
cháo xiān
  • Korea
朝鲜[cháo xiān]
  1. 在朝鲜作战的5,000名美国士兵现在仍然下落不明。

    5,000 American servicemen who fought in Korea are still unaccounted for

  2. 朝鲜一直是西方主要大国威胁和诋毁的目标。

    Korea has been a target of threats and slanders from the major western powers .

  3. 他刚获得飞行资格,朝鲜战争就爆发了。

    He had no sooner got his wings than the Korean conflict broke out .

  4. 他说在非军事区两边仍然有数以千计的韩国和朝鲜军人用枪互相瞄准对方。

    He said thousands of Koreans still levelled guns at one another along the demilitarised zone between them .

  5. 中国与朝鲜的边界已正式划定了。

    The border between China and Korea has been formally delimited .

  6. 朝鲜和中国只隔一条鸭绿江。

    Korea and China are separated by only the Yalu River .

  7. 我国东部跟朝鲜接壤,跟日本邻近。

    In the east , our country adjoins Korea and is close to Japan .

  8. 中国东部与朝鲜接壤,同日本邻近。

    In the east , china adjoins DPRK and is close to japan .

  9. 在朝鲜投射导弹、进行核装置实验后他们增加了对其的经济抵制。

    They increased economic actions against North Korea after it launched missiles and tested a nuclear device .

  10. 人们数百年来千方百计搜寻的中国东北和朝鲜的野山参现在几乎绝迹了。

    The wild ginseng of Manchuria and korea , hunted assiduously for centuries , is now all but extinct .

  11. 除了这些用来暗度陈仓的专用线路,朝鲜铁路的主要功用是十分平常的。

    Despite the subterfuge of the private lines , the majority of North Korean railway activity is pretty mundane .

  12. 朝鲜努力使经济特区得以运作,这可以缓解朝鲜半岛的紧张局势,同时也是在试探性地缓和平壤和华盛顿间的关系。

    The north 's push to make the zones work coincides with an easing in tensions on the divided peninsula and tentative signs of detente between Pyongyang and washington .

  13. 而我们的校舍原本是二战、朝鲜战争、越战时期的实习医院,直到我们两周的适应期过完后,我们当中的一个人才发现校舍的形状像个“H”。

    But our schoolhouse was in what used to be the old training hospital during WWII , the Korean War , and then Vietnam . It wasn 't until those two weeks of adaptation had passed that one of my guys made the observation that the building was shaped like an H.

  14. 朝鲜的贫乏几乎和其好战一样可怕。

    North korea 's indigence is almost as scary as its belligerence .

  15. 不过对朝鲜来说,决不妥协是其一贯作风。

    Yet for North Korea , intransigence is the norm .

  16. 让中国处理朝鲜问题冒有最大的战略风险。

    Taking on China over North Korea option entailing the most strategic risk .

  17. 朝鲜半岛在日本以西。

    Korean peninsula lies to the west of Japan .

  18. 我们结束了朝鲜战争。

    We ended the Korean war .

  19. 朝鲜看上去像是毛时代中央集权的中国的怪诞模仿,其体制恰恰是北京方面已经抛弃的。

    North Korea looks like a grotesque parody of Mao 's centrally controlled China , precisely the sort of system that Beijing has left behind .

  20. 朝鲜中央电视台报道,该国已于周三清晨成功试射一枚最新研发的洲际弹道导弹。

    The Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) successfully test fired a newly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile early Wednesday morning , the country 's Korean Central Television reported .

  21. 同时还讨论了文字复杂性的来源以及OFFLINE手写体朝鲜文字识别的一种策略。

    The source of character complexity and a strategy of off line handwritten Korean character recognition are also discussed .

  22. 本着这一精神,朝鲜还宣称已经研发出了自己的计算机操作系统“红星”(RedStar)——看起来是模仿了苹果(Apple)的MacOSX。

    In this spirit , thecountry has also said it developed its own computer operating system , Red Star , which appears to mimic Apple 's Mac OS X.

  23. 另外,在这支上面提到的海流路径上31°N附近有时会出现逆流,这主要受对马暖流流入朝鲜海峡的流量大小控制。

    Sometimes a countercurrent appears on the path of the above mentioned current near 31 ° N , which is mainly controled by the flow of the Tsushima Current passing through the Korea Strait .

  24. 有一半以上的MαCS在海洋之上消散;只有少数的MαCS对朝鲜半岛有影响。

    More than half of M α CSs dissipated over the Pacific Ocean , and there was few M α CSs influencing on the Korea Peninsula .

  25. 朝鲜周日严厉谴责了美国对其实施的最新制裁,重申该国未参与针对索尼电影(SonyPictures)的网络攻击,并称美国此举是充满敌意的高压手段。

    North Korea has blasted the US for imposing fresh sanctions against it , reiterating its denial of involvement in a cyber attack on Sony Pictures and calling the US move hostile and repressive .

  26. 延边地区朝鲜族及汉族人群PGC-1基因单体型研究

    Haplotype study of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor - γ coactivator 1 for Korean-Chinese nationality and Han-Chinese nationality in Yanbian area

  27. 美联社(AssociatedPress)参加了时长90分钟的庭审。据该社报道,米勒被控心怀不轨,试图调查朝鲜一监狱在押人员的状况。为了迫使朝鲜方面逮捕他,还撕毁了自己的签证。

    The Associated Press , present at the 90-minute trial , said that Mr Miller was accused of having the wild ambition to spend time in a North Korean prison to investigate the conditions of inmates , and tearing up his visa to force his arrest .

  28. 在简报中,Kelly称,如果朝鲜同意重返六方会谈,美国希望能够与朝鲜坐下来进行对话。但是随后他说这仅仅是推论。

    Kelly at one point in the briefing said the United States would sit down with North Korea if it agreed to return to the nuclear talks , but later called such a scenario speculative .

  29. 华盛顿&一名白宫官员在周四表示,政府正在考虑对入侵索尼电影娱乐公司(SonyPictures)电脑的黑客做出适当回应,反击行动可能会使美国陷入与朝鲜的直接对抗之中。

    WASHINGTON & A White House official said on Thursday that the administration was considering a proportional response against those who hacked into Sony Pictures computers , a retaliation that could thrust the United States into a direct confrontation with North Korea .

  30. BBC新闻–尽管朝鲜对大多数外国游客闭关锁国,但颇有讽刺意味的是,它或许成了东亚–大洋洲这条世界最重要的国际候鸟迁徙路线的救星。

    BBC News - Despite being closed to most foreigner visitors , North Korea may ironically be the saviour of one of the world 's greatest international migration routes - the avian East Asian Australasian Flyway .