
  1. 引入协同管理的科研团队知识创新系统分析

    Research on Knowledge Innovation System Fusing Collaborative Management in Research Team

  2. 合作研发企业知识创新系统研究

    The Study of the Cooperative R & D Based Knowledge Creation System

  3. 篮球运动理论知识创新系统初探

    Exploration to Innovative System of the Basketball Sports Theory

  4. 企业知识创新系统自组织特性及演进机理研究

    Research on the Self-organization Characteristic and Evolution Mechanism of Enterprise Knowledge Innovation System

  5. 知识创新系统的信息保障

    On the Information Guarantee of Intellectual Innovation Systems

  6. 文献情报工作在知识创新系统中的地位和作用

    The Position and Function of Documentation and Information Work in the Knowledge Innovation System

  7. 国家自然科学基金项目是推动知识创新系统实现其功能的重要形式。

    The Science Foundation Programs are an important means by which knowledge innovation system could achieve its scientific function .

  8. 中国国家创新体系的有机构成为环状:核心是知识创新系统。

    The organic structure of national innovation systems of China is annular , the core of which is the innovative system of knowledge .

  9. 高校知识创新系统是一个开放的、远离平衡态的以及受制于内外部各种要素影响的非线性系统。

    The system of universities ' knowledge innovation is a nonlinear system which is open , far from equilibrium and influenced by internal and external factors .

  10. 提出知识创新系统的构成要素与企业知识创新系统的影响因素。其次,对企业员工激励进行理论研究。

    The elements of knowledge innovation system and the factors of enterprises knowledge innovation system were gained . Second , theory discussions of enterprises staff incentive .

  11. 知识创新系统中的高校知识信息管理是高校科技工作者启动知识创新过程,获取最新科技信息的基础条件。

    Information administration in tertiary institutions , as part of its knowledge creation system , helps scientific researchers initiate the process of knowledge creation and retain the latest information .

  12. 在国家知识创新系统中,国有企业作为其主要组成部分,其创新对国家创新体系的建立和完善起着重要作用。

    In national knowledge innovation system , as the main part of the innovation of the establishment and perfection of the national innovation system , state-owned enterprises plays an important role .

  13. 本文从主体的概念分析入手,并结合实际情况,通过大量数据分析,对国家创新系统中知识创新系统和技术创新系统创新主体的合理选择和确定作了阐述。

    Then according to the realistic instance , there is an expatiation about the reasonable choice and establishment of national knowledge and technology innovation system 's innovative main body by analyzing abundant data .

  14. 在前述企业知识创新系统、企业激励因素理论与实证分析的基础上,构建企业激励体系的总体结构、基于企业知识创新的企业激励体系设计的目的、原则、流程。

    General structure of enterprises staff incentive system , targets , principles , processes of enterprises staff inventive system design for enterprise knowledge innovations on the base of enterprises knowledge innovation system , theory and demonstration of enterprises innovation factors above .

  15. 团队知识创新支持系统的设计与应用研究

    Design and Application Research of Team Knowledge Creation Support System

  16. 基于语义网的协作式知识创新服务系统的设计

    The Design of Collaborative Knowledge Innovation Services System Based on Semantic Web

  17. 知识管理创新系统性初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Knowledge Management Innovation System

  18. 通过对分析系统变量、系统变量间的关系以及系统运行的回溯链路分析和关键路径分析等,构建知识创新工程系统运行模型;

    Through analysis of system variables , system variables and the relationship between the operating system analysis and critical path analysis back links , a knowledge innovation project system operating model ;

  19. 本文系国家社会科学基金项目基于Wiki的知识共享与创新服务系统实现研究(项目批准号07BTQ012)的主要研究成果。

    This dissertation presented the major research achievements of project " Research on Wiki-based knowledge sharing and innovation service system ", which is supported by the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation ( Grant No.07BTQ012 ) .

  20. 面向可拓知识集成的创新设计系统研究

    Research on Innovative Design System-oriented to Extension Knowledge Integration

  21. 知识经济与国家创新系统

    The Knowledge Economy and the National Innovation System

  22. 知识联盟是国家创新系统中知识流动的有效组织模式。

    Knowledge alliances are the effective organization mode of knowledge flow in national innovation system .

  23. 知识创新是一项系统工程。

    Knowledge innovation is a systematic project .

  24. 站在哲学的高度上来谈知识创新能力的构成系统,是很有价值的,对大学生的培养具有指导意义。

    It is of much value and significance to consider the construct of knowledge innovation ability for development of college students from philosophical perspective .

  25. 建立了科技成果转化知识整合与创新的系统动力学模型,并进行了实证的研究。6.对科技成果转化知识管理效果进行了评价。

    Based on the analysis the mechanism of knowledge integration and innovation in the TSTA , built the system dynamic model of knowledge integration and innovation in the TSTA , and carried on the practical study . Finally , carried out effect appraisal of the knowledge management of the TSTA .

  26. 随着信息和知识经济的迅猛发展,知识对区域创新系统创新和经济活动及产出的作用逐渐增强。

    With the rapid development of the information and knowledge economy , the role of knowledge on the innovation and economic activities as well as outputs of Regional Innovation System increased gradually .

  27. 国家创新体系是由与知识创新和技术创新相关的机构和组织构成的网络系统,主要包括知识创新系统、技术创新系统、知识传播系统和知识应用系统。

    The National Innovation System is a network which consists of knowledge innovation system , technology innovation system , knowledge communication system and knowledge application system .

  28. 首先介绍了区域创新系统的概念以及构成要素,然后讲述了区域创新系统中的知识管理问题,而且还分析了知识管理对区域创新系统的作用。

    The article first introduces the region innovation system concept as well as the integrant part , then narrates knowledge management question in the region innovation system , moreover also analysis the contribution of the knowledge management to sharpen the region innovation systems .