
  • 网络Northwest A&F University;Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University;North West Agriculture and Forestry University;NWSUAF;NW A&F Univ
  1. 优化产学研结合模式及其对策高校产学研结合模式探析&西北农林科技大学产学研结合实践与探索

    Perfection of the Production-Teaching-Research Integration Pattern and the Countermeasures Research on Combined Model of Production , Teaching and Research in Universities Practice and research on combination of production , teaching and research in Northwest A F University

  2. 高校景观设计中文化内涵的表达&以西北农林科技大学南校区中心广场为例

    Expression of the Cultural Intension in the Landscape Design for A University A Case Study of South Campus Square of the Northwest A F University

  3. 西北农林科技大学NSTL用户科技信息需求调查报告

    Survey Report on Scien-tech Information Demand of NSTL users in the Northwest Scien-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry

  4. 新种模式标本分别保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWSUAF),中国科学院动物研究所(IZAS)。

    The type specimens of the new species are deposited separately in the Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry ( NWSUAF ) , Institute of Zoology , Academic Sinica ( IZAS ) .

  5. F-20-7是西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院2003年获得的以葡萄酒酵母(saccharomycescerevisiae)1450和酒酒球菌(Oenococcusoeni)SD-2a为亲本的跨界融合子。

    F-20-7 is the inter-kingdom fusant of wine yeast 1450 ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) and SD-2a ( Oenococcus oeni ), which was obtained by College of Enology in 2003 . Because the key enzyme genes are on the plasmid , so the ability of degrading malic acid is not stable .

  6. 模式标本分别保存在西北农林科技大学昆虫博物馆(NWAFU)、中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS)、中山大学生物系(ZSU)和中国农业大学(CAU)。

    The type specimens of the new species are deposited separately in the Northwest A & F University ( NWAFU ) , Institute of Zoology , Academic Sinica ( IZCAS ) , Zhongshan University ( ZSU ), Agricultural University of China ( CAU ), which are indicated under each specimen .

  7. 西北农林科技大学图书馆文献资源建设现状及评估情况分析

    Analysis of Library Document Construction in Northwest Sci-Tech University and Forestry

  8. 试论农业高校科研基地建设问题&以西北农林科技大学为例

    Study the Action of the Construction of Scientific Research Bases in Agricultural Universities

  9. 西北农林科技大学资源与环境学院;

    College of Resource and Environment , Northwest A & F University ; 2 .

  10. 《西北农林科技大学学报》70年发展史略

    Brief Phylogeny of the Journal of Northwest A & F University in 70 Years

  11. 发展示范区经济构建农业科技信息服务创新体系&以西北农林科技大学图书馆为例

    Develop the Economy of Demonstration Zone and Construct the Information Service Innovation System of Agricultural Science and Technology

  12. 校园建筑的继承与发展&西北农林科技大学八号教学楼设计解析

    The inheritance and development of campus architecture design analyses of No. 8 classroom building of Northwest A & F University

  13. 大学生对葡萄酒产品的认知状况及消费倾向&以西北农林科技大学北校区为例

    Recognition and Consumption Propensity of Grape Wine Products Among University Students Northwest A F Science Technology University as Survey Objective

  14. 名校、老校的改造与保护&西北农林科技大学城的总体规划设计

    Reconstruction and Protection of an old renowned University General Plan and Design of Northwest Science Technology University of Agriculture Forestry

  15. 农村籍女大学生教育个人直接成本实证研究&以西北农林科技大学为例

    Demonstration Research on Individual Direct Education Cost of Female College Student from Countryside : A Case of Northwest A & F University

  16. 西北农林科技大学西部环境与生态教育部重点实验室;

    The Environment and Ecology Key Laboratory of of Education Ministry in West China , Northwest A & F University ; 2 .

  17. 因此,各野生百合种均能在西北农林科技大学园艺场百合资源圃迁地保存,并进一步进行开发利用。

    Therefore , all of the lilium species could be preserved in the lilium nursery field of this region for further utilization .

  18. 构建高校图书馆复合参考咨询服务体系&以西北农林科技大学图书馆为例

    Construction of Compound Digital Reference Services Systems in University Libraries & Take the Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry As an Example

  19. 创造功能与形体完美结合的开放式就餐空间&西北农林科技大学学生食堂设计评述

    The Design Review of Students Restaurant of Northwestern Sci-tech University Agricultural and Forestry & Creating Opening Space with the Combination of Function and Appearance

  20. 结合西北农林科技大学资源环境学院的工作实践,探讨了在目前的高等教育形势下,如何做好实验室工作,更好地为教学、科研服务,并指出当前实验室存在的主要问题及今后努力的方向。

    It also discusses on how to complete the laboratory work under the present circumstances and points out the main problem in the current laboratory .

  21. 参与实验的学生来自西北农林科技大学创新学院植科1班的30位学生,其中男生17人,女生13人。

    The 30 participants are from the College of Experimental Innovative of Northwest A & F University , among whom there are 17 boys and 13 girls .

  22. 本章节主要针对西北农林科技大学的在校少数民族大学生的思想状态进行调查与分析。

    Investigation and Analysis This section focuses on the state of mind of the Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University of Science and Technology of minority college students in school .

  23. 西北农林科技大学针对区域特点和学科发展,用人才是第一资源的新观念,组建一流的科研梯队,促进优势学科发展;

    According to the regional characteristics and subject progress , the Northwest Sci - Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry has established the first class research echelon for promoting advantage subject development ;

  24. 在分析西北农林科技大学各种资源优势的基础上,选择设计了适合我校教学科研的参考咨询服务模型,并预测其发展前景。

    On the base of analyzing the advantages of resources in our university , this paper has designed the suitable digital reference service models for teaching and researching , and predicted its prospect .

  25. 我是西北农林科技大学的一名研究生,希望找一份翻译或者时间上可以自由支配的兼职工作。

    I am a postgraduate student from Northwest A & F University , expecting to find a part-time job about translation or something else which I can fulfill it in my spare time .

  26. 报道了与危害中国秦岭华山松的华山松大小蠹相关的真菌新种,描述了其有性阶段和无性阶段的形态特征。研究标本保存于西北农林科技大学。

    During a recent survey of fungi associated with bark beetle in Qinling Mountains of China , a new species was isolated , and the aim of this study was to describe this fungus .

  27. 以西北农林科技大学图书馆西文期刊馆藏书目数据库建设的实践为例,提出建立西文期刊馆藏书目数据库的一些做法和注意的几个问题,并有五点深刻体会。

    This paper deals with bibliographic database development of foreign language periodicals in the Northwest Sci_Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry , and puts forward proposals to resolve the problems methods and introduced experiences in five aspects .

  28. 三农问题研究回顾与展望&以《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》‘三农’问题研究栏目为例

    Review and Prospect of the Study on Problems Concerning Agriculture , Farmers and Countryside & Case Study into the Column Related to Agriculture , Farmers and Countryside of Journal of Northwest Sci Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry

  29. 本研究通过对西北农林科技大学茶叶试验站的50份茶树种质资源的农艺性状、制茶品质、主要生化成分以及抗逆性进行了鉴定和评价,为茶树优良品种的选育提供了依据。

    So in my work , I have identified and evaluated the agronomic characteristic , tea quality , the main biochemical components and stress resistance of 50 tea germplasms of Northwest A & F University tea Research Station .

  30. 定量研究材料由两部分组成:第一部分是西北农林科技大学农学院本科二年级的60份调查问卷。

    The quantitative study consists of two parts : The first is the 60 copies of the questionnaire from the sophomores of the agronomy in Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry , which is made up of three sections .