
lì zǐ wù lǐ xué
  • particle physics
  1. 近年来,随着欧洲核子中心的大型强子对撞机(LHC)取得的新进展,超出标准模型的新物理研究成为粒子物理学的一个热点。

    With the large hadron collider ( LHC ) of CERN making new progresss in the past few years , the new physics beyond the Standard Model ( SM ) has been one of the most important issues of particle physics .

  2. 因为这说明在基本粒子物理学这个领域,还有许多创造性的工作可以做。

    Particle physics was an area where creative work could still be done .

  3. 在B介子实验中寻找新物理存在的信号或证据是B介子物理研究的重要组成部分,是目前国际粒子物理学界十分关注的重要研究领域。

    It is an important object of B meson experiment to look for the signal and evidence of new physics .

  4. 群论和拓扑学在粒子物理学中的作用&兼论数学在现代物理学中的重要作用

    The Role of Group Theory and Topology to Partical Physics

  5. 粒子物理学与核物理学进展第35卷

    Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics . Vol.35

  6. 对粒子物理学中几个方程的讨论

    Discussion on Several Equations of Particle Physics

  7. 规范场理论在粒子物理学中的地位和作用

    The Position and Function on Guage Theory

  8. 而当时已知的理论无法用来描述强相互作用,因此强相互作用的研究成为60年代粒子物理学的时尚。

    But the theory had been known was not used to describe the strong interaction .

  9. 基本粒子物理学的进展

    Development of elementary - particle physics

  10. 年夜型强子对撞机已经完成了它超越粒子物理学尺度模子的第一步。

    The Large Hadron Collider has made its first steps beyond the standard model of particle physics .

  11. 洛伦兹虫孔主要用于半经典重力引力研究,而欧几里得虫孔用于粒子物理学研究。

    Lorentzian wormholes are mainly studied in semiclassical gravity and Euclidean wormholes are studied in particle physics .

  12. 粒子物理学中的半群理论

    Semi-group theory in particle physics

  13. 粒子物理学们乞助于巨年夜的对撞机用以年夜头确定章个模子而且搜索打破这个模子的粒子。

    Particle physicists turn to enormous colliders to refine the model and search for particles that break it .

  14. 但这是一个败局已定。据说,伯纳德的基本粒子物理学是在他职业生涯的早期研究的。

    But that 's a lost cause , says d'Espagnat , who studied particle physics early in his career .

  15. 基本粒子物理学,仅仅在最近四十年才成为被承认的一个研究领域。

    The physics of fundamental particles has been a recognized field of research only in the past 40 years .

  16. 宇宙膨胀论是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上得出的似乎可信的推论。

    Cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics * ( 1998:75 )

  17. 这解释了为什么即使在这样胜利的时刻,粒子物理学仍然是一门很脆弱的科学。

    This helps explain why , even at this moment of triumph , particle physics is a fragile endeavour .

  18. 还有,不仅是天体物理学,还有核物理、粒子物理学也对这些迷人的物体很感兴趣。

    Moreover , these fascinating objects are of interest not only to astrophysicists but also to nuclear and particle physicists .

  19. 只要生活继续,粒子物理学,油漆家具或你从事任何工作都有这样的作用。

    So can particle physics , furniture refinishing or any other endeavor you take up while the world spins on .

  20. 粒子物理学总是能很好地解决我们生活中遇到的像为什么我们在这里?

    PARTICLE physics is all very well for addressing trivial matters like why are we here ? ( see article ) .

  21. 但是现在,有多少学生通过麻省理工学院的在线视频学会了微分方程和粒子物理学呢?

    But today , how many students have you met who mastered differential equations and particle physics from an MIT online video ?

  22. 评述了阿伯拉罕·派斯的生平及其在理论物理学和物理学史上的贡献,介绍了他的著作InwardBound的新出版的中译本《基本粒子物理学史》。

    A review is given of the life of Abraham Pais and his contributions to both theoretical physics and the history of physics .

  23. 重点介绍了当前粒子物理学对轻标量介子研究的理论和实验现状,以及存在的主要问题。介绍了研究轻标量赝标量介子的质量夸克组成衰变宽度一些理论方法,及实验数据。

    Experimental status and theoretical approach of the Scalar and pseudo-scalar mesons about its mass , quark composition and decay amplitude are detailed .

  24. 粒子物理学总是能很好地解决我们生活中遇到的像“为什么我们在这里?”这类的琐事。

    PARTICLE physics is all very well for addressing trivial matters like " why are we here ? " ( see article ) .

  25. 高能物理学参谋团向美国能源部提出了陈述,而且它在美国是对于未来的粒子物理学项目提出建议的最高集体。

    Hepap reports to the US Department of Energy and is the highest panel in the US making recommendations on future particle physics projects .

  26. 介子衰变过程以其独特的性质成为检验标准模型,探索新物理的重要场所,是当前粒子物理学的一个重要研究领域。

    B meson decays are important places to test the standard model and search for possible new physics beyond the SM for their special qualities .

  27. 他说,这个全力甚至获得工作在年夜型强子对撞机的物理学家们的撑持,他们理解这是“粒子物理学的极好机缘”。

    He said the bid had even been supported by physicists working on the LHC who saw it as an " excellent opportunity for particle physics " .

  28. 而如果你研究的是象基本粒子物理学这样的领域,你甚至没有是在从事一种马上就有用的工作所带来的满足。

    And if you work in a field like elementary particle physics , you won 't even have the satisfaction of doing something that is immediately useful .

  29. 众所周知,对称性在粒子物理学中发挥着极其重要的作用。物理学家们一直以来坚信自然界的基本规律应该是对称的。

    Symmetry has always been played a very important role in particle physics and physicists also believed that the basic laws of the universe should be symmetric .

  30. 中微子的静质量是20世纪末物理学中一个有待解决的重要问题,它在粒子物理学、宇宙学和天体物理学中占有重要的地位。

    The neutrino mass , which plays an important part in particle physics , cosmology and astrophysics , was a problem unsolved at the end of the 20th century .