
  • 网络Kellogg;Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management;Kellogg School of Management;Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management;Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
  1. 在美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(KelloggschoolatNorthwesternUniversity),629名学生中有85人参与了速成型一年期课程。

    At the Kellogg school at Northwestern University , 85 of the 629 students are on an accelerated one-year degree .

  2. 西北大学凯洛格商学院(NorthwesternUniversity’sKelloggSchoolofManagement)的心理学家亚当?韦兹(AdamWaytz)在论文中解释说,“拥有权力会减少对归属感的需要”。

    Adam Waytz , a psychologist at Northwestern University 's Kellogg School of Management , explains in the paper that " having power reduces the need to belong . "

  3. 在临近芝加哥的西北大学凯洛格商学院,副院长贝齐•齐格勒(BetsyZiegler)认为,招聘人员会把MiM当作一个有力的加分项。

    At the Kellogg school at Northwestern University near Chicago , associate dean Betsy Ziegler believes the MiM presents a compelling proposition for recruiters .

  4. 香港科技大学和美国西北大学凯洛格商学院合办了一个EMBA课程。这是一个美国式的两年制课程,周末授课,学员还可前往美国学习。

    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , in partnership with the Kellogg school at Northwestern University , offers an American-style two-year programme , with weekend classes and overseas visits to the US .

  5. 香港科技大学一方面积极招聘受过海外培训的师资(其中许多人与香港有联系),另一方面与登上全球商学院排行榜的商学院发展联合课程——美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(NorthwesternUniversity:Kellogg)或许是其中最著名的。

    HKUST combined its aggressive approach to recruiting internationally trained faculty , many of whom had ties to Hong Kong , with developing joint programmes with globally ranked schools - the Kellogg school at Northwestern University in the US is perhaps the most notable .

  6. Lextalionis是拉丁文,意为因果应报。该项实验是这样进行的:哥伦比亚商学院和西北大学凯洛格商学院的研究人员从志愿者中随机抽取48人,让其参加两轮议价。

    Lex talionis is Latin for retributive justice , and here 's how the experiment went down : Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations .

  7. 凯利史密斯职位:市场营销学助理教授年龄:34岁学校:西北大学凯洛格商学院

    Kelly Goldsmith Title : Assistant Professor of Marketing Age : 34 School : Northwestern-Kellogg

  8. 西北大学凯洛格商学院的副教授解释道,健忘症有一种保护的特质。

    As an assistant professor at Northwestern 's Kellogg Business School , explains , the amnesia has a protective quality .

  9. 2013年,美国西北大学凯洛格商学院的亚当加林斯基教授,推广了“穿衣认知”这一理念。

    In 2013 , Adam D. Galinsky , a professor at Northwestern 's Kellogg School of Management in the US , popularized the idea of " enclothed cognition . "

  10. 该项实验是这样进行的:哥伦比亚商学院[微博]和西北大学[微博]凯洛格商学院的研究人员从志愿者中随机抽取48人,让其参加两轮议价。

    Lex talionis is Latin for " retributive justice , " and here 's how the experiment went down : Researchers from Columbia Business School and the Kellogg School at Northwestern put 48 randomly selected volunteers through two rounds of negotiations . Lex talionis