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Xī yà
  • Southwest Asia
  1. 她在津巴布韦长大,当时该地叫罗得西亚。

    She grew up in Zimbabwe , or Rhodesia as it then was .

  2. 我们乘飞机向着西南方向越过安纳托利亚高原,前往卡帕多西亚。

    We took a plane south-west across the Anatolian plateau to Cappadocia .

  3. 伍德黑德在罗得西亚度过了部分童年时光。

    Woodhead spent part of his childhood in Rhodesia .

  4. 升高CO2浓度和温度对针叶林的影响以及在川西亚高山针叶林研究中的展望

    Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO_2 and Temperature on Coniferous Forest and Perspectives to Study on the Subalpine Coniferous Forest in Western Sichuan

  5. 亚洲开发银行(AsiaDevelopmentBank)中亚和西亚局局长胡安·米兰达(JuanMiranda)也强调指出区域协作的重要性。

    Juan Miranda , director-general of the Central and West Asia Department at the Asia Development Bank , also stressed the importance of regional collaboration .

  6. 澳大利西亚蝙蝠协会(AustralasianBatSociety)主席罗布·格雷希恩说,林栖蝠在冬季大部分时间里也会主动停止活动。

    Forest dwellers may also spend much of their time in this voluntary shut down , explains Rob Gration , president of the Australasian Bat Society .

  7. 简要阐述了连续电磁剖面法(CEMP)在西亚某区的应用。

    This paper introduced the application of continuous electromagnetic profiling ( CEMP ) in western Asia .

  8. 我们的罗德西亚背脊犬杰玛(Gemma)对其他的狗狗很好,与我们温顺的三色猫阿迪(Addie)有着很特殊的感情。

    Our Rhodesian Ridgeback , Gemma , adored other dogs , and enjoyed a special relationship with our cat Addie , a docile tortoiseshell .

  9. 同时他又和来听他讲座的时装模特帕特里西亚·斯科特(PatreciaScott)之间开始了一段恋情,这自然更加于事无补。斯科特比他小15岁,两人后来结婚了。

    It did not help that he had begun a relationship that year with a fashion model , 15 years his junior , Patrecia Scott , who had attended his lectures ( and whom he later married ) .

  10. 高精度径向速度行星搜索器(HARPS)完成了这次发现。HARPS是欧洲南方天文台(国际性天文研究机构)安装在智利拉西亚天文台的。

    This discovery was made by The High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher ( HARPS ), which is installed at the European Southern Observatory 's La Silla Observatory in Chile .

  11. 《英语走向何方》的作者大卫葛拉多尔(davidgraddol)表示,人们很容易将这看作是北美、不列颠群岛及澳大拉西亚等地以英语为母语的人士的胜利但这是错误的。

    David Graddol , the author of English next , says it is tempting to view the story of English as a triumph for its native speakers in North America , the British Isles and Australasia but that would be a mistake .

  12. Cox-Singh说,在马拉西亚流行的很大数量的其它疟原虫,例如间日疟原虫,可能掩盖了诺氏疟原虫的存在。

    Cox-Singh says the huge numbers of other malarial parasites , such as P.vivax , circulating in Malaysia in the past could have masked the presence of P.knowlesi .

  13. 我们对消费者购买行为模式的研究已经基本成熟,诸如尼考西亚模式、霍华德&谢斯模式和EBK模式等经典模式的提出和应用。

    The research on consumer buying behavior model has already been mature because of the creation and the application of the several classical models such as Nicosia model , the Howard-Sheth model and the EBK model .

  14. 森林水文生态效应及在川西亚高山针叶林群落中的研究麦吊杉群落在贡嘎山东坡海拔2200~2800m之间呈带状分布。

    Picea brachytyla community , one of the main representative types of the subalpine dark coniferous forests in southwest China , zonally distributes on the east-facing slope of the Gongga Mountains at the altitude of 2200 ~ 2800m .

  15. 澳大拉西亚一个单子叶棕榈树属。

    Feathery palm trees . monotypic genus of palms of Australasia .

  16. 作者在1981年至2003年担任马拉西亚总理

    The writer was prime minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003

  17. 西亚图不眠夜,看过吗?

    It is sleepless in seattle , have you seen it ?

  18. 波士顿大学的唐纳德?西亚教授是巴基斯坦研究小组的负责人。

    Boston University professor Donald Thea led the research in Pakistan .

  19. 西亚经济社会委员会人口公报

    Population Bulletin of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

  20. 但波西亚要求巴塞尼奥在他离开之前先与她完婚。

    But Portia wanted Bassanio to marry her before he left .

  21. 长着适于吸取花蜜的舌和喙的澳大利西亚鸟。

    Australasian bird with tongue and bill adapted for extracting nectar .

  22. 贝亚德被捕的消息一经传入麦西亚。

    Word of Bayard 's arrest has got back to Mercia .

  23. 在澳大利亚、亚洲东南和玻利尼西亚广泛载植的蕨类植物。

    Commonly cultivated fern of Australia and southeastern Asia and Polynesia .

  24. 位于法国玻利尼西亚群岛中的大约个珊瑚岛。

    A group of about 80 coral islands in French Polynesia .

  25. 事实上,这位年轻的法官就是女扮男装的波西亚。

    This young judge was really Portia dressed as a man .

  26. 公爵感谢波西亚所作的一切。

    The duke thanked Portia for everything that she had done .

  27. 你能告诉我你们在西亚图的分店在哪吗?

    Will you tell me where your branch in Seattle is ?

  28. 9·11事件与西亚非洲专家笔谈

    Pen Conversations on the September 11 Attacks And West Asia and Africa

  29. 特里西亚是一名与会的年轻女孩,来自一个多灾难的国家菲律宾。

    Tricia , a young activist , comes from a disaster-prone country .

  30. 您以前怀布莱安和路西亚也恶心吗?

    Did you vomit when you have Brian and Lucia ?