
  • 网络research director;CRO;Chief Research Officer
  1. IDC公司HealthInsights集团的研究总监阿兰o路易称,要深入研究所有电子病历也存在这个问题。

    It 's the same issue at hand with exploiting electronic medical records overall , said Alan Louie , research director with IDC 's Health Insights group .

  2. 能源咨询公司安迅思中国(ICISChina)研究总监李莉表示:亚洲市场已(为中国柴油和汽油出口)作好了准备。

    Asian markets have already braced themselves for an influx of Chinese diesel and gasoline , said Li Li , research director for energy consultancy ICIS China .

  3. 这种情况是不可持续的,澳新银行(ANZBank)大中华区经济研究总监刘利刚表示。

    This is not sustainable , said Li-Gang Liu , head of China economics at ANZ Bank .

  4. 达拉斯ParksAssociates研究总监布雷特&12539;萨平顿(BrettSappington)说,最好是再等等。

    It 's better to wait , says Brett Sappington , director of research at Dallas-based Parks Associates .

  5. 总部位于上海的易观国际中国的研究总监彭路平表示,即使现在很难立即获得利润,华为也可能会打入PC市场。

    Nicole Peng , research director of Canalys China , a market research firm based in Shanghai , said Huawei may choose to enter the PC market even if it is hard to attain profits immediately .

  6. 美奇金(北京)投资咨询有限公司(JCapitalResearch)研究总监杨思安(AnneStevenson-Yang)总结说,中国中小城市的房地产市场是极其不切实际的空中楼阁。她曾经多次往返中国各地,考察房地产的发展状况。

    Anne Stevenson-Yang , research director at J Capital Research in Beijing , who crisscrosses China checking out property developments , sums up the real-estate market in China 's smaller cities ' an incredible house of cards . '

  7. L2研究总监科林o吉尔伯特表示,这一系列合作标志着创新的摇篮与时尚的发源地终于开始牵手。

    These collaborations signal a moment where the cradle of innovation and the arbiters of fashion are finally embracing one another , says L2 research director Colin Gilbert .

  8. EPFL研究总监马赫·卡亚解释了系统的微电子部分。他说,微电子机械系统(MEMS)仅仅是个开始,为下一代光学材料提供实验阵地。

    Micro electro-mechanical systems ( MEMS ) are only beginning to be used as a basis for the next generation of optical material .

  9. 现在,根据IHSTechnology的中国研究总监王阳透露,今年苹果公司终于决定将iPhone7的起步内存从16GB升级至32GB了.iPhone7内存升级的传闻最初来自于科技网站MobiPicker。

    Well , now comes word via IHS Technology analyst Kevin Wang that Apple this year will , at long last , up the storage on its entry-level models iPhone from 16GB to 32GB .

  10. Equilar研究总监阿伦•博伊德表示,去年这些公司有144名CEO离职,高于2009年的129名和2010年的110名。

    Last year , 144 of these CEOs left their companies , according to Aaron Boyd , research director for equilar , up from 129 and 110 in 2009 and 2010 , respectively .

  11. 英敏特(Mintel)中国研究总监徐如一表示,说服中国妈妈们使用纸尿裤是一个很慢的过程。

    Persuading Chinese mothers to use disposable nappies has been a slow process , says Xu Ruyi , head of China research at Mintel .

  12. PRRI研究总监丹尼尔-考克斯说,一些受访者(包括75%的非白人新教徒)相信恶劣天气既是末日论的证据,也是气候变化的结果。

    PRRI research director Daniel Cox said that some respondents - including 75 percent of non-white Protestants - believe extreme weather is both evidence of end times and the result of climate change .

  13. 研究总监赛罗•哈内曼指出,这一数字与前一年基本持平,可能还略低一些。

    Research Director Thilo hanemann notes that this is about the same level as the previous year , perhaps slightly less .

  14. 同年,《华盛顿邮报》的研究总监将软广告誉为“一场心灵的旅程”。(这是真的。)

    That same year , the Post 's CRO called native ads " a spiritual journey . " ( Really . )

  15. 科学界的共识是,‘现在不要做,’香港中文大学生命伦理中心研究总监李湖树表示。

    The consensus among the scientific community is , ' not for now ,' said Huso Yi , the director of research at the Chinese University of Hong Kong Centre for Bioethics .

  16. 航天及国防咨询公司蒂尔集团航天研究总监马可o卡塞雷斯称:请牢记,无论什么时候开始发射更多卫星,只要能大幅降低发射服务的价格,带来更多新入行的企业,就会产生大量连带效应。

    Keep in mind that whenever you start launching more satellites , when you make launch services cheaper and bring new players into the market , you have a lot of spinoff effects , Marco Caceres , director of space studies at aerospace and defense consultancy Teal Group .

  17. 香港岭南大学亚太经贸合作研究中心总监。

    Director , HK Asia Pacific Economic Study Centre , Lingnan University .

  18. JavelinStrategyandResearch的支付研究与咨询总监布鲁斯坎迪夫(BruceCundiff)表示:控制就等于收入。

    Control equals revenue , said Bruce Cundiff , director of payments research and consulting at Javelin Strategy and Research .

  19. 马库拉应用伦理学研究中心执行总监、授课教师KirkO.Hanson指出,课程供不应求的状况是由多种原因造成的。

    The course is in demand for many reasons , said Kirk O. Hanson , the course instructor and executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics .

  20. 高力国际物业顾问(香港)有限公司的研究和咨询总监SimonLo说,卖方在上个周末将要价降低了3%到5%,租户也可以期望一个月内租金会有类似的下降。

    Sellers lowered asking prices by3 % - 5 % this past weekend , and renters can expect a similar decline within a month , said Simon Lo , director of research and advisory at Colliers International Hong Kong .

  21. 荷兰合作银行金融市场研究部全球总监林伯仁说,中国央行也在试图减缓借贷。

    Jan Lambregts , global head of financial markets research at Rabobank , says the central bank is also trying to slow lending .

  22. 据品牌研究所创意总监斯科特·皮尔格罗西介绍,这个词的读音是“co-MER-na-tee”。

    It 's pronounced " co-MER-na-tee " according to Scott Piergrossi , president of creative for the Brand Institute , which crafted the name .

  23. VannevarBush在1945对于资讯系统的观念,以他在二次世界大战身为科学研究与发展中心总监的经验为基础。

    Starting Over Vannevar Bush's1945 concept of an information system based on his experiences during WWII as Director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development .

  24. 公司治理研究公司GMI宣传总监与助理研究员保罗•霍奇森称,在公司调查报告中,倒闭公司的董事被打上了“危险人物”的标签。

    Directors from failed companies are red-flagged in company research reports , says Paul Hodgson , communications director and research associate at corporate governance research firm GMI .

  25. 就像Pantone的色彩研究所的执行总监所说,我们都对蓝色会流露出自然而然的喜爱,一部分原因是它的天空的颜色。

    According to executive director of the Pantone Colour Institute , we all have a natural preference for blue , partially because of the sky . '

  26. 基于工作流的现代造船工程计划管理业务建模研究造船总工程师总监造师

    Research on Project Planning Management Modeling Based on Workflow Under Modern Shipbuilding Mode chief constructor

  27. 由于对这些国家的投资过于集中,产生了巨大的泡沫。世邦魏理仕西班牙的研究和投资策略总监帕特里西奥o帕洛玛o穆里洛表示,现在他们正在寻求投资地域多元化。

    Because investment was so concentrated in those countries , they created a large bubble , says Patricio Palomar Murillo , director of research and investment strategy at CBRE Spain . Now , they are looking to diversify geographically .

  28. 市场研究公司IDC的游戏研究总监路易斯o沃德表示,索尼从2011年的风波中得到了许多惨痛的教训。

    Sony SNE 2.21 % learned a lot of painful lessons from the 2011 breach , says Lewis Ward , research director for gaming at the market research firm IDC .

  29. 市场研究公司KantarWorldpanel的研究总监卡罗琳娜•米拉内西(CarolinaMilanesi)表示,在硬件方面,小米(Xiaomi)已占据中国城市31.6%的市场份额。

    In hardware , Xiaomi has 31.6 per cent of the urban Chinese market , according to Carolina Milanesi , chief of research at Kantar Worldpanel , the market research company .

  30. 作者是研究服务公司TrustedSources中国研究总监

    The writer is head of China research at Trusted Sources , the research service