
  1. 请把你的确切年龄告诉我。

    Eg : 1.Please give me your exact age .

  2. 很难判断他确切年龄。

    It 's difficult to tell his exact age .

  3. 你的确切年龄是多大,克林贡人?

    What is your exact age , klingon ?

  4. 我不知道他的确切年龄,但他肯定快40岁了。

    I don 't know exactly how old he is , but he must be close on forty .

  5. 人类一生中没有突然停止生殖机能,即形成绝经期或更年期的确切年龄。

    There is no definite age at which reproductive functions cease abruptly during life , constituting menopause or climacteric in man .

  6. 月亮表明,有确切年龄的岩石的某个地点可以预测一定数量的不同规模的火山口。

    The Moon showed that a site with rocks of a certain age would have a predictable number of craters of different sizes .

  7. 该统计小组连续30年对荷兰约75000名居民进行了数据采集,记录了接受调查者去世时的确切年龄。

    The team mined data over 30 years from some 75000 Dutch people whose exact ages were recorded at the time of death .

  8. 因为我们不知道他确切年龄或其他情况,所以墓碑上只有一个字&希斯克利夫。

    As we were not sure of his age or anything else about him , there is only one word on his gravestone & Heathcliff .

  9. 确定疾病的确切年龄分布是非常关键的,如果面临疫苗和抗病毒药物短缺,这可以帮助制定疫苗接种的一线年龄段以及药物的合理配备。

    Determining the true age distribution is crucial , as it will help set the policy for who should be first in line for vaccines and how to ration antiviral drugs if they are in short supply .

  10. 知道了他的属相在十二生肖中的位置,以及所具有的常识,就能推算出他的确切的年龄了。

    This would place that person 's age within a cycle of12 years , and with a bit of common sense , we can deduce the exact age .

  11. 由于无确切的同位素年龄资料熏这套岩石时代的归属一直存在不同认识。

    Divergent views have long existed as to the age assignment of this suite of rocks due to the absence of exact isotope data .