
  • 网络Sunrise industry
  1. 作为衍生很广的新兴产业,动漫产业能促进GDP,成为使区域经济增长和促进产业转换的朝阳产业。

    Derivative is widely emerging industry , animation industry can promote GDP , to become the regional economic growth and to promote industrial transformation of the sunrise industry .

  2. 尽管人们十分关注PE行业,但因该行业还是一个处于发展期的朝阳产业,相关实践探索和理论研究还存有许多不足。

    Despite the PE industry is very concerned , but the industry is a sunrise industry in the development of the relevant practical and theoretical study to explore a number of deficiencies also exist .

  3. 银发产业其实是未来的朝阳产业。

    The silver-haired industry is actually an emerging industry .

  4. 因为这是一个朝阳产业,MBA的声望还没有真正建立起来。

    Because this is an early industry , the cachet of an MBA is not really there .

  5. 旅游业是国际公认的朝阳产业,伴随着中国加入WTO和2008年奥运会的临近,青岛旅游业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Tourism industry is a generally recognized rising sun industry , and with China 's entry into WTO and the incoming Olympic Games Qingdao 2008 , the Qingdao tourist industry is faced with an unprecedented opportunity and challenge .

  6. 而企业集团IP分布式呼叫中心系统则是最近出现的朝阳产业,它给企业带来了新的机遇和运行模式,提升了企业的产出效率,降低了企业的运作成本。

    The Enterprise Group of Distributed IP call center system is the recent rising industry , it brings to the enterprise with new opportunities and operating mode , the output of the enterprise to enhance efficiency , reduce operating costs of enterprises .

  7. 健康产业是充满活力的朝阳产业

    The Health Industry Will Be a Rising-sun Industry Full of Vitality

  8. 文化产业是当今世界最具发展潜力的朝阳产业。

    Cultural industry is the world 's most promising sunrise industry .

  9. 旅游业是朝阳产业,具有强大的生命力和发展潜力。

    Tourism is a sun-rising industry with great vitality and prospect .

  10. 有人称旅游业是永远的朝阳产业。

    It is said to be a forever rising sun industry .

  11. 网络游戏产业是一个新兴的朝阳产业。

    The online game industry is an emerging sunrise industry .

  12. 服装行业永远是一个朝阳产业。

    Clothing field is a prosperous industry all the way .

  13. 城市生活垃圾产业是一种可持续发展的朝阳产业。

    Urban rubbish - processing industry is a rising industry .

  14. 动漫产业被称为21世纪的朝阳产业。

    Animation industry is known as the sunrise industry in twenty-first Century .

  15. 网络信息服务业是一种新型的朝阳产业。

    The web-based information service is a new rising industry .

  16. 当前,旅游业已成为世界公认的新兴朝阳产业。

    Currently , tourism has become a world-acknowledged rising industry .

  17. 工程机械设备租赁是朝阳产业还是夕阳产业

    Either a Sunlit Industry or a Sunset Industry Is the Construction Machinery Leasing

  18. 朝阳产业:京郊农业旅游

    A Sunrise Industry : Agricultural Tourism at Suburban Areas

  19. 动漫产业被视为21世纪最有希望的朝阳产业之一,各国政府纷纷从经济、文化、社会等层面高度重视并积极推动原创。

    The animation industry is regarded as sunrise industry in the 21st century .

  20. 文化产业是二十一世纪的朝阳产业、支柱产业之一。

    Cultural industry is one of sunrise and pillar industries in 21st century .

  21. 动漫是近几年来最具魅力的朝阳产业之一。

    Animation is one of the most charming industries in the recent years .

  22. 我国体育产业还是一个新兴的朝阳产业。

    The athletics industry of our country is still a new rising industry .

  23. 水务行业是一个朝阳产业,中国的水处理市场更是一个商机巨大的市场。

    China has a marketplace of water treatment with a great business opportunity .

  24. 旅游业被称为朝阳产业,无烟产业。

    Tourism is considered " Sunshine Industry " or " Smokeless Industry " .

  25. 家具产业是常青产业、朝阳产业、文化创意产业。

    Furniture industry is evergreen industries , sunrise industry , cultural and creative industries .

  26. 版权产业是一个朝阳产业。

    Copyright industry is a ' sunrising industry .

  27. 21世纪的朝阳产业&生态资源培育维护业

    Cultivation and Maintenance Industry of Ecological Resources & A Sunrise Industry in 21st Century

  28. 旅游业是世界上发展最快的新兴产业和朝阳产业之一。

    Tourism industry is one of the emerging and sunrise industries in the world .

  29. 在高新科学技术的推动下,文化产业已成为一种新兴的朝阳产业。

    Propelled by the high-technology , the cultural industry has become a booming industry .

  30. 民航业是中国的朝阳产业,富有无限活力和挑战。

    Civil aviation is a " sunrise industry ", full of vitality and challenge .