
ā lā bó wén
  • Arabic
  1. 阿拉伯文是从右至左读的。

    Arabic script reads from right to left .

  2. 这些教科书将首先用英文写成,随后由志愿者翻译成阿拉伯文、中文和西班牙文。学生可以在网上阅读这些教科书,或者把它们打印成pdf文件。

    The books will be written in English and then translated by volunteers into Arabic , Chinese and Spanish .

  3. 那时,在GNU/Linux和UNIX系统中表示中文、日文、印地文和阿拉伯文是非常困难的。

    This was a time when Chinese , Japanese , Hindi , and Arabic were hardly represented in the GNU / Linux and UNIX world at all .

  4. Bustreo博士能讲英文、法文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文和意大利文,她还学过俄文和阿拉伯文。

    Dr Bustreo speaks English , French , Spanish , Portuguese and Italian and has studied Russian and Arabic .

  5. 匹配诸如阿拉伯文和希伯来文这类从右向左书写的字符。

    Matches characters from right-to-left scripts such as Arabic and hebrew .

  6. 哎,韩佳,这墙壁上的文字应该是阿拉伯文吧。

    Han Jia , there are words on the wall .

  7. 我们把英文译成古典阿拉伯文。

    We did translation from English to classical arabic .

  8. 她在去开罗任职前,一直在进修她的阿拉伯文。

    She is perfecting her Arabic before taking up her job in Cairo .

  9. 但是所有代码都是用某种阿拉伯文写的。

    But everything was in some kind of arabic .

  10. 这两种文字形式分别是以阿拉伯文字母为基础的中国哈萨克文字和以斯拉夫文字母为基础的哈萨克斯坦文字。

    The two different writings is Arabic based letter and Slavic based letter for Kazakh .

  11. 安装阿拉伯文、亚美尼亚文、格鲁吉亚文、希伯莱文、印度文、泰文和越南文语言文件

    Install Arabic , Armenian , Georgian , Hebrew , Indic , Thai and Vietnamese language files

  12. 我吃阿拉伯食物,看阿拉伯文报纸,听阿拉伯歌曲。

    I eat Arabic food . I read Arabic newspapers and I listen to Arabic songs .

  13. 你当初想教我学阿拉伯文,学会看书写字。

    You had a mind to teach me the Arabian tongue , to read and to write .

  14. 阿拉伯文的书写方向与英文相反,即从右到左。

    Arabic is written in the opposite direction to English , that is , from right to left .

  15. 我国新疆地区使用的维吾尔文借用阿拉伯文字母书写。

    Uyghur is spoken in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China , which adopts Arabic script to write .

  16. 你可以告诉如果设立是穆斯林的名字叫穆罕默德用阿拉伯文写的上述门口。

    You can tell if an establishment is Muslim by the name Mohamed written in Arabic above the doorway .

  17. 从牛津大学毕业后,他到了中东,作为一个考古学家,并在那学习阿拉伯文。

    On graduation from Oxford , he went to the Middle East as an archeologist and to learn Arabic .

  18. 最初,将《足球小将》翻译成阿拉伯文版只是一家日本出版商的商业决策。

    Initially , adapting the books for the Arab market was a mere business decision by a Japanese publisher .

  19. 另备有阿拉伯文、德文和意大利文的正式译本,与签署的正本一并存放。

    Official translations in the Arabic , German and Italian languages shall be prepared and deposited with the signed original .

  20. “半岛”电视台12日播放了这份据称是奥马尔写的阿拉伯文声明。

    The " al-jazeera " television broadcasted on the12th the content of an Arabic statement said to be made by omar .

  21. 粮安委的讨论将使用英文、西班牙文、法文、阿拉伯文、俄文和中文进行。

    The discussion on the GSF will take place in English , Spanish , French , Arabic , Russian , and Chinese .

  22. 执行过程中,技术规范中提及的标识与铭文不以阿拉伯文表示。

    The markings and inscriptions mentioned in the technical specifications are not presented in arabic , as they shall be at execution .

  23. 杭州存有20方阿拉伯文波斯文的墓碑,其数量仅次于泉州。

    There are20 tombstones written in Arabic and Persian kept in Han-gzhou , and this amount is just less than that in Quanzhou .

  24. 报告本身载于内容提要的附件中,仅以提交语文和阿拉伯文分发。

    The report itself is contained in the annex to the executive summary and is being circulated in the language of submission and Arabic only .

  25. 一名军官宣读了事先准备好并被当地人翻译成阿拉伯文的宗教训言。

    The body was placed in a weighted bag . A military officer read prepared religious remarks which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker .

  26. 书中含有大量来自世界各地的以阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、西班牙文和俄文翻译的公共卫生海报样本。

    The book contains a large global sample of public health posters with translations in Arabic , Chinese , English , French , Spanish and Russian .

  27. 所有规格仅有英文,但是询问界面和背景信息使用英文、法文、西班牙文、阿拉伯文和中文。

    All specifications are in English only , but the query interface and background information are provided in english , french , spanish , Arabic and chinese .

  28. 从字面上来看,阿拉伯文的血块有三种意思:(1)水蛭,(2)悬浮物以及(3)凝血。

    Literally , the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings : ( 1 ) leech ,( 2 ) suspended thing , and ( 3 ) Blood clot .

  29. 我们用阿拉伯文朗诵,多数人都不知道那些句子的含义,我也开始通过翻译的方式学习这些文字。

    We recite in Arabic , and most people don 't actually know what the verses mean , but I had also started learning them in translation .

  30. 其中有些手稿已经遗失了,有些则保存在拜占庭帝国的首都君士坦丁堡,有些则被翻译成阿拉伯文并保留在了阿拉伯世界。

    Those were lost but some of these manuscripts remained in the byzantine world of Constantinople and some were translated by the Arabs and preserved in the Arabic world .