
dì zhì xué jiā
  • geologist
  1. 达尔文写这封信是为了感谢美国的一位地质学家费迪纳得·万德韦尔·海登博士,感谢他给自己寄送的个区域地质研究的复印件,该区域后来成为黄石公园。

    The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist , Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden , for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park .

  2. 在那山谷里,地质学家发现了许多裸露的化石

    The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley .

  3. 通过钻探,地质学家可以在不同深度测量。

    By drilling , geologists can take measurements at various depths

  4. 我们需要各方面的帮手:工程师、科学家(例如地质学家)和教师。

    We need helpers of all types , engineers , scientists ( e.g. geologists ) and teachers

  5. 尽管很多评定各不相同,但地质学家估计南极洲储存至少360亿桶石油和天然气。

    And while assessments vary widely , geologists estimate that Antarctica holds at least 36 billion barrels of oil and natural gas .

  6. 地质学家研究岩石结构。

    Geologists study the structure of the rocks .

  7. 1.DarvazaGasCrater-Turkmenistan土库曼斯坦达尔瓦扎天然气坑洞1971年,地质学家发现该区域蕴藏着大量的地下天然气,在常年的开采过程中,由于不慎出现钻探环状坍塌,从而形成了一个非常大的坑洞。

    In 1971 , geologists discovered a massive underground deposit of natural gas on this site .

  8. 1906年,一位英国地质学家发现,P波在穿行到一定深度时候速度有所减缓,但是仍然继续深入。

    In 1906 a British geologist discovered that P waves slowed down at a certain depth but kept traveling deeper .

  9. 在坳陷中部的高青&平南断裂地区和西部惠民凹陷发现了大量的CO2气藏,近年来受到很多地质学家和地学工作者的注意。

    There are many CO_2 gas pools along the Gaoqing-Pingnan fault and in the Huimin Depression , attract many geoscientists ' notice .

  10. 这是Daisy的感想,你的呢?直到最近,地质学家们想出了一个貌似合理的理论。

    Only recently , geologists have come up with a plausible theory .

  11. 地质学家卡洛斯普里莫大卫也就职于NOAH项目。

    Geologist Carlos Primo David also works with Project NOAH .

  12. 一地质学家发现敏捷的袋食蚁兽Rusty。

    Rusty the Nimble Numbat is discovered by a pair of geologists .

  13. 就在几年前,鲍勃威廉姆斯(bobwilliams)这样的石油地质学家还生怕发现天然气。

    Not long ago , oil geologists like Bob Williams would go out of their way to avoid finding natural gas .

  14. 多功能的GIS为地质学家们提供了查询、汇集、分析、显示、修正和绘制各种勘探和开发图件等的强有力工具。

    A complete GIS can provide geologists a powerful tool for the inquiry , collection , analysis , display , modification and drawing of various data of hydrocarbon exploration and development .

  15. 先进星载热发射和反射辐射仪(ASTER)&地质学家的最佳选择

    Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer ( ASTER ) - The best choice for geologists

  16. 为管理局工作的地质学家乔纳森·哈里斯(JonathanHarris)提出,巴拿马发生地震的风险比此前想象的要大得多。

    Jonathan Harris , a geologist working for the authority , reported that Panama 's earthquake risk was far greater than previously believed .

  17. 这位屡获殊荣的地质学家拥有多年的管理经验,具有领导必和必拓(bhpbilliton)的资历。

    An award-winning geologist with years of management experience , he has the right credentials to lead BHP Billiton .

  18. 加州圣安娜鲍尔斯博物馆的地质学家兼主席PeterKeller如是说,该馆目前正在展览这其中的一些宝藏。

    a geologist and president of the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana , California , which is currently hosting an exhibit of some of these treasures .

  19. 比如说,2006年,一位名叫约翰•沃克尔的地质学家就与LaFargeNorthAmerica公司达成协议,负责领导一家合营企业在海地的一个采石场项目。

    For example , a geologist named John Walker entered into an agreement with Lafarge North America in 2006 to conduct a joint venture on a stone quarry project in Haiti .

  20. 为此我读了大量自然历史方面的书&达尔文(Darwin)的书、一些早期地质学家的书和很多道德哲学家的书。

    I read a fair amount of natural history as background & Darwin , some of the early geologists , a lot of the moral philosophers .

  21. 50年过去了,如今,迪恩成了爱丁堡英国地质调查局(bgs)的一名地质学家。

    Fifty years on , Dean is now a geologist with the British geological survey ( BGS ) in Edinburgh .

  22. Krieg支持Lugar的对手,前地质学家RichardMourdock,因为他希望美国生产更多石油满足国内需求。

    Crag supports Lugar 's opponent , Richard Mourdock , a former geologist because he wants greater energy independence for the U.S.

  23. 1997年在国际水文地质学家协会(IAH)中设立了跨界含水层资源管理专业委员会。

    In 1997 the International Association of Hydrogeologists has established a professional committee on Transboundary Aquifers Resources Management to promote their study and joint international cooperation .

  24. Newberry说,来自密苏里州大学等单位的地质学家正在思考造成事故的各种原因,其中包括一个地下通道。

    Newberry said the geologists , including one from Missouri State University , were considering several possibilities , including that an underground cavern gave way .

  25. 地质学家用人造地震来寻找石油。

    Geologists use artificial earth shocks C.in their search for petroleum .

  26. 例如,地质学家发现,地心是热的。

    For instance , geologists know that the core is hot .

  27. 他是受雇于大石油公司的地质学家。

    He is a geologist employed by a big oil company .

  28. 但天文学家,地质学家,决不承认有这类荒唐古怪的东西存在。

    but astronomers and geologists don 't swallow such fairy tales .

  29. 这地质学家出色地导出有关地球年龄。

    The geologist theorized brilliantly about the age of the earth .

  30. 著名地质学家和地质教育家孙云铸教授

    In memory of Professor Sun yunzhu ── famous geologist and geology educationist