
mǎ qí dùn yǔ
  • Macedonian language
  1. 母语是马其顿语,一种南斯拉夫人的语言。

    The mother tongue is Macedonian , a South Slavic language .

  2. 添加保加利亚语、白俄罗斯语、马其顿语、俄语、塞尔维亚语和乌克兰语等语言支持。

    Adds Bulgarian , Belarusian , Macedonian , Russian , Serbian , and Ukrainian language support .

  3. 他们都是穆斯林,居住在偏僻的南部村庄,讲的是接近塞尔维亚语和马其顿语的一种语言。

    They are Muslims , living in villages in the remote south and speaking a language close to Serbian and Macedonian .

  4. “牛头,”他说,其后又转为马其顿语这种真挚和爱的语言,“牛头,牛头。”

    " Oxhead ," he said , falling into Macedonian , the speech of truth and love . " Boukephalas , Boukephalas . "

  5. 马其顿语和汉语的结构类型也不同,马其顿语属于屈折语,汉语属于词根语。

    Also in Macedonian and Chinese the language structure are different , Macedonian belongs in the group of inflected language , while the Chinese belongs to the group of isolated language .

  6. 马其顿语与汉语时态比较研究,以前还没有人做过,本论文是首次尝试比较研究这两种语言的时态系统。

    The comparative study of tense category between Macedonian and Chinese has not been done before ; this thesis is the first attempt to compare the tense system in those two languages .

  7. 斯拉夫语印欧语系的一支,包括保加利亚语、白俄罗斯语、捷克语、马其顿语、波兰语、俄语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、乌克兰语和文德语。

    A branch of the Indo-European language family that includes bulgarian , belorussian , czech , macedonian , polish , russian , serbo-croatian , slovak , slovene , ukrainian , and wendish .