
  • 网络social civilization;social culture
  1. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志,要把人民健康放在优先发展战略地位。

    The people 's health is the foundation of social civilization and progress and an important symbol of national prosperity , we should put the people 's health high on the development strategy .

  2. 公正是社会文明的一个重要尺度。

    The justice is the important degree of the social civilization .

  3. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志。

    People 's health is the foundation of a civilization 's progress and an important indicator of a nation 's prosperity .

  4. 作为人类社会文明的发源地-河流及与其密切相关的流域(Watershed),它们的生态环境倍受人们关注。

    River , as the birthplace of the civilization of human society , is closely related with watershed . Nowadays , people in a watershed pay more and more attention on their ecological environment .

  5. 竞争进取,是社会文明进步的一个标志;

    Competition and enterprising indicates the social civilization and progress ;

  6. 公民参与:社会文明程度和国家治理水平的重要标识

    Public Participation : the Important Symbol of Social Civilization and National Administration

  7. 随着信息技术的大力发展,社会文明的不断进步,电视媒体作为公共信息传播的重要手段持续增强,成为影响国家和社会发展的重要力量。

    With development of the social civilization and information technology .

  8. 科学技术&人类社会文明进化的基因组图谱

    Science & technology-the genome map for advancement of human civilization

  9. 休闲的发达程度是经济发展水平和社会文明程度的重要标志。

    Leisure development is an important symbol of economic development and social civilization .

  10. 全球化既是不同社会文明的对抗,也是不同社会文明的交融。

    Globalization is confrontation and integration of different civilizations .

  11. 软件产业是社会文明发展到信息时代的产物。

    Software industry is the outcome of social development in this Information Age .

  12. 因此我们需要培养良好的行为习惯,发展社会文明道德建设。

    So we should cultivate good habits and develop socialist culture and ethics .

  13. 社会文明程度决定记者的社会地位

    Social Civilization Levels Determine Reporters ' Social Status

  14. 伴随社会文明发展和医疗水平提高,发病率逐渐上升,目前是最常见的功能性疾病之一。

    Going with the economical developed and medicine improved , the incidence gradually rises .

  15. 旅游业发展对旅游厕所提出了新的要求,以厕所卫生、厕所文化、用厕文明为主要内容的厕所风暴已成为推进社会文明的切入点。

    The development of tourism industry makes a new requirement to the tourist toilet .

  16. 社会文明度将降低。

    We will have a less civil society .

  17. 青年劳动力资源是社会文明进步与经济发展的第一推动力。

    Youth labor resources are the leading impetus in social civilization and economic develop-ment .

  18. 马克思主义社会文明观的新发展&党的十六大报告的一个重要理论创新

    The New Development of Marxist Social Civilization View

  19. 公共安全是现代社会文明的重要特征之一。·安全方面。

    The public safety administration is one of the key parts of the modern civilization .

  20. 略论两宋社会文明转型对史学发展的影响

    Brief Discussions on the Influence of Social Transition Period of Song Dynasties on Historiography Development

  21. 随着社会文明的进步和城市化进程的加快,人们对游憩休闲的需求也呈逐步上升趋势。

    Following the civilization developing of a society , the recreational demand is gradually rising .

  22. 什么是人类文明的基础与命运&弗洛伊德的社会文明观述评

    The Foundation and Destiny of Civilization

  23. 认识到全民健身思想是社会文明进步的表征;

    To understand that the idea of Fitness for Allis a symbol of developed social civilization ;

  24. 科学技术对社会文明的作用论析

    Scientific Technology and Social Civilization

  25. 发展残疾人体育事业,推动社会文明全面进步

    A Symbol of Social Civilization : An Overall Building of the PE . Cause for the Disabled

  26. 文化的开放性与多元化是现代社会文明进步的表征。

    The openness and pluralism of culture is the characterization of the modern social civilization and progress .

  27. 信息电子产品已经成为现代信息社会文明与进步的标志。

    Electronic information product has been the mark of civilization and advancement of the modern information society .

  28. 汉字形体的变化是社会文明和生产力发展的结果

    The formation Change in Chinese Character is the Consequence of the Developments in Social Civilization and Productivity

  29. 感恩是社会文明的精神体现,也是做人的基本准则。

    Thanksgiving is a society embodying the spirit of civilization , but also basic principles in life .

  30. 人类信息交流的变革和社会文明的变迁

    Information Communication and Human Civilization