
  • 网络Western Civilization;West Civilization
  1. 我认为我们可以相当准确地确定西方文明开始衰落的年代。

    I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely

  2. 在他看来,西方文明似乎陷入严重的经济和文化危机。

    It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger .

  3. 这部歌剧是西方文明的文化标志物之一。

    This opera is one of the cultural totems of Western civilisation .

  4. 奥尔特曼坚称,“我们那时正要发表一份关于西方文明和贪婪的政治宣言。”

    Altman asserted , ' We were making a political statement about western civilisation and greed . '

  5. 柏拉图Vs.荷马&西方文明史上哲学与文学的第一次激烈对抗与融合

    Plato Vs. Homer The First Confrontation Merging between Philosophy and Literature in the Western Civilization

  6. (本文选自NiallFerguson的新书《西方文明的四个黑盒子》(TheGreatDegeneration:HowInstitutionsDecayandEconomiesDie)。该书已由企鹅出版社(PenguinPress)出版。

    Adapted from Mr. Ferguson 's new book , ' The Great Degeneration : How Institutions Decay and Economies Die , ' to be published by Penguin Press on Thursday .

  7. 当苏联于1957年把sputnik卫星发射升空时,尼克松视之为西方文明的失败。

    When Russia launched the satellite Sputnik into space in 1957 , Nixon saw it as a failure of Western civilisation .

  8. 不为复仇,只想讨回公道而自揭伤疤,这种行为是勇敢的,用评论员LibbyPurves的话来说,“西方文明的本质不是仇恨或恐惧,而是希望。”可能,这种希望的本质部分来源于犹太-基督历史。

    To resist simple vengeance , pursue justice and to relive the pain is a brave thing to do and shows in the words of the commentator Libby Purves that " the default setting of Western civilisation is not hatred or fear but hope . " Perhaps , part of that default setting of hope stems from our Judaeo-Christian history .

  9. 关于希腊罗马海上势力的历史反思&海上势力与西方文明研究之一

    A Historical Reflection on Sea Power and the Western Classical Civilizations

  10. 法治价值与西方文明因子

    The Value of Rule of Law and the Factors of Civilization

  11. 那是美国对西方文明的唯一贡献。

    That 's america 's only contribution to Western civilization .

  12. 历史以西方文明的胜利进行了终结。

    History had ended with the triumph of western civilisation .

  13. 我决不能饶恕查理曼大帝之将时钟引进西方文明这一件事情。

    I can never forgive Charlemagne for introducing clock into western civilization .

  14. 意大利的文艺复兴使西方文明有了几个至关重要的转变。

    The Italian Renaissance gave Western civilization several crucial transformations .

  15. 现代西方文明协调发展论之我见

    A Tentative Idea on the Theory of Coordinated Development of Modern Western Civilization

  16. 问题的关键在于基督教。基督教乃西方文明的核心。

    The key problem lies in Christianity , the core of Western civilization .

  17. 一直以来,基督教都对西方文明产生着深刻的影响。

    Christianity has been influencing Western civilization profoundly since it came into being .

  18. 什么因素造成了东方与西方文明体系的差异?

    What elements make the difference between Eastern and Western systems of civilization ?

  19. 我得把西方文明史的报告准备完。

    I have to finish preparing a paper for my Western Civilization class .

  20. 拜拜了您内西方文明,敬请安息吧。

    Goodbye , western civilisation , sleep in peace .

  21. 斯宾格勒在历史哲学的发展过程中第一次敲响了西方文明的警钟。

    Spengler observes the problem of the West civilization in philosophy of history .

  22. 希腊是西方文明的摇篮。

    Greek was the cradle of Western culture .

  23. 西方文明造就了影像技术。

    Imaging technology originally developed from western civilization .

  24. 论《到灯塔去》对西方文明的再认识

    On the New Revelation of the Essence of Western Civilization in To the Lighthouse

  25. 象征主义文学是发生于19世纪中期以后,西方文明出现空前历史悖论时期的文学现象。

    Symbolism is a literary phenomenon while western civilization lands itself in the unprecedented dilemma .

  26. 其二,是西方文明基本精神技术理性与人本主义之间的对立;

    The antagonism in fundamental spirits of western civilization , i.e. technological rationality and humanism ;

  27. 康拉德是英国作家,孕生于西方文明。

    Conrad is a British writer , so he is a part of Western civilization .

  28. 雅典:西方文明的摇篮

    Athens : A Cradle of Western Civilization

  29. 我不能责怪他为西方文明而着魔。

    I can 't blame him for being under the spell of the western civilization .

  30. 西方文明的起源与特质

    The Roots and characteristics of Western Culture