
jiào zhǔn qū xiàn
  • calibration curve
  1. 绘制苯胺校准曲线时调节pH的方法改进

    Improvement of Adjusting pH in Drawing Aniline Calibration Curve

  2. 本文提出一种同时求出X探头的热线方向系数和校准曲线的逐步逼近法,并测得两根热线的方向系数为0.307和0.258。

    This paper describes a succesive approximation technique for obtaining the directional coefficients of an X-probe and its calibration curve .

  3. 用金沉积量校准曲线法校准XPS结合能测定中的荷电位移

    Gold-decorating amount correction curve used for charging shift calibration in XPS

  4. 以有机渣油标样作校准曲线,采用X射线荧光光谱法同时测定渣油中硫、钒和镍。

    Sulphur , vanadium and nickel in residual oil were determined simultaneously by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry with organic standards of residual oil .

  5. 本文根据最小二乘法的计算原理,以BASIC语言编制程序,只需少量实验数据,用三次多项式拟合校准曲线,便能得到满意的结果。

    Satisfactory results have been achieved in applying the cubic polynomial to fitting of the calibration curve using only a few experimental data with a BASIC program on the basis of the computation principles of least square method .

  6. 应用Excel软件制作石化环境监测质量控制校准曲线,可节省大量的时间和化学试剂,提高工作效率。

    To make a calibration curve of petrochemical environment monitoring and quality control by Excel can save time and chemical agent and improve work efficiency .

  7. 用投放质控标准样的方法来选择若干校准曲线,对这些标准曲线的截距a、斜率b的进行总体参数进行区间估计。

    With standard samples of quality control in the test , the calibration curves are chosen . For the population parameter of intercepts A and slope B of calibration curves , we can estimate its interval .

  8. 用于交流磁性自动测量装置时,校准曲线是一条通过原点、与x轴成45°角的直线。

    When the automatic measuring device of AC magnetic properties is calibrated , the calibration curve will be a straight line through the origin with an angle of 45 ° to the coordinated x-axis .

  9. AsH3-Ag-DDTC(二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银)分光光度法是最重要的常规测定痕量砷的方法,但在砷量0-25μg范围内,校准曲线明显非线性。

    AsH_3-Ag-DDTC ( silver diethyldithiocarbamate ) spectrophotometry is the most important method for the routine determination of traces of arsenic , but its calibration curve is nonlinear in the range of 0 to 25 μ g.

  10. AUC、校准曲线、模糊Kappa系数能在不同侧面比较生态位模型表现。

    AUC , calibration plot and fuzzy Kappa can be applied to compare the performance of ecological niche models in different aspects .

  11. 本文提出了基体匹配校准曲线,ICP-AES法直接测定高纯氧化钽中13种杂质元素的分析方法,并考察了光谱干扰以及基体效应的影响,确定了仪器最佳工作条件。

    A method in which the matrix was matched to calibration curve has been proposed for the direct determination of 13 trace impurities in high-purity tantalum pentoxide by ICP-AES .

  12. 测定水中钠的含量,ICP-AES具有直接进样、测量稳定、校准曲线线性范围宽等特点;

    Comparing two methods to determine the content of sodium in water by AAS and ICP-AES , ICP-AES has the advantage of direct feeding , stable determining and wide range of working curve .

  13. 通过对比石墨炉原子吸收光谱法和ICP-AES测定水中痕量镍的含量,发现ICP-AES具有直接进样、测量稳定、校准曲线线性范围宽等特点;

    The trace content of nickel in water was determined by GFAAS and ICP-AES . Compared with GFAAS , ICP-AES has the advantage of direct sampling , stable determination and wide range of working curve .

  14. 方法系统研究了FPIA法测定HCY的精密度、灵敏度、稀释线性、校准曲线的稳定性及干扰因素,并分析了其与高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测结果的相关性。

    Methods The parameters like precision , analytical sensitivity , calibration curve stability , dilution recovery of the FPIA assay were determined . The correlation study was also performed versus HPLC method .

  15. 制备两种不同的校准曲线,即溶剂标准曲线(SC)和番茄酱基质标准曲线(TMC)。

    Two different types of calibration curves were prepared , one was the solvent calibration curves ( SC ) and another was the tomato sauce matrix calibration curves ( TMC ) .

  16. 通过实验表明显色时间、显色温度、盐酸副玫瑰苯胺(PRA)纯度、蒸馏水质量等试验条件均对其校准曲线有影响,故在分析过程中,必须严格把握操作条件、遵循操作步骤。

    Tests showed that coloring time , coloring temperature , purity of PRA and quality of distilled water affected calibration curve . It is necessary to control strictly all the conditions .

  17. 通过一定的技术和计算机处理,采用合适的数学模型,使不同厚度不同型号的PET塑封金层得到不同的校准曲线,从而求得PET塑封金制品的金层厚度。

    Through specific technical operation and computer processing , adopting appropriate mathematical model , we could get different calibration curves ( for different thickness and type of PET ) . Thus , thickness measurement of gold film of PET sealed gold products could be made .

  18. 按ISO7393/2用DPD(N,N-二乙基-1,4-苯二胺)比色法测定循环冷却水中余氯时,用KIO3-KI作为标准溶液,其校准曲线的试验操作要求十分严格。

    According to the ISO 7393 / 2 , KIO_3-KI is used as a standard solution for determining the residual chlorine in cooling water using DPD colorimetric method . In the calibration experiment , strict operation conditions are required .

  19. 研究试验了ICP-OES法测定钢中微量铌元素,采用微波消解仪进行样品处理和制备铌的标准溶液,基体匹配法绘制ICP校准曲线。

    It is studied and tested to determine the trace element of niobium in steel with ICP-OES method : to treat sample and prepare standard solution of niobium with microwave dissolver , to draw ICP correction curve with matrix matching .

  20. 选择合适实验条件,分光光度法测定钨渣中的WO3含量,方法简便、快速、稳定,校准曲线线性关系好,可用于指导工业生产。

    The amount of WO_3 in the tungsten residue was determined by spectrophotometry under certain conditions . The method is convenient , fast , stable with excellent standard curve , and can be used in industrial production .

  21. 结果给出了力传感器的校准曲线。

    Results The calibration curve of the force transducer is given .

  22. 甲苯胺蓝法测定肝素钠含量的校准曲线研究

    Spectrophotometry of Toluidine Blue Method for the Calibration Curve of Heparin

  23. 这些数据可以绘制成一校准曲线。

    These data can be plotted to form a calibration curve .

  24. 环境监测校准曲线制作和应用研究

    Study on the Making and Application of Calibration Curve of Environmental Monitoring

  25. 原子吸收光谱法进行样品测定时,必须制作校准曲线。

    In atomic absorption spectrophotometry , the calibration curve is always required .

  26. 异常实验设计法在校准曲线法教学中的应用初探

    Application of Abnormal Experimental Design Method in Calibration Curve Teaching

  27. 环境监测分析中校准曲线应用和检验方法的探讨

    Application of calibration curve and Discussion on verification method in Enviromental Monitoring Analysis

  28. 利用校准曲线的斜率进行质量控制

    Discussion on quality control with the calibrated curve slope

  29. 水质分析校准曲线质量指标的检验

    Examination of quality index of water analysis calibration curve

  30. 水样石油类测定中校准曲线绘制方法的改进

    Modify Method of Preparing Calibration Curve in Petroleum Determination