
  • 网络knowledge structure;structure;intellectual structure;knowledge
  1. 同时,建议个人投资者依据自身知识结构和计算难度,使用EPS或△EPS。

    At the same time , I recommend individual investors to use the EPS or △ EPS according to their knowledge structure and computational difficulty .

  2. 试论复合图书馆参考咨询馆员知识结构&基于Brookes方程的探讨

    Preliminary Discussion on Knowledge Structure of Reference Librarians in Hybrid Libraries

  3. MCAI课件要求教师改变教育观念,改造知识结构,研究新的教育方法;

    It requires the teachers to change their educative concepts , rebuild the knowledge structure and research the new education methods .

  4. Lakoff与Johnson主张隐喻是人类概念系统的固有特性,它使人能够运用来源域里的知识结构来彰显目标域里的知识结构。

    Lakoff and Johnson assert that metaphor is a natural feature of our concept system and makes it possible for us to use the knowledge frame of a source domain to highlight that of the target domain .

  5. MPA论文是检验MPA学生相应知识结构、能力结构及水平标准的最后一个环节,是所学理论指导实践的具体表现,而论文选题直接决定了论文的应用价值。

    As a last key link of MPA education , MPA thesis can test the MPA students ' knowledge structure , competency structure and competency standard , and is a concrete manifestation of the theory to guide practice . Thesis topics directly determine the thesis ' application value .

  6. DFSES系统采用了一种缺省推理方法,大大地提高了该系统的决策能力,本文介绍了DFSES系统中的缺省理论及其扩张,并阐述了基于这些思想和类树形知识结构的特点缺省推理的实现。

    The DFSES system adopts a method of default reasoning to improve its decision efficiency . This paper introduces the default theory , the extension and the candidate extension , and focuses on the implementation of default reasoning based on these ideas and tree-like architecture of knowledge in DFSES .

  7. 高校体育教师的知识结构与能力结构

    The Knowledge and Ability Structure of the Collegiate Physical Education Teachers

  8. 高校教师的知识结构与师生关系

    Knowledge structure and teacher-student relationship for teachers in university and college

  9. 知识结构单一,整体素质参差不齐;

    The knowledge structure sole , the overall quality is irregular ;

  10. 译员的知识结构与口译课程设置

    Knowledge Requirements for Interpreters and Their Implication to Interpreting Course Designing

  11. 目前中学历史教师知识结构的缺陷及其对策

    Defects and Countermeasures on the Present Knowledge Structures of History Teachers

  12. 高校财会人员的综合素质有待提高,高校财务队伍的人员结构、知识结构需要调整。

    Personnel The personnel structure , and knowledge structure requires adjustment .

  13. 基于知识结构的跨国公司子公司成长战略研究

    Study of Multinational Subsidiaries ' Growth Strategy Based on Knowledge Structures

  14. 建立全新知识结构提高整体护理质量

    Establishing Completely New Knowledge Structure and Raising Whole Nursing Quality

  15. 结构工程师;知识结构;能力;个人知识管理。

    Structural Engineer , Knowledge Structure , Capacity , Personal Knowledge Management .

  16. 纺织专科学生应具备的素质和知识结构研究

    Research of Staff and Knowledge Structure Required of Textile Collegians

  17. 军事代表人才的知识结构及培训体系研究

    Study on Knowledge Architecture and Training System of Military Representatives

  18. 化学史教学在学生理解知识结构中的作用

    The Function of Chemistry History Education in Comprehending Knowledge Structure for Students

  19. 丰富知识结构,培养编辑多方面的兴趣;

    To enrich their knowledge structure and develop multi-aspect interests ;

  20. 本文论述新闻编辑的知识结构。

    This article talks about news editors ' knowledge framework .

  21. 试论复合型美术教育人才的知识结构

    On the Knowledge Structure of Complex Talents in Art Education

  22. 关于重视高知识结构教练选聘问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Importance of Selecting Coaches with High Knowledges

  23. 论体育专业学生知识结构体系

    The Structural System of Knowledge and Training Countermeasures of PE Major Students

  24. 浅谈教学秘书的知识结构、修养和才能

    On Cultivation Of Knowledge Structure And Ability Of Teaching Secretary

  25. 此方法具有学习机能,且能显示知识结构。

    This system has study ability , and can display the knowledge structure .

  26. 究其原因主要是不合理的教师知识结构所致。

    Studying its reason , the mainly one is no-reasonable teacher knowledge structure .

  27. 电磁学知识结构体系与教学研究

    Structural System of Knowledge about Electromagnetism and Teaching Research

  28. 三是护理队伍的知识结构偏低;

    The low intellectual structure of the nursing personnel ;

  29. 论合唱指挥的综合知识结构

    On the Comprehensive Knowledge Structure of the Chorus Conductor

  30. 《科学》课程挑战理科教师的学科知识结构

    Science challenged subject knowledge structure of natural sciences teachers