
xiào jì jiāo liú
  • interschool exchange
  1. 住在悉尼,参加一项校际交流项目。

    I lived Sydney on a school exchange program .

  2. 校际交流是办好党校的重要环节。

    Carry on the intercollegiate exchange is the important link to run the party school .

  3. 校际交流的学生需提供学校的推荐信。

    Letter of Recommendation is needed if he / she is an exchange student on an exchange program .

  4. 我和二友人原就读于国大,九月间同行负笈上海复旦大学,参与校际交流计划。

    Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates , I have been studying in Shanghai 's Fudan University since September on an inter-varsity exchange programme .

  5. 本文建议:(1)体育教师充实自身生态体育的知识内涵,扩大教师的校际交流,组织生态体育团体,鼓励相关教师协同教学,同时可与生态体育相关单位相互沟通与合作。

    We propose : ( 1 ) Teachers should enrich their knowledge of ecology sports , we should expand teacher exchanges between schools , organize some groups of ecology sports , add ecology sports-related teaching , communicate and collaborate with some other ecology sports organizations .

  6. 校际间交流缺乏,苏南地区网球组织有待建立。

    Inter-school exchanges are lack , tennis organization in Sunan area will be further established .

  7. 分区赛及决赛参赛队伍少,造成校际之间交流机会减少,不利于高校校园文化的交流和传播。

    Few teams take part in the partition contest and the final competition , resulting in reduced opportunities for exchange between the schools is not conducive to campus cultural exchange and dissemination .

  8. 甘肃省高校体育舞蹈相关活动的组织还处于空白,校际间的交流贫乏,校内活动的开展缺乏一定的组织性,系统性和连贯性。

    Gansu Province College Dance Sport relating activities of the organization is still in the gaps , inter-school exchanges between the poor , and the lack of campus activities must be organized , systematic and coherent manner .

  9. 构建良好的教师互动平台,增加校际之间的教师交流活动。

    Construct good interactive platform for teachers to increase the interflow between teachers .

  10. 二要突出以人为本的教育理念,强调学生的主体地位,培养学生终身体育的意识和能力;多开展校际间的教学交流与观摩学习,优化篮球教学方法和手段。

    We should emphasize on " people first " philosophy of education , and the dominant position of students , train students awareness and ability for lifetime sports , carry out more inter-school teaching communication , and optimize the basketball teaching methods . 3 .

  11. 高等教育发展要国际化,这其中必然包括高校校际体育发展的国际化,这种国际化带来的明显变化便是对高校校际体育交流观念的变化。

    Development of higher education to international , for which necessarily includes the development of Intercollegiate Sports International , which brought about significant changes in internationalization is the exchange of ideas on Intercollegiate Sports changes .