
  • 网络Marrakesh;Marrakech;Hivernage;Marakech
  1. 我被马拉喀什露天市场的浪漫情调和异域风情深深地吸引了。

    I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech .

  2. WTO成立之后,《马拉喀什协定》规定可与非政府组织进行咨询,从而为非政府组织的参与提供了一定的法律依据。

    Only after establishment of the WTO , does Marrakech Agreement allow the WTO consult with NGOs , which provides the legal basis for the participation of NGOs .

  3. 旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。

    The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh .

  4. 从马拉喀什(Marrakech)到火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu),这只头戴红色蝴蝶结的小猫在各种玩具展览中广受欢迎。

    From Marrakech to Honolulu , the ubiquitous red-ribboned cat now stands top-tier in any toy display .

  5. “我们会在里斯本(Lisbon)吃晚餐,第二天却不知怎么回事就发现自己正飞往马拉喀什(Marrakesh),”他说。

    We 'll be at dinner in Lisbon and somehow we find ourselves flying to Marrakesh the next day , ' he says .

  6. 我们会在里斯本(Lisbon)吃晚餐,第二天却不知怎么回事就发现自己正飞往马拉喀什(Marrakesh),他说。

    ' We 'll be at dinner in Lisbon and somehow we find ourselves flying to Marrakesh the next day , ' he says .

  7. 又高又白的艾哈迈德(Achmed)和又矮又黑、还留着小胡子的穆斯塔法(Mustafa)半路走进了我从马拉喀什(Marrakech)到非斯(Fez)的车厢。

    Tall , fair-skinned Achmed and short , swarthy , moustachioed Mustafa entered my cabin midway between Marrakech and Fez .

  8. 我可以在马拉喀什的德吉玛广场(Djemaael-FnaSquare)度过每一个傍晚。

    I could spend weeks at the Hermitage in St. Petersburg , and I could spend every late afternoon at the Djemaa el-Fna Square in Marrakesh .

  9. 我不想承认我选择马拉喀什只是因为美国民谣合唱团体“Crosby,Stills&Nash”的一首歌,而我到非斯旅行则是因为滑稽帽子。

    I didn 't want to admit I chose Marrakech because of a Crosby , Stills & Nash song and that I was travelling to Fez because of the funny hats .

  10. 坎贝尔夫妇谈到了他们上个月的冒险之旅。当时,夫妇俩正准备在他们最近租的马拉喀什(Marrakesh)那套宽敞的庭院式住宅(riad,摩洛哥的一种传统建筑形式——译注)中安顿下来。

    The Campbells were discussing their adventures last month while settling into their latest home on the road , a spacious riad in Marrakesh .

  11. 自从成为会员后,她交换过四次房子,其中有一次换到了位于摩洛哥马拉喀什(Marrakesh)的房子,业主是弗朗索瓦·列斐伏尔(FrançoiseLefebvre),她和戈列一样对美食感兴趣。

    She has made four swaps since becoming a member , including one in Marrakesh , Morocco , with Fran ç oise Lefebvre , who shares her interest in food .

  12. 摩洛哥马拉喀什的JemaaelFna广场:食品摊位当太阳升起,随着人群聚集到一起唱歌、跳舞以及吃东西时,这个中心广场就开始生气勃勃了。

    Jemaa el Fna Square , Marrakech , Morocco : Food stalls When the sun begins to set , this central square comes to life as crowds gather to sing , dance & and eat .

  13. 自从成为会员后,她交换过四次房子,其中有一次换到了位于摩洛哥马拉喀什(Marrakesh)的房子,业主是弗朗索瓦·列斐伏尔(Fran&231;oiseLefebvre),她和戈列一样对美食感兴趣。

    She has made four swaps since becoming a member , including one in Marrakesh , Morocco , with Fran & # 231 ; oise Lefebvre , who shares her interest in food .

  14. 最新的街头时尚明星被拍到在Balthazar和Nobu餐厅用餐,在巴尼斯百货(Barneys)购物,在马拉喀什和纳帕瓦利度假,在伦敦观看芭蕾舞剧。

    The newest street-style fashion star has been photographed dining at Balthazar and Nobu , shopping at Barneys , vacationing in Marrakesh and the Napa Valley and going to the ballet in London .

  15. 马拉喀什手工制作的超大圆形黄铜枝形吊灯;

    an oversize round brass chandelier , handmade in Marrakesh ;

  16. 我们在坐汽车去马拉喀什途中迷路了。

    We got lost on a motor jaunt to marrakesh .

  17. 《国际牛肉协定》1994年4月15日订于马拉喀什。

    The International Bovine Meat Agreement done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994 .

  18. 我认为可爱的马拉喀什是一个休养胜地,在这里,我能够恢复体力。

    I saw in my beloved Marrakesh a haven where I could regain my strength .

  19. 在马拉喀什一个收留被遗弃儿童的中心里,那些孩子们在跟看门者一起玩耍唱歌。

    At this center for abandoned children in Marrakech , kids play and sing with caretakers .

  20. 今年榜上北京排第四,布拉格第五,摩洛哥的马拉喀什第六。

    Fourth on this year 's list was Beijing , with Prague fifth and Marrakech in Morocco sixth .

  21. 瑟法蒂在南部城市马拉喀什的一架诊所去世,他的妻子克莉丝汀-多里·瑟法蒂说。

    Serfaty died in a clinic in the southern city of Marrakech , his wife Christine-Daure Serfaty said .

  22. 今天,她所处在的位置和丰富的文化传统,使马拉喀什市成为在北非的旅游热门之首选地。

    Its location and rich cultural traditions make it one of the hottest tourist destinations in North Africa today .

  23. 我最喜欢的旅游目的地是马拉喀什和圣彼得堡,两个完全不同的城市,但是在这两个城市我从来都不会厌倦。

    My favorite destinations are Marrakesh and St. Petersburg ─ two completely different cities , but I can never get enough of each .

  24. 拉巴特皇宫的庆祝活动原订四月在马拉喀什举行,如今延至七月十二日才开始。

    Celebrations of the Rabat Royal Palace were originally scheduled to take place in Marrakech in April , but have now been postponed to July 12 .

  25. 不管我们的旅行计划是搭乘马拉喀什快车还是跟随披头士的脚步前往印度,欧洲都不过是一个起点。

    Europe was just the jumping-off point , whether we were planning on riding the Marrakesh Express or following the Beatles all the way to India .

  26. 这项成果发表在了最新一期的《营养学杂志》上,昨天(12月5日)在摩洛哥马拉喀什举行的国际农业研究咨询团年会上,科学家介绍了这一成果。

    The findings , published in the latest issue of the Journal of Nutrition , were presented yesterday ( 5 December ) at the annual CGIAR meeting in Marrakech , Morocco .

  27. 最终决定很可能取决于此前卡恩与奥布里在摩洛哥城市马拉喀什达成的一项协议卡恩在那里拥有一套豪宅。

    The ultimate decision may well come down to a pact Mr Strauss-Khan made with MS Aubry in the Moroccan city of Marrakech , where Mr Strauss-Kahn owns a luxurious home .

  28. 在《联合国气候变化框架公约》各缔约方的努力下,2001年底在马拉喀什召开的第七次缔约方会议上达成的《马拉喀什协议》,为《京都议定书》的生效铺平了道路。

    Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have made great effort at COP 7 held in Marrakech at the end of 2001 , to reach the agreement-Marrakech Accord .

  29. 摩洛克位于非洲北部地区,被称为通往非洲的一扇大门,主要旅游城市包括首都拉巴特、最大城市卡萨布兰卡、马拉喀什以及阿加迪尔市。

    Morocco is a gateway to Africa . Major tourism cities in the North African kingdom include the capital of Rabat , Casablanca - the country 's largest city - Marrakesh and Agadir .

  30. 对于圣罗兰在诺曼底、巴黎和马拉喀什的住宅,葛兰许和圣罗兰往往会在一开始依据某个人物、画作或小说设计一个场景,或故事情节。

    For the homes in Normandy , Paris and Marrakesh , Grange and Saint Laurent would often start by devising a scenario , or storyline , based on references to a person , painting or novel .