
zhī shí chǎn yè
  • knowledge industry
  1. 中学后教育知识产业时代的大学领导与院校研究

    Presidential leadership in an emerging postsecondary knowledge industry and institutional research

  2. 发展气象知识产业的对策与思考

    The Countermeasure and Thinking about Meteorological Knowledge Industry Development

  3. 随着信息化与知识产业的到来,越来越多的信息通过Internet进行传输。

    With the advent of information technology and knowledge industries , more and more information is generally transmitted through the Internet .

  4. 论21世纪上海市发展的新概念&构建知识产业与人才高地

    On the New Concept of Shanghai Development in 21st Century

  5. 知识产业化与产业知识化&海湾地区可持续发展的问题与对策

    Problem and Countermeasures of sustainable development in the Gulf Area

  6. 知识产业与知识职业

    Knowledge as an Industry and Knowledge as a Job

  7. 知识产业税收政策体系的优化设计

    On the Reshuffling of Taxation System in Knowledge Industry

  8. 该报告推荐印度应该鼓励企业间更有力的竞争,把新的知识产业化,并促进为穷人和基层企业的研发工作。它呼吁给新技术企业更多的早期资助。

    The report also calls for more early-stage funding for new technology enterprises .

  9. 中美高校知识产业化影响因素的比较和启示

    Comparison between Chinese and American Universities ' Knowledge Industrialization

  10. 中国知识产业发展的战略分析

    Analysis About Development of China 's Knowledge Industry

  11. 知识产业结构初探

    Preliminary Exploration of the Structure of Knowledge Industry

  12. 知识产业化的内涵及重要意义

    The Intension and Significance of Knowledge Industrialization

  13. 促进知识产业化,产业知识化

    Urging Knowledge Industrialization and Industry Knowledgeable

  14. 而今,诸如电脑软件和工程之类的知识产业相比更加受人们关注。

    These days , knowledge industries such as computer software and engineering are more carefully watched .

  15. 新增长理论为我们提供了理解知识产业化的新视点。

    New Economic Growth Theory set up a new eyeshot for us to understand knowledge industrialization .

  16. 21世纪,世界经济运行的重心将转向现代金融业和知识产业。

    21st century will shift the focus of world economy to modern finance and intellectual property rights .

  17. 它们还致力于吸引知识产业,并鼓励创业以增加人均收入和人均经济产出。

    They have also worked to attract knowledge-based industries and encourage entrepreneurship increasing incomes and output per head .

  18. 旅游业、低碳能源、创意产业、高科技和知识产业如今享受着非常有利的竞争条件。

    Tourism , low carbon energy , the creative sector , high-tech and knowledge industries now enjoy competitive conditions .

  19. 与其他产业不同,知识产业既具有私人性又具有直接的社会性,这决定了它特殊的运作机理。

    Different from other industries . the knowledge industry has both individuality and sociality , determining its special operation mechanisms .

  20. 知识产业由于其产业的特殊性,与传统的工业、农业有较大的区别。

    The knowledge industry is greatly different from the traditional industry and agriculture for the particularity of the knowledge industry .

  21. 由于出色的高等教育体系和其孵化的知识产业,澳大利亚继续收获经济利益。

    It went on to reap the economic benefits of an excellent higher-education system and the knowledge industries this spawned .

  22. 各国都高度重视高新技术知识产业的发展,重视高科技对本国经济的推动作用。

    All the countries have paid more attention on high-tech industry development , and high-tech promotion to the domestic economy development .

  23. 在知识产业的整体结构中,笔译和口译占据了重要的位置。

    FIT President Krawutschke that the translation and interpretation industry formed a crucial segment of the emerging " knowledge industry " .

  24. 大众化高等教育推动下的传统就业观和知识产业问题受到冲击,值得重新审视。

    Thirdly , the traditional view of employment and intellective production should be reconsidered in the circumstance of mass higher education .

  25. 从1962年知识产业概念的提出到1994年点明知识经济的概念是20世纪科学技术迅猛发展的结果。

    From 1962 to 1994 , the development of the sci-technology caused the concept of Knowledge Economy to be adopted by .

  26. 立法促进大学知识产业化的作用透视&发达国家的实践与经验借鉴

    Study on Promoting the Development of Knowledge Industrialization by Legislation : Practices , Successful Experience in Developed Countries and its Enlightenments

  27. 气象知识产业的发展对于欠发达地区的山西气象事业则更多的是机遇与挑战。

    The development of meteorological knowledge industry is the chance and challenge for Shanxi meteorological undertaking which located in undeveloped area .

  28. 高等教育产业经历了传统高等教育、大众化高等教育、中学后教育的发展阶段,正在向中学后教育知识产业阶段迈进。

    Higher education experienced traditional higher education , mass higher education , postsecondary , and now it is developing to postsecondary knowledge industry .

  29. 图书馆属于知识产业,对它的功能和运作机理都可以从知识产业的角度进行再认识。

    Library belongs to knowledge industry , and we can rethink its roles and operation mechanisms from the point of view of knowledge industry .

  30. 在国家进行相关政策出台的同时,医院内部在全国范围内兴起了一门新兴知识产业即医院的全成本核算。

    In the national related policies at the same time , the internal nationwide in an emerging knowledge industry namely hospital total cost accounting .