
  • 网络Research model;Study Model;study cast
  1. 目的建立动脉内皮细胞(ECs)的体外研究模型。

    Objective Establishing the research model of arterial endothelial cells in vitro .

  2. [目的]建立K-ras基因12位密码子第一、二位点基因分型的研究模型。

    To establish a research model for genotyping the first and second position of codon 12 of K-ras genotype .

  3. 燃煤锅炉PM微尺度流体力学研究模型初探

    Microscale hydromechanical model of particulate matter originating from coal-combustion-boiler

  4. 目的:建立航空性中耳炎的动物研究模型。

    Objective : To establish the animal model of aero-otitis media .

  5. 3D-OCP&一种大中型野生动物家域研究模型

    3d-ocp ── a home range model for large to middle-sized animals

  6. 控制性低温家兔血液流变性研究模型的建立

    Setting up of clamped hypothermia rabbit model for studying Hemorheology

  7. 第一条规则是研究模型并寻找概念。

    The first rule was to look at the model and find the concept .

  8. 主要研究模型假设的合理性和自变量的选择。

    It mainly researches the rationality of regression model and the independent variables selection .

  9. 研究模型检测(1)模型检测技术分析协议的方法。

    Study the model checking ( 1 ) Model checking technique analyzed protocol 's method .

  10. 结论该模型制作手术成功率高,是一种理想的肝移植实验研究模型。

    Conclusion OLT in mice was an ideal model for experimental research of live transplantation .

  11. 本文的研究模型是将三个相同的二能级原子分开放置在独立的三个相同的一维光子晶体中。

    Our model is placing three identical two level atoms separately in three identical one-dimensional photonic crystals .

  12. 使用铁路发展研究模型模拟乘客面对票价调整时的乘车模式选择取向,然后再分析模拟结果,以便研究乘客需求的转变和对地铁系统营运收入的影响。

    In order to study the changes in passenger demand and operating revenue , the simulation result is analyzed .

  13. 模型上选择了适应玉米生产的研究模型,对相关数据进行了调整、修正。

    Choose a model to study the maize production model , the relevant data have been adjusted and amended .

  14. 柔性机械臂作为最典型的多柔体系统,被广泛地用作多柔体系统的研究模型。

    Flexible manipulator as the typical flexible multibody system , was widely used as the flexible multibody system model .

  15. 对两种不同构造型式的散热器进行数值模拟,以长翼型、卫浴散热器为研究模型,进行散热器表面温度场分布情况模拟分析。

    Simulation two different structure types of radiator , ChangYi type and toilet radiator . In order to analysis radiators surface temperature field distribution . 3 .

  16. 尽管精子发生是人与动物生命体内一个重要的生理过程,但长期以来由于缺乏合适的体内和体外研究模型,人们对精子发生过程分子机制的了解依然十分有限。

    Spermatogenesis is an important characteristic in multicellular animals , yet the lack of in vivo and in vitro models limit our understanding of its molecular mechanism .

  17. 研究模型以企业因素、工作满意度、组织承诺、老板素质、老乡群体为自变量,流失倾向为因变量。

    The researching model uses enterprise factors , job satisfaction , organizational commitment , boss quality , villagers group as independent variable , turnover intention as dependent variable .

  18. 路径分析证明预期的研究模型是成立的,教师表现主要受到个人情境知觉以及个人职业能力水平的直接影响。

    Path Analysis suggests that the previous research model is right , that is , the teacher performance is mainly affected by personal situational consciousness and professional capacity .

  19. 模型方法是以研究模型来揭示原型的形态、特征和本质的方法,是逻辑方法的一种形式。

    The model method is a way to reveal the prototype form , characteristics and essence by studying the object , and it is a form of logical method .

  20. 第二章介绍了微型泳动机器人的理论基础和驱动原理,对微型机器人进行运动学和动力学分析,建立理论研究模型。

    In the second chapter , the theoretical basis and propelling principle are introduced . With the analyzing of kinematics and dynamics of the swimming micro-robot , the theoretical model is build up .

  21. 结合基本研究模型,介绍了近年来钙钛矿型铁电薄膜表面,铁电薄膜与半导体、铁电薄膜与电极形成的界面,以及铁电超晶格的第一性原理研究的基本思路、方法和主要结论。

    Along with the basic models , we introduce the main method and results of recent theoretical studies on perovskite ferroelectric thin films and superlattices , including the properties of surfaces , interfaces and strain .

  22. 本文提出了模型自由飞试验的可靠性定义;强调指出研究模型自由飞试验的可靠性问题之根本目的在于提高其经济性、试验效率和安全性;

    R The reliability of the model free-flight test is defined , and the essential goal to research the reliability of the model free-flight test - to improve its economic benefit , test efficiency and safety .

  23. 目的通过对脂质过氧化物和心肌高能磷酸化合物的测定,评价同种异位鼠心移植模型做为缺血/再灌注损伤研究模型的可行性。

    Objective To study whether the heterotopic allografted rat heart model can be used as animal experiment model in ischemia / reperfusion injury research , the model is evaluated by studying the change of peroxidation products and high-energy phosphate .

  24. 根据老年人迁移理论、人居环境学理论、老年人需求理论和相关的老年人养老住房政策认知理论,构建本文研究模型,并提出了9个研究假设。

    This study also constructs the study model on the basis of the Elderly Migration Theory , the Sciences of Human Settlements , Need-hierarchy Theory and the theory of elderly residence policies cognition , and proposes nine research hypotheses .

  25. 通过对分布式测控系统的分析,提出了测控网络与信息网络的逻辑集成模型,并讨论了分布式测控系统的研究模型、逻辑数学模型、研究方法和研究内容。

    In this paper , the logical integrated model of test and control network and information network is put forward . The research model , research approach , logical maths model , research content is discussed by analyzing distributed test and control system .

  26. 此外,提出研究模型中5个参数的性质和特点,通过类比的方法可得到不同区域的结构抗震能力估计结果,为未来我国开展全国范围内的建筑物分区抗震性能估计奠定基础。

    Furthermore , it proposes that study the property and character of the 5 parameters , can get seismic reliability estimate result of building group in different areas by analogy . It will lay the foundation for seismic resistance estimation of building subarea in overseas .

  27. 应用适用于现代车辆悬挂系统的设计与制造的液压减振器动态数学模型,有效描述研究模型参数与减振器的内部结构、零部件设置与减振器动态特性的关系。

    A new dynamic mathematical model of shock absorber for the modern vehicle suspension system is applied , which can effectively establish the connection between the model parameters and the inner configuration , and also the connection between the accessory setting and dynamic characterizations of the shock absorber .

  28. 本文研究AR模型参数特征用于瞬态信号自适应检测的问题。

    The problem of adaptive detection of transient signals is studied .

  29. 第四章为国际贸易与FDI长期关系研究的模型构建;

    Chapter Four constructs the model about the long-term relationship between international trade and FDI .

  30. 通过介绍GPS在大气探测中的应用,引入了一种新的研究大气模型的方法&无线电掩星技术。

    This paper introduces radio occultation technology - a new method for study of atmospheric model through introducing GPS application in atmospheric exploration .