
cháo dài
  • dynasty
朝代 [cháo dài]
  • [dynasty] 建立国号的帝王世代相传的整个统治时代

朝代[cháo dài]
  1. n.历史学家这位历史学家写了一本书,揭开该朝代神秘的面纱。

    historian This historian wrote a book , revealing the mysteries of the dynasty .

  2. 在什么朝代时,马可波罗来到了中国?

    In Which Chinese dynasty , Marco Polo came to China ?

  3. 尽管秦朝只持续了15年,但是它在中国历史上扮演着重要角色,对后续朝代产生了重大影响。

    Although lasting2 only for 15 years , it played an important role in Chinese history and exerted a great influence on the following dynasties .

  4. 在我心中乔老爷永远是NBA中的NUMBERONE,这一点不会因为时间的流失而淡忘、更不会因为NBA朝代的不同而改变,永远鲜明于今天。

    Michael Jordan in my heart will always be NUMBER ONE in the NBA , This will not forget the loss of time , More will not change the different dynasties NBA , Always clear-cut today .

  5. 那是一个短暂而阴暗的朝代,在那场你争我夺的战争里,欧洲最强盛的多民族政府,从Vienna到Budapest,横跨11个民族的君主制国家未能幸免于难。

    It was a short and gloomy reign , in a botched war that left Europe 's most successful multinational state , the 11-nation monarchy run from Vienna and Budapest , beyond saving .

  6. 关于中国的历史朝代,大致有这几个时期。

    Chinese historical periods can be divided into four major ones .

  7. 从古至今,每个朝代都有自己的国家安全战略。

    In all ages , every dynasty has its safety strategy .

  8. 这个新朝代被分为两个历史时期。

    The new dynasty has been divided into two historical periods .

  9. 我总记不住哪个朝代后面是哪个朝代。

    I can never remember which dynasty came after which .

  10. 秦朝是短暂的朝代,但又是极重要的朝代。

    The Qin Dynasty was short-lived , but particularly important .

  11. 中国古代的科举制度是从哪一个朝代开始实行的?

    From which dynasty did ancient China 's Imperial Examination System start ?

  12. 英国女王伊丽莎白一世光辉的日子、年代、朝代等

    The glorious days , years , reign , etc of Elizabeth I

  13. 洛阳曾是中国中古时期数个朝代的首都。

    Luoyang was once the capital for several dynasties in ancient China .

  14. 安阳是中国第一个朝代的首都。

    Anyang is the capital of china 's first dynasty .

  15. 谁会指责我推翻他这小小的朝代呢?

    Now , who 's gonna fault me for breaking up a dynasty ?

  16. 那里看上去就象是不同朝代的书法家的书法作品的收藏室。

    It seems like a boxroom of handwriting of calligrapher in different dynasty .

  17. 甚至元朝代的皇帝服从你。

    Even the emperor of Yuan Dynasty obeys you .

  18. 请问这个地方是什么朝代修建的?

    Excuse me , what dynasty construct this place ?

  19. 五帝时期是中国正式朝代建立前之代称

    The Period before Formal Chinese Dynasties Began Was Called Five - Lord Period

  20. 明代是铸造铁狮子最多的朝代。

    Most of them were cast in Ming dynasty .

  21. 辽朝和金朝是我国历史上两个重要的朝代。

    Liao Dynasty and Jill are in OUr country history two important dynasty .

  22. 再接着就是中国古代最鼎盛的朝代&唐代。

    And then it was ancient China 's most prosperous period-the Tang Dynasty .

  23. 纸币的使用最早出现在中国哪一个朝代?

    When was paper currency first used in China ?

  24. 儒学社会中存在着某种超越于诸朝代之上的有关王朝的角色设置即王朝角色。

    There is a role arranged for the dynasty in the Chinese traditional society .

  25. 并历经朝代更替而不断强化。

    And continued to strengthen by each dynasty .

  26. 他们说你可以在这些园林中看到4个不同朝代的形式。

    They say you can see the styles of four dynasties in those gardens .

  27. 封建制朝代监狱立法特征探微

    A Study on Prison Legislation in Feudal Society

  28. 后来的朝代在一些雕像上添加的鲜艳涂料又变得清晰可见了。

    On some statues , vivid paint added during later dynasties is visible again .

  29. 从朝代的更替中,我可以看到文明的进步。

    I can see the progress of civilization from the changes of these dynasties .

  30. 在中国古代,每一个朝代都有一代之文学独领风骚。

    In ancient China , every dynasty had a generation of the literature dominate .