
xiào guī
  • school regulations
校规 [xiào guī]
  • [school regulations] 学校所定的学生必须遵守的规则

校规[xiào guī]
  1. 违反校规者将给予记过处分。

    Whoever violates the school regulations will be given a demerit .

  2. 校规要求我们必须按时到校。

    The school regulations oblige us to be present at school on time .

  3. 从那以后,生活便成了处处与校规作对。

    After that , life became a matter of defying school rules

  4. 伦敦东区的一所学校开创了对违反校规的学生处以罚金的先例。

    An east London school has set a precedent by fining pupils who break the rules .

  5. 学生们受到告诫,不要违反校规。

    The students were told not to break any of the rules of the school .

  6. 你要么遵守校规,要么离开学校。

    You must conform to the school rules or leave the school .

  7. 玛丽的父亲叫她不要与那些老是违反校规的学生交往。

    Mary 's father told her not to get mixed up with the students that always broke school rules .

  8. 她教三年级英语。她对彼得要求严格,经常告诉他要遵守校规、按时到校。

    She teaches Grade Three English , She is strict3 with Peter and often tells the boy to obey4 the school rules and come to school in time .

  9. n.离题;偏差在走廊上奔跑是违反校规且不被允许的。

    deviation Running in the the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed .

  10. 这些都是他必须要遵守的严格校规。

    These are strict school rules , which he must obey .

  11. 那位违反了校规之学生受到了严厉之批评。

    The student who broke the school regulations was severely criticized .

  12. 每个学生都必须遵守校规

    Every student be required to conform his behavior to the rules

  13. 你如果违反校规,你会受到惩罚的。

    You will be punished if you break the school rules .

  14. 遵守校规,做文明学生。

    Obey the rulers , do as a good pupil .

  15. 学校里面的那些校规校纪只有在静态的世界里才有作用。

    Its rules and principles can only function in a static world .

  16. 遵守校规校纪,准时到校上课。

    Observe the school discipline and come to school punctually .

  17. 每个学生应该知道校规。

    Every student is supposed to know the school regulations .

  18. 如果他逃课的话他将违反校规。

    He will Break the rule if he skips class .

  19. 这个学校的校规太严格了,很难遵守。

    The regulation of that school is too strict to be abided .

  20. 您是否曾经有违校纪校规受到处罚?

    Have you ever violated any school rules and got any penalty ?

  21. 由于校规很严,所以他退学了。

    He dropped out because his school was too tough .

  22. 我选了一些我学校的校规。

    I pick some of the rules from my school .

  23. 她不穿规定的校服,以示对校规的藐视。

    She flaunted the school rules by not wearing the proper uniform .

  24. 每个学生都应该知道校规((不能推说不知道))。

    Every pupil is supposed to know the school regulations .

  25. 汤姆,放规矩点!你忘了校规吗?

    Tom , behave yourself ! Did you forget the school rules ?

  26. 在这里最重要的事情是不能违反校规。

    It is more important not to break rules here .

  27. 大学校规与依法治校

    Rules for a University and Running a School by Law

  28. 鼓励学生自己制订切合实际的校规、班规。

    Encourage students ' own formulate realistic rules , class rules . 5 .

  29. 我们应该遵守校规。

    We must obey the rules of the school .

  30. 学生们应遵守校规。

    The students ought to obey the school rules .