
  • 网络earth surface;epigeosphere
  1. 地球表层是一个复杂的、动态的开放系统。

    The epigeosphere is a complex dynamic open gigantic system .

  2. 自然地理学、地球表层学和综合地理学

    Physical geography , epigeosphere science and integrated geography

  3. 风景园林(LandscapeArchitecture)从造园术、造园艺术、风景造园&到风景园林、地球表层规划

    Landscape Architecture from Garden Craft 、 Garden Art 、 Landscape Gardening & to Landscape Architecture 、 Earthscape Planning

  4. 其中,土地利用/盖变化(LUCC)是人类活动对地球表层环境影响的最直接表现形式,尤其在深受人类活动影响的城市地区。

    Land use and land cover change ( LUCC ) is a major direct result of human activities , especially in the urban areas .

  5. 地球表层系统最突出的景观标志就是土地利用与覆被(LandUse/LandCover),土地利用/覆被变化的研究已成为地理学和相关学科研究的热点问题之一。

    Land use / cover which is the most outstanding landscape sign in the top layer system of the earth , and the research on the changes of it , which we call LUCC has become one of the hot point in the study of geography and its relevant subject .

  6. 地球表层再讨论

    The second discussion on the " Earth 's surface layer "

  7. 地球表层的人地系统及其调控

    The modulation between earth 's crust and man & earth system

  8. 加强地球表层系统的研究和地质制图工作

    Strengthening study and geological mapping of the earth surface system

  9. 地球表层系统与中国区域大地构造的研究发展

    Earth surface system and research history of the regional geotectonics of China

  10. 论地球表层耗散运动的形成机制

    The formation mechanism of dissipation movement on the earth surface

  11. 盖亚假说和地球表层研究

    Gaia Hypothesis and the Research of Earth 's Surface Layer

  12. 土壤碳及其在地球表层系统碳循环中的意义

    Soil carbon and its significance in carbon cycling of earth surface system

  13. 土地是人类生存和发展的最基本的资源,地球表层最突出的景观标志就是土地利用与土地覆被。

    Land is the most basic resources of human survival and development .

  14. 泥沙灾害是地球表层的主要灾害之一。

    Sediment disaster is one of the major disasters on the earth surface .

  15. 地球表层体系的属性考察&可持续发展的认识论基础

    On the Attributes of the Earth Surface Layer System

  16. 沉积记录与白垩纪地球表层系统变化

    Sedimentary record and Cretaceous Earth Surface System changes

  17. 白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化研究&从重大地质事件探寻地球表层系统耦合

    Coupling of the Earth Surface System : Inferring from the Cretaceous Major Geological Events

  18. 人类活动与地球表层系统;

    Human activities and earth surface system ;

  19. 地球表层系统非线性演化模式

    Nonlinear evolution model of the epigeosphere system

  20. 这些突变对地球表层系统的演变与进化产生了巨大影响。

    These events had great influence on the evolution of the earth 's surface system .

  21. 地球表层系统浅论

    A discussion on the earth surface system

  22. 可持续发展与地球表层的进化

    Sustainable development and the evolution of epigeosphere

  23. 地球表层学学术讨论会在北京召开

    Symposium on epigeosphere Science held in Beijing

  24. 二叠纪-三叠纪之交地球表层系统的多幕式变化:分子地球生物学记录

    Episodic changes of the earth surface system across the Permian-Triassic boundary : molecular geobiological records

  25. 中国可持续发展战略的实施最终要落实于区域&这一地球表层某特定范围内的地域综合体上。

    The China 's Sustainable Development Strategy will be put into effect in the specified regions .

  26. 晚中生代地球表层重大地质事件的陆地环境剧变与生物群演替响应

    The biotic and environmental response to the geological events on the Earth during the Late Mesozoic

  27. 地下水气对现今地球表层动力过程的响应及其意义

    Response of underground water and gas to modern dynamic processes of earth surface layer and its significances

  28. 地球表层系统是由岩石圈、大气圈、水圈和生物圈相互耦合和变化组成的复杂巨系统。

    The Earth Surface System is a complicated system which includes geosphere , atmosphere , hydrosphere and biosphere .

  29. 古新世&始新世最热事件对地球表层循环的影响及其触发机制

    The Impacts of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum ( PETM ) Event on Earth Surface Cycles and Its Trigger Mechanism

  30. 全球碳循环是指碳元素在地球表层各圈层中的积累和流动的过程。

    Global carbon cycle refers to accumulations and fluxes of carbon element in all spheres of earth surface system .