
  • 网络Altaic;The Altaic Family;Altaic languages
  1. 阿尔泰语系的基本语序是SOV。

    Altaic basic word order is SOV .

  2. 浅析朝鲜语数词与阿尔泰语系的关系

    An Analysis on Relationship between Korean Numeral and Altaic Family

  3. 分布于蒙古以及临近地区的阿尔泰语系的一个分支。

    A family of Altaic languages spoken in Mongolia and neighboring areas .

  4. 阿尔泰语系与印欧语系群体之间具有较近的亲缘关系。

    Close relationship exists in the Altaic speaking populations and Indio-European speaking populations .

  5. 浅谈阿尔泰语系几个共同词

    Tentative on Several Common Words in Altai Language Family

  6. 东北亚月亮阴影神话比较研究&以阿尔泰语系诸民族与阿伊努族事例为中心

    A Comparative Study of Northeast Asian Moon Shadow Myth

  7. 日本人的语言(通常认为属于阿尔泰语系)。

    The language ( usually considered to be Altaic ) spoken by the Japanese people .

  8. 蒙古语言属阿尔泰语系,与西方语言相似是一种拼音语言。

    Mongolian is belonged to Altai phylum , and similar with language of the West .

  9. 第二个最大的家族是阿尔泰语系的两个主要分支:突厥和蒙古-通古斯。

    The second largest family is Altaic with two major branches : Turkic and Mongol-Tungus .

  10. 关于阿尔泰语系语言研究的几点建议

    Several Proposals for Research of Altaic Languages

  11. 从数词一词源谈阿尔泰语系语言比较方法

    On Comparative Methods in the Altaic Language Family from the Origin of Numeral " One "

  12. 本文主要研究属于阿尔泰语系满-通古斯语族的满语是如何具体影响东北方言的。

    This paper mainly studies the specific impact of Manchu to Altaic Man - Tungus Manchu-language .

  13. 一种是以阿尔泰语系语言为基础的构拟,一种是以突厥语族语言为基础的构拟。

    One is the reconstruction based on Altaic languages , the other is based on turkic languages .

  14. 女真语是阿尔泰语系满&通古斯语族语言的一个古老语支。

    Endangered Language & Manchu Language Jurchen language is an ancient branch of Manchu-Tungusic group of Altai language family .

  15. 东乡族主要分布于甘肃省,其语言东乡语属于阿尔泰语系蒙古语族,只有语言没有文字。

    The Dongxiang nationality mainly scatters over Gansu province , which belongs to Mongolian language of Altai language family .

  16. 在古代的印度、希腊、波斯及阿尔泰语系民族中,普遍存在+、■形崇拜。

    In ancient India , Greece , Persia and Altai Phylum , people popularly worshiped " + " and "■" .

  17. 阿尔泰语系的阿尔泰语系的或与阿尔泰语系有关的阿克顿先生并不把他在生意中的道德运用到私人关系中去。

    Of or relating to Altaic . Mr Acton does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships .

  18. 中国教育获得差距:基于泰尔系数分解的分析浅析朝鲜语数词与阿尔泰语系的关系

    The Differences in Educational Attainment and the Decomposition in China An Analysis on Relationship between Korean Numeral and Altaic Family

  19. 东乡语是阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言的一支,临夏话是汉语西北方言的一支。

    Dongxiang language is one of the Mongolian languages of Altai language family , while Linxia dialect is one of the Chinese Northwest dialects .

  20. 在东北亚地区分布的阿尔泰语系诸民族与阿伊努族中均流传着月亮阴影神话,并可将其分为祈求型、攫取型和惩罚型等三个类型;

    Moon shadow myth coming down in Northeast Asian can be devided into three types : imploration type , snatch type and punishment type .

  21. 朝鲜和韩国学者也对朝鲜语与阿尔泰语系的关系进行了深入研究,观点有分歧;

    The scholars from the DPRK and the ROK have also made a further study of the issue , but they differ in their views .

  22. 满语是阿尔泰语系满&通古斯语族中惟一真正有文字的语言,在我国北方少数民族语言中极具代表性,同时也是曾在有清一代被定为官方语言文字的少数民族语言。

    Manchu is the only language with words in Man-Tungusic group of Altai language family , which had been set as official language in Qing Dynasty .

  23. 阿尔泰语系研究已有一百多年的历史,历史比较法得到了充分的实践。

    There have been over a hundred years of research on the Altai language family , in which the historical comparative way has been applied fully .

  24. 在重新审视阿尔泰语系比较研究方法、进一步探索方法的突破时,语义相近原则应得到重视。

    When we review the comparative research of Altai language family and try to explore new way , the principle of similar semantic should be given more attention .

  25. 本文讨论了阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言、突厥语族语言和满、通古斯语族语言第一人称代词的关系。

    The paper discussed the relationships of the first personal pronouns in three language groups of Ahai language family : Mongol group , Turki group and Manchu-Tungusic group .

  26. 《回回药方》阿汉对音材料中所见到的入声字(下)本文首先回顾了国内外利用胡汉对音资料研究阿尔泰语系语言及汉语的情况;

    In this paper , we first reviewed the situation to study the Altaic family and Chinese by using the information of Hu-han Transcriptions in the internal and external .

  27. 公元前3世纪,分布于中亚地区的阿尔泰语系乌孙族和后世的蒙古族中传承着狼和乌鸦双重信仰习俗和与之相对应的神话传说。

    The custom of worshipping the wolf and crow and the relative fairy tales were passed down in Wusun and Mongolian groups in the period of3 B.C.in Altaic language family .

  28. 试论阿尔泰语系各族民居内部格局的相通性在阿尔泰语音体系中,说一种阿尔泰语的一个民族。

    Tentatively on the Inner Structure Similarity of Various Nationalities s Folk Houses of Altai Language Family ; any member of the peoples speaking a language in the Altaic language group .

  29. 本文运用语言类型学的有关理论,结合阿尔泰语系的语言结构特点,全面分析了阿尔泰语系的语序类型及其特点。

    It is comprehensively analyzed to word order types and characteristics of Altaic by utilizing the relevant theory of linguistic typology and combining with the structural characteristics of Altaic in this paper .

  30. 通过考查阿尔泰语系部分民族的民歌可知,在其民间音乐中都或多或少地存在着与蒙古族长调牧歌相似的歌词内容和旋律形态。

    Investigating part of the Altaic folk song we find their folk music is somewhat similar to the Mongolian pastoral song in the content of the words and the form of melody . 2 .