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) virus and the death of a previously announced case .

  3. 到目前为止,新确诊病例总数为25例。

    So far , the number of new confirmed cases is 25 in total .

  4. 有幸的是,具有H1N1确诊病例的国家已对新的病毒大力开展应对活动。

    Fortunately , countries with confirmed H1N1 cases have launched aggressive responses to the new virus .

  5. 在埃及报告的99例甲型H5N1禽流感实验室确诊病例中,有30例死亡病例。

    Of the99 laboratory confirmed cases of Avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) reported in Egypt , 30 have been fatal .

  6. 澳大利亚联邦卫生部长,尼古拉罗克森说,甲型H1N1流感的确诊病例可能会在未来几天内有大幅上升。

    Australia 's federal health minister , Nicola Roxon , says the number of confirmed swine flu cases will likely rise significantly in the coming days .

  7. 2004年我国又报告有4例SARS确诊病例。

    Another four cases were confirmed and reported in our country by 2004 . Detecting and diagnosing suspected SARS cases quickly and accurately is very important for medical researching and public health .

  8. 结论2003年SARS流行期间,SARS抗体阴性的传染性非典型肺炎临床确诊病例可能存在或合并其它病原体感染。

    Conclusion During the SARS epidemic in 2003 , it was possible that the clinically diagnosed cases of the infectious SARS with negative SARS antibody contained or were combined with other pathogenic infections .

  9. 20例AFP病例最后分类为:脊灰确诊病例0例,临床符合脊灰病例1例(5%),脊灰排除病例19例(95%)。

    The final classification of 20 AFP cases was 0 polio confirmation case , 1 clinically compatible polio case ( 5 % ), and 19 polio discarded cases ( 95 % ) .

  10. 方法利用临床医生报告的临床确诊病例进行流行病学个案调查,比较发病后不同采血时限登革病毒IgM抗体检出率。

    Methods The dengue virus IgM antibody detectable rate in patients was compared by the individual cases and based on the clinical reported time for blood sampling was used to perform an epidemiological investigation .

  11. 甲型H1N1流感的全球传播没有表现出减缓的迹象,而非洲本周报告了首例确诊病例,该患者出现在埃及。

    The global spread of the swine flu influenza virus A ( H1N1 ) virus shows no sign of slowing as Africa reported its first confirmed case , in Egypt , this week .

  12. 这是我省首次发生的甲型H1N1流感聚集性疫情,至此,该院聚集性疫情确诊病例数已增至23例。

    This is the first province occurred in clusters of influenza A H1N1 influenza epidemic , now , the hospital gathered the number of confirmed cases of the epidemic has increased to23 cases .

  13. 这些新确诊病例均与北苏门答腊Karo的家庭病例群集无关联。

    None of the newly confirmed cases is associated with the family cluster in Karo , North Sumatra .

  14. 日本已确认有三人死于甲型H1N1流感。日本卫生事务大臣于本周三表示,确诊病例的增加表明今年夏季新型流感的传播速度超过预期。

    The country has confirmed three deaths from the H1N1 influenza virus , and the health minister said Wednesday a rise in cases meant the new flu had spread more than expected this summer .

  15. GM检测结果:血浆GM检测确诊病例、临床诊断病例、拟诊病例GM均值均大于1.5,正常对照病例GM均值小于1.5。

    GM test results : The mean GM value detected in plasma of confirmed cases , clinical diagnosis , and suspected cases were all more than 1.5 , the mean GM value of the normal control cases is less than 1.5 .

  16. 方法抽取20个大骨节病病区县进行儿童大骨节病病情调查,并按要求填写调查登记表,按国家级标准(GB)集体读片,确诊病例,统计并分析临床阳性率及X线阳性率。

    Methods 20 counties were sampled for investigating . Registration forms was filled out , radiographs were read by a group of specialist to diagnose , and clinical detective rate and X-ray detective rate were counted and analyzed .

  17. 该新确诊病例使土耳其的病例总数增至21例。

    The newly confirmed case brings the total in Turkey to21 .

  18. 39例15岁以下麻疹确诊病例临床分析

    Analysis of 39 Confirmed Measles Cases under 15 Years Old

  19. 该新确诊病例为中国第9例。

    The newly confirmed case is the ninth in China .

  20. 一例新确诊病例为东爪哇省一名18岁男子。

    One newly confirmed case is an18-year-old man from East Java Province .

  21. 这是湖南省第2例确诊病例。

    This is the second confirmed case from Hunan Province .

  22. 该新确诊病例为该最初病例的一个弟弟。

    The newly confirmed case is a brother of the initial case .

  23. 每个确诊病例至少有1个阳性指标。

    Each confirmed case had at least one positive indicator .

  24. 郑州市2000-2001年麻疹确诊病例流行病学分析

    Epidemiological Analysis of Measles Diagnostic Cases in Zhengzhou 2000-2001

  25. 所有4例死亡均在这12例确诊病例之中。

    All four fatalities are among the12 confirmed cases .

  26. 流动人口确诊病例9名,占确诊病例的8.41%;

    9 cases were from floating population , 8.41 % of all diagnosed cases .

  27. 第一例回顾性确诊病例为万丹省坦格朗一名8岁女童。

    The first retrospectively confirmed case was an8-year-old female from Tangerang in Banten Province .

  28. 已将该病例增加到世卫组织累积确诊病例表。

    The case has been added to the WHO cumulative table of confirmed cases .

  29. 麻疹确诊病例380例。

    The diagnosis of 380 cases was confirmed .

  30. 加拿大496例确诊病例和哥斯达黎加9例确诊病例,各有一人死亡。

    Canada has496 confirmed cases and Costa Rica nine cases , both with one death .