
rén lèi xué jiā
  • anthropologist
  1. 人类学家在这个遗址挖掘出那块古人类的颅骨。

    The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site .

  2. 但是在伴侣不是真人的情况下,这位人类学家新获得的快乐可能是真实的吗?

    But can the anthropologist 's newfound happiness be real when her partner isn 't ?

  3. 这位讲师是人类学家。

    The lecturer is an anthropologist .

  4. 在这部由玛丽亚·施拉德担任导演并参与编剧的科幻爱情片中,一位离异的人类学家(玛伦·艾格特饰演)同意试用一个被编程设定为完美伴侣的机器人。

    Directed and co-written by Maria Schrader , this sci-fi romance features Maren Eggert as a divorced anthropologist14 who agrees to test-drive an android that is programmed to be her perfect partner .

  5. 语境(context)这个概念是最早在上世纪20年代由人类学家B-Malinowski提出来的。

    The concept of context was first raised by the famous anthropologist-Malinowski in the 1920s .

  6. 人类学家、即将出版的新书《连环移民之路》(PathsofSerialMigration)的作者苏珊•奥斯曼(SusanOssman)写道:

    The anthropologist Susan Ossman , author of the forthcoming Paths of Serial Migration , writes :

  7. 据称,微软(Microsoft)是全球聘用人类学家人数第二多的机构,仅次于美国政府。

    Microsoft is said to be the second-largest employer of anthropologists in the world , behind the US government .

  8. 人类学家HelenFisher致力于研究性别差异与人类情绪的进化。

    Anthropologist Helen Fisher studies gender differences and the evolution of human emotions .

  9. 丹尼米勒DannyMiller是一位很好的人类学家,

    But Danny Miller , who is a very good anthropologist

  10. 诚如经济人类学家波朗尼所言,经济嵌合(embed)在社会之中。

    As economic anthropologist Polanyi put it , economy is embeded in society .

  11. 两周前,《时代》(time)杂志上的一篇文章写道,洛杉矶的人类学家非常担忧,因此展开了一项为期4年的研究,考察这种疯狂而长期的多任务处理将造成何种伤害。

    Two weeks ago there was an article in time magazine that said anthropologists in La were sufficiently concerned to have started a four-year study to see what damage this sort of frenetic and perpetual multitasking was doing .

  12. 人类学家AlanFiske给出了一个关于影响力的分类法

    There 's an influential taxonomy by the anthropologist Alan Fiske ,

  13. 他是一位人类学家、内科医生,是非政府组织“健康伙伴”(PartnersinHealth)的共同创始人,还曾经担任世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)艾滋病部门负责人。

    An anthropologist , physician , co-founder of NGO partners in health , and former director of the Department of H.I.V. / AIDS at the World Health Organization , Kim certainly boasts an impressive resume .

  14. 但是德克萨斯大学艾尔帕索校区人类学家HowardCampbell表示,这类谈话不会有任何帮助。

    But University of Texas at El Paso anthropologist Howard Campbell says that kind of talk is not helpful .

  15. 在美国,英特尔(Intel)、苹果(Apple)和施乐(Xerox)等科技公司在20多年前就开始聘用人类学家了。

    In the US , anthropologists have been hired for more than two decades by technology groups including Intel , Apple and Xerox .

  16. 在1959年,著名的人类学家爱德华·霍尔(EdwardHall)的杰作《无声的语言》(TheSilentLanguage)出版了。在书中他深入探讨了文化与语言或非语言交际的关系。

    Edward Hall , a famous anthropologist , published his works The Silent Language in 1959 . He expounded the relationship between culture and language as well as nonverbal communication .

  17. 后来一位学者、美国语言学家和人类学家弗洛伊德劳恩斯伯里进一步支持“GMT常量”。

    A later scholar , American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury , further supported the GMT constant .

  18. 生物人类学家费舍尔(HelenFisher)今年早些时候为交友网站Match.com进行了一项研究,研究显示,女性对待两性关系的态度变得越来越非传统。

    According to a Match.com study conducted earlier this year by the biological anthropologist Helen Fisher , women are becoming less traditional about relationships .

  19. 人类学中的文化人类学对文化教学影响甚大。著名人类学家EdwardHall于1959年出版的TheSilentLanguage被看作是跨文化交际学的奠基之作。

    The famous anthropologist Edward Hall published his masterpiece The Silent Language in 1959 . In this book , Hall delves into the relationship between culture and language as well as nonverbal communication .

  20. 娜姆的合著者,人类学家ChristineMathieu写书之前,对娜姆进行了为期几个月的采访。

    Namu 's co-author , anthropologist Christine Mathieu , wrote the book based on months of interviews with Namu .

  21. 人类学家梅利莎嬠夫金(MelissaCefkin)正在研究自动驾驶汽车与行人和骑自行车的人之间的互动。

    Melissa Cefkin , an anthropologist , is researching the interaction between autonomously driven vehicles and pedestrians and cyclists .

  22. 企业人类学家约翰•柯伦(JohnCurran)观察发现,在领英,人们会觉得自己不得不遵守主流的专业文化。

    John Curran , a business anthropologist , observes that LinkedIn is a site where people feel they must conform to the prevailing professional culture .

  23. 1933年,人类学家玛格丽特·米德(MargaretMead)与第二任丈夫到新几内亚的塞皮克河做田野调查;

    In 1933 , the anthropologist Margaret Mead took a field trip to the Sepik River in New Guinea with her second husband ;

  24. 正如人类学家亚历山大莫尔(AlexanderMoore)所说:在后现代世界,娱乐似乎正在超越有组织宗教的重要性。

    As Alexander Moore , an anthropologist , notes : In our postmodern world , play seems to be gaining importance at the expense of organised religion .

  25. 早在1992年,现任职于牛津大学(Oxford)的人类学家和心理学家罗宾•邓巴(RobinDunbar)就发表了一篇非常有趣的文章,对这一思想进行了补充。

    Back in 1992 , Robin Dunbar an anthropologist and psychologist now based at the University of Oxford published a fascinating addendum to that idea .

  26. Rosenberg引用著名人类学家MargaretMead的一句话:一个虑事周全,全力以赴的小团体是不可小觑的,他们也许能改变世界。

    Rosenberg quotes famed anthropologist Margaret Mead : Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful , committed citizens can change the world .

  27. 寒暄语(PhaticCommunion),又称应酬语,是由著名的社会人类学家Malinowski在1923年研究语言功能时首次提出来的。

    Phatic communion was first introduced by famous social anthropologist Malinowski ( 1923 ) when he was studying functions of language .

  28. 夏威夷大学人类学家克里斯汀·R·矢野(ChristineR.Yano)正在为全美日裔国立博物馆的凯蒂猫艺术回顾展撰写文字说明,《洛杉矶时报》引述了她的考证。

    The Times quotes Christine R. Yano , an anthropologist from the University of Hawaii , who was preparing the written text for a retrospective of Hello Kitty art at the Japanese American National Museum .

  29. 美国华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)的人类学家郝瑞(StevanHarrell)解释说,斗牛一直是中国彝族人民在庆丰节日“火把节”上的传统活动。

    University of Washington anthropologist Stevan Harrell explains that bullfighting has long been associated with Torch Festival , a harvest festival celebrated by China 's Yi minority .

  30. 人类学家米德(MargaretMead)写过巴厘岛人难以置信的忙碌,完全没错&巴厘人家少有偷闲时光。

    Margaret Mead wrote about the in-credible busy-ness of the Balinese , and it 's true & there is rarely an idle moment in a Balinese compound .