
rén xìng
  • human nature;humanity;normal human feeling nature


rén xing
  • normal human feelings;reason
人性 [rén xìng]
  • (1) [humanity]∶指在一定的社会制度和历史条件下形成的人的品性

  • (2) [normal human feeling nature]∶人所具有的正常的感情和理智

  • 不通人性

人性[rén xìng]
人性[rén xing]
  1. 她朋友的善意使她恢复了对人性的信心。

    Her friend 's kindness has restored her faith in human nature .

  2. 这样的善心使人又一次感到人性善良。

    Such kindness restores your faith in human nature .

  3. 人们用这个故事来强调耶稣人性的一面。

    The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus .

  4. 她的善良使我重新燃起了对人性的信心。

    Her kindness has restored my faith in human nature .

  5. 这些措施的目的是使监狱体制更人性化。

    These measures are intended to humanize the prison system .

  6. 人性在多大程度上是由其生理因素决定的?

    How far is human nature determined by biology ?

  7. 那场战争尽显人性中具有破坏性的一面。

    The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature .

  8. 他相信人性本恶。

    He believes that humans are innately violent .

  9. 人性脆弱。

    Human nature is frail .

  10. 连年内战剥夺了我们所有人的人性。

    The years of civil war have dehumanized all of us .

  11. 他觉得人性的弱点很可爱,但不能容忍惺惺作态。

    He finds human foibles endearing , but is unforgiving of pretension .

  12. 政府早该对受到经济衰退影响的人们采取更加人性化的救助措施。

    It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession

  13. 毫无人性的军官们命令士兵见人就刺。

    The soldiers were ordered by their inhuman officers to bayonet every man they could find .

  14. 乔·鲁宾逊最早是为在医疗中心候诊的人们提供茶水和儿童玩具,使候诊过程变得人性化。

    Jo Robinson began by humanizing the waiting time at the health centre with tea-making and toys for children .

  15. 我们须永不忘记人性。

    We must never forget our humanity .

  16. 没什么能使他丧失对人性的信念。

    Nothing could extinguish his faith in human nature .

  17. 人性本善。

    Man is born good-natured .

  18. 外面下着无情的雨,不断地下着,简直跟通人性那样凶狠而恶毒。

    Outside , the pitiless rain fell , fell steadily , with a fierce malignity that was all too human .

  19. 有自己特色的小型社区——这里生活稳定且十分人性化——正逐渐消失。

    Small communities , with their distinctive character — where life is stable and intensely human — are disappearing .

  20. 服务员,人性敏锐的观察者,他们正抓住了这一点。

    Waiters , keen observers of humanity that they are , are catching on to this .

  21. 机器人公司Jibo的首席科学家辛西娅·布雷泽尔(CynthiaBreazeal)说,社交机器人将以更加人性化的方式把技术带到日常生活中。

    Social robots are about to bring technology to the everyday world in a more humanized way , said Cynthia Breazeal , chief scientist at the robot company Jibo .

  22. 这本书聚焦于大问题:科学揭示了人性的哪些方面?

    The book focuses on big questions : What has science revealed about human nature ?

  23. 他认为,这种类型的作品反映了人性深刻而永恒的特征,可以在几个世纪内继续存在。

    Works of this type , he believed , spoke to deep and unvarying features of human nature and could continue to exist over centuries .

  24. 在1757年的一篇文章中,哲学家大卫•休谟表示,由于"品味的一般原则在人性中是一致的",一些艺术作品的价值本质上可能是永恒的。

    In a 1757 essay , the philosopher David Hume argued that because " the general principles of taste are uniform in human nature , " the value of some works of art might be essentially permanent .

  25. 他是一位伟大的思想家,对人性和行为有许多明智的见解。

    He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior .

  26. ONHUMANNATURE关于人性人类同时拥有创造和毁灭的冲动。

    Humans have both the urge to create and destroy .

  27. Hiberdating指在冬季约会恋爱,或者指某人在谈恋爱期间忽略其他朋友的情况,也就是我们常说的“有异性没人性”。

    Hiberdating means dating in the winter months , or the situation that someone ignores all their other friends when they are dating a boyfriend / girlfriend .

  28. 她对人性的理解和感知引人入胜。

    Her perceptions and intuitions about human nature were fascinating .

  29. 我选择做一个善良的人,因为这就是人性。

    I choose to be a good man because it is what makes us human .

  30. “乐观的愤世嫉俗者”指那些承认人性黑暗但同时也相信人能行善的人。

    Cynically optimistic person is somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to do good .