
dì pínɡ xiàn
  • horizon;apparent horizon
地平线 [dì píng xiàn]
  • (1) [horizon]

  • (2) 从地面上一点所看到的形成地球表面部分的限界的圆周

  • (3) 向水平方向望去,天地相交的地方

  • (4) 距天顶90的大圆圈,构成地平坐标系统的赤道

  1. 他无意中看见地平线上有一条小船。

    His eye lit upon a small boat on the horizon .

  2. 直升机像两个小黑点出现在地平线上。

    The helicopters appeared as two black dots on the horizon .

  3. 城市看上去只是地平线上的一片红光。

    The city was just a red glow on the horizon .

  4. 他仔细眺望地平线,找寻陆地的踪影。

    He scanned the horizon for any sign of land .

  5. 太阳落到地平线下了。

    The sun dipped below the horizon .

  6. 太阳落到了地平线下。

    The sun sank below the horizon .

  7. 地平线上升起了烟雾。

    Smoke appeared on the horizon .

  8. 陆地在地平线处变成了一片浅灰。

    At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey

  9. 地平线上闪耀着几处星星点点的灯光。

    A few scattered lights shone on the horizon .

  10. 群山向远处的地平线绵延而去。

    The mountains rolled away to a distant horizon .

  11. 她出神地看着小窗子外面的蓝色地平线。

    She stared dreamily out of the small window at the blue horizon .

  12. 很快他们就成了地平线上的几个小点了。

    Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon .

  13. 太阳已经落到了地平线以下。

    The sun had already sunk below the horizon

  14. 他眯起眼睛,就好像在端详地平线上的某一物体。

    He squinted his eyes as though he were studying an object on the horizon .

  15. 一个模糊的灰影出现在地平线上。那里一定是加来,法伊心想。

    A grey smudge appeared on the horizon . That must be Calais , thought Fay

  16. 她将双筒望远镜对准地平线。

    She trained her binoculars on the horizon

  17. 一座岛屿赫然出现在地平线上。

    An island loomed on the horizon .

  18. 太阳升到地平线以上。

    The sun rose above the horizon .

  19. 黎明的曙光出现在地平线上。

    The first signs of the dawn appear on the horizon .

  20. 太阳正徐徐地沉入地平线下。

    The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon .

  21. 借助望远镜可以看出在地平线上有一只船。

    With the aid of a telescope a ship could be made out on the horizon .

  22. 地平线上,海天一色。

    Ocean melts into the sky at the horizon .

  23. 太阳慢慢地从地平线上升起,夜晚过去了。

    The sun rose slowly over the horizon and night gave place to day .

  24. 太阳向地平线下降。

    The sun was verging towards the horizon .

  25. 太阳升起在地平线上。

    The sun rises above the horizon .

  26. 现在东方地平线上升起了一轮朝阳,这弯残月就在西边天际失去了光泽。

    Now that a new light shone upon the horizon , this older luminary paled in the west .

  27. 地平线地产集团(HorizonGroupProperties)办公室经理面试题。

    Horizon group properties ( Office Manager )

  28. 香格里拉因为1933年詹姆斯希尔顿(JamesHilton1900-1954)的小说《消失的地平线(LostHorizon)》而开始闻名于世。

    Shangri-la became famous after the novel Lost Horizon by James Hilton ( 1900 – 1954 ) published in1933 .

  29. 奥威尔的这篇杂文于70年前的4月发表在《地平线》(Horizon)杂志上,但他给出的建议还没有过时。

    Orwell 's essay appeared 70 years ago this month in Horizon magazine , but his advice hasn 't dated .

  30. 墨西哥湾深水地平线号(DeepwaterHorizon)石油泄漏事件表明,一旦出现故障,代价将十分高昂。

    As the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico showed , failure can be hugely costly .