
  • 网络aristophanes;Aristophane
  1. 当其他被选入优等生荣誉学会的同学(PhiBetaKappas)苦读他们的阿里斯托芬(Aristophanes)时,他的兴趣却是享受聚会、广交朋友,以及创造历史。

    While the other Phi Beta Kappas are trudging through their Aristophanes , his character is hitting the parties , making contacts and making history .

  2. 第二节介绍了阿提卡红陶及阿里斯托芬戏剧中关于同性恋形象的描述。

    Section two describes the portrayal of homosexuality in the drama of Attica terracotta and Aristophanes .

  3. 阿里斯托芬允许女性成为与男性制衡的另一社会力量,鼓励了两性的平等。

    Aristophanes allows women to be another social counteractive power , and encourages equality between the sexes .

  4. 阿里斯托芬在他的剧本《云》里所塑造的苏格拉底,就是一个智者的形象。

    This is the impression that is given by Aristophanes'caricature of Socrates in his play , The Clouds .

  5. 本文主要研究阿里斯托芬笔下农人的特色以及农人这一形象对观众的作用。

    This paper mainly studies the features of the farmer in Aristophanes ' works and the function of the image of farmer to audience .

  6. 在这足以容纳17000人的剧场里曾经上演过无数场埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯和欧里庇得斯的悲剧作品及阿里斯托芬的喜剧作品。

    In this to accommodate the17,000 people theatre have been staged countless field Aeschylus , sophocles , and Euripides tragedy works and aristophanes 's comedies .

  7. 第一批伟大的剧作家(埃斯库罗斯、索福克勒斯、阿里斯托芬),历史上最杰出的雕刻家(菲迪亚斯),和苏格拉底都生活在公元前5世纪的雅典。

    The first great dramatists ( Aeschylus , Sophocles , Aristophanes ), the greatest sculptors in history ( Phidias ), and Socrates all lived in Athens in the5th century BC .

  8. 揭示出喜剧因以笑为其外在的重要特征,阿里斯托芬笔下的农人也不可避免地有着滑稽因素,然而更为重要的是潜藏在人物身上的严肃性。

    It reveals that the important feature of comedy is laugh and the farmer inevitably has got the funny factors . Actually , the seriousness hidden on the image is more important .

  9. 这里,我并不想替阿里斯托芬的深识灼见辩护,以反驳这种诽谤,我将继续从古人的观感方面来证明苏格拉底和欧里庇德斯的密切关系。

    I won 't pause here to defend the pro found instincts of Aristophanes against such attacks but shall proceed to demonstrate the close affinity between Socrates and Euripides , as their contemporaries saw them .

  10. 阿里斯托芬明辨是非的直观能力是中肯的:他对苏格拉底本人,对欧里庇德斯的悲剧,对新酒神颂诗人的音乐,都抱着同样厌恶之情,他在这三个现象中见到一种堕落文化的标识。

    The unerring instinct of Aristophanes was surely right when it included Socrates himself , the tragedy of Euripides , and the music of the New Dithyrambic poets in the same feeling of hatred , recognizing in all three phenomena the signs of a degenerate culture .