
Ā ɡēn tínɡ
  • Argentina
  1. 在决赛中,德国队发挥得几乎和阿根廷队一样出色。

    Germany ran Argentina very close in the final .

  2. 阿根廷动荡不定的通货膨胀率可能会破坏那些计划。

    Argentina 's erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans .

  3. 1816年,阿根廷宣布脱离西班牙正式独立。

    In 1816 , Argentina declared its independence from Spain .

  4. 阿根廷足球迷极为热情。

    The passion of Argentinian football fans knows no bounds .

  5. 弗里克·伯格将担任阿根廷队对苏格兰队比赛的裁判。

    Frik Burger will officiate when the Pumas play Scotland .

  6. 在比赛进行的时候,阿根廷全国几乎陷入了停顿状态。

    Argentina came to a virtual standstill while the game was being played

  7. 像很多逃亡者一样,他也平安无事地在阿根廷生活了多年。

    Like many fugitives , he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years

  8. 阿根廷的经济政策糟得一塌糊涂。

    Argentina 's economic policies were a hopeless mess .

  9. 肖恩·奥利里已入选参加阿根廷巡回赛的英格兰队大名单。

    Sean O'Leary has been named in the England squad to tour Argentina .

  10. 1978年,他效力于获得世界杯冠军的阿根廷队。

    In 1978 he played for the victorious Argentinian side in the World Cup .

  11. 智利和阿根廷对于南极的领土主张都持强硬态度。

    Both Chile and Argentina feel very strongly about their territorial claims to Antarctica .

  12. 他们在决赛中以1比0击败了阿根廷队。

    They beat Argentina one-nil in the final .

  13. 梵蒂冈成功地调解了1984年阿根廷与智利之间的领土争端。

    The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984

  14. 英国和阿根廷重新建立了外交关系。

    Britain and Argentina reopened diplomatic relations .

  15. 阿根廷队至少要赢秘鲁队4球才能超越巴西队进入决赛。

    Argentina need to beat Peru by at least four goals to overhaul Brazil and reach the final itself

  16. 本不被看好的喀麦隆队却以1比0击败了卫冕冠军阿根廷队。

    The rank outsiders , Cameroon , beat the defending champions , Argentina , by one goal to nil .

  17. 阿根廷的崩溃提供了重要的教训。

    The Argentine debacle has important lessons to teach .

  18. 最近在埃及外海发现的Zohr大气田终将影响地中海和欧洲地区石油的定价,并且在其他许多地方也有巨大的发展潜力,特别是阿根廷。

    The   recent   discovery   of   the giant   Zohr   gas   field   off   the   Egyptian   coast   will   eventually   have   impact   on   pricing   in   the Mediterranean   region   and   Europe ,   and   there   is   significant   development   potential   in   many   other places ,   notably   Argentina .

  19. 美国大自然保护协会还向众多入侵物种发起了宣战,从羊群到植物再到具有攻击性的阿根廷蚁。

    The Nature Conservancy has    declared   war on a multitude of invasive species here , from sheep to plants to the   aggressive   Argentine ant .

  20. 这种趋势始于2007年,适值诸如俄罗斯、阿根廷等主要小麦出口国限制或禁止本国粮食出口,希望增加本国粮食供应以降低国内食品价格。

    The trend began in 2007 , when leading wheat-exporting countries such as Russia and Argentina limited or banned their exports , in hopes of increasing local food supplies and thereby bringing down domestic food prices .

  21. 跳伞、随便跟一个陌生人讲话、学一种外语、挑一本没看过的新书、上阿根廷探戈的课、攀岩、学习缝纫…今天你要挑战哪项新事物呢?

    Skydiving , talking to that random stranger , learning a foreign language , picking a strange new book , taking Argentinian tango classes , rock climbing , learning how to sew ... What new things will you try today ?

  22. 雷普索尔将在西班牙政府和欧盟(EU)的支持下,对阿根廷政府的非法举动发起抗争。

    Repsol will fight the illicit move with backing from Madrid and the European Union .

  23. 当年阿根廷GDP下降10.9%,并被信贷市场拒之门外。

    GDP dropped by 10.9 % that year , and the country was locked out of the credit markets .

  24. 跟往年一样,阿根廷队长梅西和葡萄牙队长C罗都没有投票给对方:梅西投给了三名巴萨队友,C罗投给了三名皇马同仁。

    As usual , Argentina captain Messi and Portugal captain Ronaldo ignored each other on their own ballot papers . Messi voted for three Barcelona teammates and Ronaldo listed three Madrid colleagues .

  25. 丈夫升职调任马德里从事新的工作以前,阿根廷本地人玛丽安娜•萨内蒂一直在布宜诺斯艾利斯担任壳牌公司(Shell)的产品经理。

    Mariana Zanetti had been working as a product manager for shell ( RDSA ) in Buenos Aires when her husband got a promotion to a new job in Madrid .

  26. AC米兰也渴望得到这名球员,对加戈感兴趣的还包括其老东家博卡青年队,但是据信,这名阿根廷国脚更愿意待在欧洲踢球。

    AC Milan are also understood to be keen , along with his former club Boca Juniors , although it is believed the player would prefer to stay in Europe .

  27. 另外一个取得成功的新兴市场品牌,是阿根廷高级马球服装与设备生产商lamartina。

    Another emerging-market success is La Martina , an Argentine producer of luxury Polo clothing and equipment .

  28. IMF或欧盟(EU)可能会加大对拉脱维亚的资金援助,但就像在阿根廷时一样,这么做只会赔了夫人又折兵。

    The IMF or the European Union could increase financial support for Latvia but , as in Argentina , this would be throwing good money after bad .

  29. 同年世行向阿根廷放贷3000万美元,利率为Libor加85个基点。

    In the same year , the World Bank lent Argentina $ 30m at Libor plus 85 basis points .

  30. 马努-吉诺比利,NBA最佳第六人,将担任北京奥运会开幕式阿根廷代表团的旗手。

    Manu Ginobili , the NBA 's top sixth man , will carry the flag for the Argentinian delegation at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Games .