
  • 网络business intelligence;Business intelligent
  1. 数据层(DataLayer)包含商业智能的数据存储。

    The Data Layer contains the Business Intelligence data stores .

  2. 商业智能(BusinessIntelligence)已经进化为包括越来越多的数据分析技术。

    Business Intelligence has evolved to include more and more data analytic technologies .

  3. Office在医院商业智能中的应用

    The application of office in hospital 's business brainpower

  4. 可预见的伸缩能力以及没有限制是商业智能(BusinessIntelligence)平台的关键标准。

    The ability to scale predictably and without limits is a key criterion for a Business Intelligence platform .

  5. ERP系统与商业智能的集成应用研究

    Research on integrated technology of ERP and business intelligence

  6. 基于商业智能技术优化ERP系统的应用研究

    Optimizes the ERP System 's Applied Research Based on the Commercial Intelligence Technology

  7. 本文结合现有的ERP软件,对ERP软件进行二次开发,在ERP软件之上构建商业智能。

    This dissertation realizes business intelligence function by secondary development of ERP software .

  8. 商业智能(Businessintelligence,BI)系统在新的市场竞争环境下能发挥重要作用。

    Business Intelligence ( BI ) systems play an important role in the new environment of market competition .

  9. 具有商业智能的中小企业ERP系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of ERP System with Business Intelligence for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  10. 集成层(IntegrationLayer)拥有用于从数据源到商业智能存储库移动和增强数据的技术和过程。

    The Integration Layer owns the technology and processes for moving and enhancing the data from the data sources to Business Intelligence repositories .

  11. 基于Web使用挖掘的个性化服务是目前Web个性化服务中应用和研究的关键技术,Web使用挖掘主要应用于个性化推荐服务,商业智能和Web站点优化。

    The web usage mining could be applied in the personalization service , the commercial intelligence , and improving the structure of the websites .

  12. 基于商业智能技术的我国银行业CRM研究

    Research on Bank CRM Based on Business Intelligence Technologies

  13. SqlServer是一个全面的数据库平台,它使用集成的商业智能工具,提供了企业级的数据管理。

    SQL Server is an all-around database platform , which uses integrated business intelligent tool for enterprise data management .

  14. NetRemoting在商业智能系统中的应用研究

    Research and Application of . Net Remoting in Business Intelligence System Web

  15. 3G时代下商业智能的辅助运营研究

    Business Intelligence Supporting Operations Research in 3G Era

  16. BI实践的趋势商业智能分析技术,显示了在正确方向的变化。

    Trends in BI practices and in analytic technologies show movement in the right direction .

  17. 本文旨在阐述商业智能的含义,商业智能的三大核心技术,以及面向Web的商业智能系统的实现。

    This passage mainly talks about the meaning of Business Intelligence , its three key techniques , and the realization of Business Intelligence System based on Web service .

  18. IBMCognosBusinessIntelligence是一个基于Web的商业智能解决方案,包含集成报告、分析、记分卡和事件管理特性。

    IBM Cognos Business Intelligence is a Web-based business intelligence solution with integrated reporting , analysis , score-carding , and event management features .

  19. 很多商业智能工具都针对关系结构作了优化,所以将经常被查询的XML数据分解到关系列中可以提高效率。

    Many business intelligence tools are optimized to support relational structures , so shredding frequently queried XML data into relational columns can be quite effective .

  20. 基于OLAP的商业智能系统研究及应用

    Study and Application Business Intelligence System Based on OLAP

  21. 在这种行业背景下,商业智能(Businessintelligence,以下简称BI)开始进入电信行业。

    In this industry context , the Business Intelligence ( Business Intelligence , hereinafter referred to as BI ) began to enter the telecommunications industry .

  22. BI是商业智能;

    BI is Business Intelligence .

  23. 商业智能架构的存储库层(RepositoryLayer)定义了用于在DB2中存储结构化数据和元数据的函数和服务。

    The Repository Layer of the Business Intelligence Framework defines the functions and services to store structured data and meta data within DB2 .

  24. 然后对Oracle、IBM、MicroSoft这三大商业智能解决方案进行了比较,主要是在技术层面上的比较。

    Then , we compare three big Business Intelligence solutions of Oracle , IBM and Microsoft mainly on the technical level .

  25. 基于商业智能的BOM自动生成方法的研究

    Automatic Constitution Method of BOM Based on BI

  26. 简化并加速商业智能、主数据管理和面向服务架构(SOA)计划的数据和整合设计。

    Simplify and accelerate data and integration design for Business Intelligence , Master Data Management and Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) initiatives .

  27. IBMInfoSphereMetadataWorkbench为InformationServer提供关键的元数据显示和探索功能,支持建模和商业智能化元数据资产。

    IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench offers key metadata visualization and exploration capabilities for Information Server , modeling , and business intelligence metadata assets .

  28. 浅谈商业智能发展方向数据仓库对ERP应用的支持多范式ERP智商推断方法及法医学应用

    One direction of MI Development Data Warehousing based on ERP Evaluation of Intelligence Quotient Using Multi-Paradigm ERP and Its Application in Forensic Identification

  29. 商业智能(BusinessIntelligence,BI)是对于大量数据的收集和分析,以便洞悉如何驱动战略性和策略性商业决策。

    Business Intelligence ( BI ) is the gathering and analysis of vast amounts of data in order to gain insights that drive strategic and tactical business decisions .

  30. 商业智能已经成为ERP系统功能拓展的一个主要方面。

    It is a true case that the business intelligence already turns into a key aspect in terms of functional expansion for ERP system .