
  • 网络chancellor;Supervisor;School Superintendent
  1. 在现行的制度里校监扮演一个很重要的角色。

    The supervisor plays a very important role in the present system .

  2. 办学团体负责购置校舍设备的全部经费,并通过以校监为首的校董会管理学校。

    This body manages the school through a management committee headed by a supervisor .

  3. 宾荷尔是圣工会教士,又是南安普敦一所公立文法学校校监。

    John Pinhorne , a clergyman in Southampton who maintained a Free Grammar School .

  4. 那就是人们最后一次看到那个新的校监。

    And that was the last that anyone ever saw of the new schoolmaster .

  5. 浮士德校长、校监委员会成员们、老师、朋友、校友、自豪的家长们、

    President Faust , Board of Overseers , faculty , friends , alumni , proud parents ,

  6. 今晚有机会在这里跟世界各地大学的校监、校长及着名学者聚首一堂,我实在深感荣幸。

    I am greatly honoured to have the opportunity to greet so many university presidents , chancellors , vice-chancellors and accomplished scholars from around the world .

  7. 摇滚乐队皇后的主音吉他手布莱恩·梅刚念完天体物理学的博士课程,就获利物浦约翰莫尔斯大学委任为校监。

    Brian May , lead guitarist from rock band Queen who has just completed a doctorate in astrophysics , was named as the next chancellor to Liverpool John Moores University .

  8. 如欲在学校工场装设任何机器或机械工具,有关的校监须向署长呈交建议的工场设计图。

    Wherever it is desired to install any machinery or machine tools in a school workshop the supervisor shall submit to the director a plan of the proposed layout of the workshop .

  9. 署长可以书面通知任何学校的校监而规定将通知内所指明的日期订定为假期,而该校监须确保该日期据此成为假期。

    The director may by notice in writing to the supervisor of any school require that a holiday shall be given on any day specified in such notice and the supervisor shall ensure that such holiday is given accordingly .

  10. 署长可以书面通知校监,禁止将某一指明日期定为假期,而校监及校长须因此确保学校的日常工作在该日继续进行。

    The director may by notice in writing to the supervisor forbid the granting of a holiday on any specified day and the supervisor and principal shall thereupon ensure that the usual work of the school is continued on that day .

  11. 如果你觉得他的成果是正确而有价值的,我希望你能给剑桥克莱尔学院的校监写封信,支持图灵申请宝洁奖学金,以便他明年可以去普林斯顿。

    If you find that it is right , and of merit , I should be greatly obliged if you could help Turing to get to Princeton next year , by writing to the Vice-Chancellor , Clare College , Cambridge , in support of Turing 's application for the Procter Fellowship .