
  1. 典型报道是我国传统新闻报道方式之一,也是社会主义新闻事业的独特景观。

    Typical report is one of the traditional news reporting in China , is also the unique landscape of Socialist journalism .

  2. 中国,党报(含党刊,下同)作为各级党组织的机关报,一直引领着中国社会主义新闻事业的方向,在各个历史时期都发挥着重要作用。

    In China , CPC newspaper ( including magazines ), as organ-newspaper , has been leading the direction of Chinese socialist journalism in every historical era .

  3. 我国的社会主义新闻事业,要求新闻报道必须“以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人”;

    The features of the news cause in our socialist nation requires the news report to shape people with great spirit and motivate people with great works .

  4. 新闻人文关怀的提出,是中国特色社会主义新闻事业发展的重要理论成果,充分反映社会现状和时代发展的新要求。

    News made the humanities , the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an important theoretical results , fully reflect social status and the new requirements of the times .

  5. 要坚持社会主义新闻事业的优良传统,既报道事,也报道人,树立突发事件报道的人文视角。

    Sticking to fine traditions of press undertaking of socialism , the media should report not only the events itself but the participants , setting up the humane perspective of the report of the unexpected events .

  6. 中国(本文称之中国专指当代社会主义中国)的新闻事业就到了这样一个关口,即它必须拥有一部完备的新闻法。

    Chinese ( in this paper , China indicates the contemporary socialist China ) news legislation has reached such a stage that we must have a prefect law of news .